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Showing most liked content on 05/21/20 in all areas

  1. 1 like
    Hi everyone Below are all the suggestions for future features I could think of. • NPC Gossips Being able to interact with NPCs with gossip dialog boxes, being able to set gossip options, change the option icons, bind scripts to options, change the background of gossip dialog boxes. • NPC Formations Being able to have NPCs walk in formations, similar to retail. Have guards walk together with the same distance from eachother, maintaining it at all times while they follow a waypoint. • NPC Scripting Being able to make NPCs do several actions in a programmed manner upon triggering (such as a gossip option). Example: make npc say "Welcome!", play wave emote, wait 1 second, make npc walk to waypoint • Book Items Being able to create book items (.lookup book?) that are custom items you can read in your inventory. • Book Objects Being able to create book objects that can be read upon clicking on them. • Chest Objects Being able to create chest objects that can be looted (.look chest?) to pick items up. Perhaps also put items in? • Points of Interest Being able to place named landmarks that show up on the minimap. There are a lot of these in the game files. • Sign Objects Being able to create objects (.look sign?) that display their name once you hover over them. • Key Items Being able to create items to go with locked door objects to open them. EXTRA SUGGESTIONS: Have .npc turn/face play the side shuffle animation on NPCs. Make a version of each chair and door object that is not clickable (or in alternative, .gobj set clickable).
  2. 1 like
    Great ideas actually. Would make phases feel even more alive and bring cool new opportunities.
  3. 1 like
    Hey Staff my suggestion is pretty simple; A command that randomizes the general look on your NPC's such as; hair/facial hair colour, skin colour and face. See it as a faster / more efficient way of making your NPC's look different from one and other.