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Highlord Bolvar

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Highlord Bolvar last won the day on February 20 2018

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About Highlord Bolvar

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  1. Unity. Prosperity. Liberty. NPC Leader: Lord-Regent Gerald Briggs PC Leader: Captain Thomas Clayton Guild Timeline: Patch. 4.0.0 It is our duty, as part of the Drisburg Company to navigate and chart the waves. It has also become our duty in the wake of Boralus’ silence to preserve the legend of our homeland. As such, it is our duty and pride to bring the anchor onto the once dormant Tel Abim, there will be obstacles and there will be those who resist, but our path must remain clear, and our minds sharp. For the legend of Kul Tiras shall remain! Vice Admiral Gerald Briggs, Lord of the Drisburg Company Following the death of Daelin Proudmoore Kul Tiras was met with a power vacuum. Indeed, Jaina Proudmoore had refused to take the mantle as its leader, and much of the fleet and martial might had been lost on the shores of Kalimdor, now the island-nation is divided, with the ruthless Ashvane Company buying out many of the former assets of the Admiralty, while officers and sailors frequently mutiny to take the waves in stride. This was not the case for Gerald Briggs, a famed explorer and friend of the lady Katherine Proudmoore, with his fleet in tow it was his duty to return the survivors of Tiragarde Keep back home, but disaster struck as his fleet was laid to waste by a freak storm, the majority of the Drisburg Company shipwrecking on the uncharted isles of the South Seas. In this case, the detachment aboard the Broadsword under the leadership of Captain Thomas Clayton, a relatively obscure officer known for his stiff adherence to doctrine. With the Broadsword needing heavy repairs, the jungle isle of Tel Abim has become an enemy to the company as pirates, naga and more inhabit this once thought to be desolate isle. Membership Captain’s Retinue - Officers including the First Mate form their own cadre, elites trained in strategy and combat to lead as pinnacles of the navy’s boots on the ground. Religious heads like the Sea Priests also function as a vital piece of the retinue. Marine - Making up the backbone of any sensible Tirasian force, some are professional soldiers and some are sailors serving part-time as infantry in long expeditions. Auxiliary Company - Men and women serving as engineers, craftsmen, and general aides to the ship’s martial and elite arms, the cooks also take this just as vital role to the cause. Prisoner - Not a traditional role someone can enter OOCly, unless they play an antagonist or an opponent that survives combat with the company and finds themselves in the brig of the Broadsword. Guild Goals Short Term / Event Ideas Establish a foothold on Tel Abim. Chart the surrounding jungles. Long Term Eliminate the cartel presence and establish a Tirasian dominion on the island. Reunite with the rest of the company and elect a governor of Tel Abim. Construct a settlement and open trade on the seas, along with lowering the pirate presence. Cartograph the naga-infested ruins on the isle, and acquire any valuable artifacts. Return to Kul Tiras (8.0 or whenever a KT map patch is made) [ Contact Dawnheart#4011 on discord or whisper "Thomas Clayton" in game (dubble name) ] Our discord : https://discord.gg/Y5xbcrM
  2. Would it be possible to change the color of the red into black and the gold into silver ? And the black markings into silver as well?
  3. Silvermoon Division 52 is proudly opening its ranks for new blood among the Blood elves to give them a chance to serve the High Kingdom in the war against enemies that lurks around the boarders and those who dares threaten the kingdom and her people. Division 52 is lead by Knight Master So'themar Notharius himself and few selected champions within the Blood Knight order. Some background of the Division Upon the fall of Quel’thalas a group of Blood Knight’s lead by the Paladin So'themar Notharius left Silvermoon city to work for those of their people who had been caught in the massacre and couldn’t protect themselves and so they did for many years. Upon Lor’themar’s take over So'themar Notharius began to think and plan for his Blood Knights and made them return to Silvermoon city and himself and his knight was placed under Lady Liadrin and Notharius showed proof of being a loyal Knight of the High Kingdom and soon was promoted to Knight-Master and given his own Division which he gave the name Division Fifty two. Division Fifty two has been under his command ever since. Division Fifty two would also be known for thei lack of mercy towards enemies who attacks the people of Silvermoon and their methods of brutality cannot be looked away from as they do anything for the Blood Knight order and the High Kingdom. Their racist behavior towards other races is something that is shown and the Knight’s don’t hide it either. Division Fifty two would be a military and holy division who mission is to eradicate anything that corrupts and attempt to harm the kingdom and it’s regentlord. With any means necessary . Ranks , uniform and other information will be found on our discord . https://discord.gg/RDqUxYX