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Everything posted by ericgrayfur

  1. On the note of custom transports I wonder if blizzard transports could be customizable. Both for "tours" like the Suramar gondola and for map change.
  2. I wonder if custom flightpaths for big phases could be a thing. Like fully fledged taxi stands that can decide speed and mounts for players. Could be useful both for travelling between outposts or immersion. (I seem to recall a db2 file managing those, I don't know tho)
  3. Upon further inspection I have found out that the npc flag "16777216" causes the npc to become rideable. I seem to have found some common ground with some npc having this line upon .npc info : "ScriptName: npc_casting"
  4. So basically I've been playing around with npcs and I've noticed that some of them can be rideable with certain conditions I cannot still grasp. Various examples would be "Traveler's Tundra Mammoth" (id:32640), "Wings of Steel" (id:37139) and "Horde Coffin Hauler" (id: 44764) There are different type of rideability, I'm sure it's a db2 thing possibly server-side, but I was wondering if something could be done to make forged npcs rideable. (Wings of steel is from a Bilgewater Harbor quest and the Coffin Hauler from Silverpine Forest, and it's the vehicle you can use as a "bus" of sorts) Using the .npc cast command I managed to make npcs ride the various rideable npcs I found as an example. I think something like this could give us players the possibility to make tours, buses, ships and the likes, combining rideability and waypoints planning. Examples:
  5. Hello, I was wondering if removing collision in maps could be a viable thing. In some maps, like in this case here, it'd be really cool if we could access areas like those isles without those collisions. Thanks!
  6. ericgrayfur

    Skybox bug

    So this is what happens when I log in, especially the fog skybox which stays even after commands and relog. The fog even carries to other phases, overriding set skyboxes. https://streamable.com/rsxpu