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Beedril last won the day on January 23 2022

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  1. Fixed! I swear I set the drive permissions properly, but for some reason it reset them ? Anyway, I'll attach the file to this post as well + if you want a reply that's not 4 days later just poke me on Discord instead (Rick#0001) Epsilon_Forge_NPCList.zip
  2. Short: This Forged NPC List is exactly what it says on the tin (+ A bit extra), adding a working NPC list to the NPC Forge tab that shows all the forged NPCs in the phase. It's divided into a phase level and a GUID level, allowing you to see a list of all the forged NPCs in the phase, or specifically all the spawns of a specific NPC. It includes filtering, spawning & deleting. Screenshots: A few more images, including a small guide on all the functionality can be found here: https://imgur.com/a/RmDA45p Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mCYj4tWTy9XAhpUOLT4FUBY5pHU-VaUF/ Installation: Download the zip from the link above, open the zip & drag the Epsilon_Forge_NPCList folder inside into your World of Warcraft/Interface/Addons/ folder for Epsilon, start the game & it should now show up in your Epsilon addon list. Full Functionality: A list of all forged NPCs in a phase The ability to spawn any NPC from this list The ability to delete any NPC from this list (Will completely delete the NPC, including any spawn points!) A secondary list of each GUID found within your phase (Or a message to show that this NPC hasn't been spawned anywhere in your phase) The ability to teleport directly to each GUID The ability to spawn the NPC from this list The ability to delete any specific GUID from this list, deleting only this spawn Filter options for the primary forged list, for both ID & name. 787413 Stormwind Infantry can be found by typing in "741", "Stormwind", "stormwind", & "rMwiND iNF". Whatever your liking! A manual refresh button, so you can hand refresh whenever you or other members of your phase create new NPCs.