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Everything posted by DavidTwo

  1. Would be nice if .ph tele worked then, no?
  2. It... looks like NPC forge is capped at 70 total NPCs that you can create. My suggestion is to raise this limit. Unless there's a donor perk in the works to increase it?
  3. I'm more than aware of this. As I also suggested in my own topic; But at the same time, .ph tele is also currently bugged. The benefit of .tele add as well also leads to: It's just something that could've been helpful, but I'm also more than aware at this point that it will not be added in. Sad to say.
  4. He supposedly said it was fixed, but I don't think it's been pushed to the server yet.
  5. 'ey guys. I did a thing. So in Warcraft, there's a separate map ID for each faction's PVP Barracks from Vanilla. There was one for the Old Orgrimmar one. Exiting the barracks has an "un-finished" Orgrimmar City. Well, this place replaces the PVP Barracks WMO as a whole with the Old Orgrimmar .wmo. And since the map ID here /is/ just the PVP Barracks object.... now the map ID here. Is basically. Old Orgrimmar. But... without old Durotar. So I present to you.... The Old Orgrimmar Patch! Download: MegaSync [] **What it does: TL;DR: Replaces old PVP Barracks w/Old Orgrimmar Object.** **Yes, I know there was already an old Orgrimmar OBJECT that is spawnable. But the Barracks had it's own map ID. Replacing the barracks object, therefore, gives Old Orgrimamr it's very own map ID!** To tele to it: .worldport 0 0 0 450 0 To install: Place the "World" folder in your main WoW Directory!
  6. DavidTwo

    .ph tele issues?

    Update. It looks like this is for other teleports. Made one in the Emerald Dream((The Vanilla one)) to my NPC playground and after a restart, it just brings me to Map 0, or as i call it, "Buttfuck nowhere".
  7. Hmm... that's part of the land itself sadly. I mean when I have free time I can experiment with some DB2 edits to see if I can disable something, but no uh. No promises.
  8. FINALLY updated. New Entry IDs added. And if anyone has recommendations for the list, always feel free to respond
  9. Already updated the lists to 7.3, in-case we upgrade swiftly
  10. Actually these are just alternate colors that Blizzard made of the crest but never released. Shame, these colors were pretty awesome back in Patch-P too.
  11. DavidTwo

    .ph tele issues?

    So I build on a map that's practically the old WotLK-era of Stormwind, which has a great bit of flatland. Well, here's the story. I added a .ph tele for some of the areas within my phase on this map. HOWEVER... When I use the teleports now, they bring me to map 0, the default map for Eastern Kingdoms, which is odd. Surely it's because it reads the old SW map as the default EK map? I'm not sure.
  12. Wtb my BGs and Flatlands added as .teles
  13. LegionDungeon: 2104.445 4624.860 281.226 1470 0 ((Not sure if it works on 7.2.5)) Old Zul’gurub: -11916.300 -1264.790 90.599 309 4.712 QuelthalsFlat: 3974.330078 v-2967.987305 132.933411 0 2.088530 GhostlandsFlat: 5375.101562 -7371.721191 0.000015 530 3.174291 HellfireFlat: 5429.850 -2864.350 8.559 1448 0.064 HellfireFlat2: 5025.290 -3124.730 8.559 1448 4.126 ScarletFlat: 657.948 465.481 0 1001 4.351 NetherFlat: 5060.720 -1307.930 60.004 1451 5.641 BlackwingFlat: -7483.460 -260.784 170.517 469 2.389 WEFlat: 2261.623 -4610.930 33.518 939 0.429 StormStoutFlat: -2377.960 1263.170 0.001 961 4.823 ShadoPanFlat: 3932.050 1813.800 904.334 959 1.139 AVFlat: 467.594 373.474 139.185 30 5.932 ABFlat: 306.224 1664.330 143.128 529 1.645 ZulFlat: 761.441 472.932 13.126 209 5.104 StranglethornFlat: -12639.911 -2208.066 55.342 0 2.071 ZAFlat: 436.884 2333.672 0.001 568 5.516 SnowyFlat: 2260.060 172.064 -485.030 602 0.212 DeadminesFlat: -528.711 -393.272 357.808 36 3.386 ABSnowFlat: 306.224 1664.330 143.128 1681 1.645 MagistersFlat: -1864.593 -1802.318 -132.982 585 2.821 DeepholmFlat: 3065.598877 -444.378876 338.983734 646 4.814274 And a list of Flatlands. Now I'm sure I'm missing a lot of other Flatland areas, but this is what I could get for now.
  14. Or do an addon version. Which I think is already happening, if I were to guess. Can I close my own suggestion-.. no? Shame.
  15. .event overview SO what this command would do. Is list events or roleplays currently being hosted. It'll give a phase ID, a small bit of the advertisement, and a "Created by: X"., It doesn't need to show an amount of players. Since I noticed .ph overview was removed, I think .event overview could be a great alternative to finding roleplays currently being hosted. Even do one for guilds being advertised! .guild overview. But only to show what has already been advertised, including a phase ID. Do not include the amount of players within said guild.
  16. Only re-posting this since I haven;t updated it in awhile, and because I have the new list of BGs Also a list of map Ids can be found at http://davidtwodomain.blogspot.com/p/mid-field04-field1c-0-azeroth-eastern.html That is, if you want to take a gander at looking at some other places not listed upon this list. Battlegrounds Arathi Basin: 1017.160 1040.590 -44.903 529 0.325 Alterac Valley: -215.738 -309.394 6.668 30 3.073 Warsong Gulch: 1289.457 1466.143 324.684 489 2.966 Eye of the Storm: 2167.440 1564.110 1159.350 566 0.254 Strand of the Ancients: 1459.200 -50.121 5.236 607 1.153 Old Nagrand Arena: 4050.960 2917.760 13.621 559 0.421 Ring of Valor: 763.127 -281.227 28.277 618 3.405 Blade’s Edge Arena(Old): 6239.000 260.583 11.109 562 5.390 Lordaeron Arena: 1297.250 1579.860 31.613 572 1.722 Isle of Conquest: 774.145 -673.548 6.945 628 4.138 Dalaran Arena: 1291.600 789.669 7.115 617 0.180 Defense Of The Ale House: 919.097 382.351 10.771 1101 3.171 Twin Peaks: 1839.490 317.338 -24.510 726 2.824 Silvershard Mines: 751.994 215.985 320.525 727 0.591 Battle for Gilneas: 1247.510 965.094 6.475 761 2.712 Temple of Kotmogu: 1784.480 1268.990 10.556 998 1.599 Deepwind Gorge: 40.254 633.638 106.890 1105 3.787 HillsbradBG: 2159.000 1225.000 47.300 1280 5.200 TolvironArena: -10720.800 432.819 24.412 980 3.141 Tiger’sPeak: 566.893 634.053 380.704 1134 1.628 NewNagrandArena: -2051.646240 6668.113770 11.360204 1505 2.318522 NewBlade’sEdgeArena: 2790.431152 6005.371094 4.504602 1672 0.076782 Blackrook Hold Arena: 1429.139771 1224.262817 65.119423 1504 1.304540 Snow-y Arathi Basin: 1017.160 1040.590 -44.903 1681 0.325 Non-BG: Old Zul’gurub: -11916.300 -1264.790 90.599 309 4.712 Old Zul’gurub: -11916.300 -1264.790 90.599 309 4.712 QuelthalsFlat: 3974.330078 v-2967.987305 132.933411 0 2.088530 GhostlandsFlat: 5375.101562 -7371.721191 0.000015 530 3.174291 HellfireFlat: 5429.850 -2864.350 8.559 1448 0.064 HellfireFlat2: 5025.290 -3124.730 8.559 1448 4.126 ScarletFlat: 657.948 465.481 0 1001 4.351 NetherFlat: 5060.720 -1307.930 60.004 1451 5.641 BlackwingFlat: -7483.460 -260784 170.517 469 2.389 WEFlat: 2261.623 -4610.930 33.518 939 0.429 StormStoutFlat: -2377.960 1263.170 0.001 961 4.823 ShadoPanFlat: 3932.050 1813.800 904.334 959 1.139 AVFlat: 467.594 373.474 139.185 30 5.932 ABFlat: 306.224 1664.330 143.128 529 1.645 ZulFlat: 761.441 472.932 13.126 209 5.104 StranglethornFlat: -12639.911 -2208.066 55.342 0 2.071 ZAFlat: 436.884 2333.672 0.001 568 5.516 SnowyFlat: 2260.060 172.064 -485.030 602 0.212 DeadminesFlat: -528.711 -393.272 357.808 36 3.386 ABSnowFlat: 306.224 1664.330 143.128 1681w 1.645 MagistersFlat: -1864.593 -1802.318 -132.982 585 2.821 LegionDungeon: 2104.445 4624.860 281.226 1470 0 ((Not sure if it works on 7.2.5))
  17. You don't even need to do an approval system at that point, just naturally give .tele add to players. I don't really see it being abused in truth. What risk do you see?
  18. For someone like myself, .phase forge just seems.. confusing. I'm more of a guy who likes to see it as a visual and edit it real time so I can see the options needed for both races, gender, etc. I know it's LISTED under the phase forge command, but doing it via. the Website CP seems like it could be better for some people. And just as an alternative option. Why not have both?