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About AmberBerries

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  • Birthday 11/03/1998

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  1. Hi all! I've been showing quite a few of my friends Epsilon, and many of them end up getting confused with some of the commands, fairly basic advice I give them, such as: Disabling global chat channels when Roleplaying, so as to not clog up the chat How to create and enter their own private phase Toggling Appear / Summon + Using the commands How to find phases to join How to join a phase manually How to find transmogs via Mogit I think if possible, it'd be nice to have a new player guide visible somewhere from the UI, perhaps when you first log in, something that people can refer to to give them some basic advice to get them started, rather than relying on scrolling through the forums or asking people on the discord. I wouldn't say anything complex is required, for detailed guides on things, a link to the forums would suffice. But an easy to access in-game list of basic commands, a tutorial on how to do more basic things would be nice. One of my friends whom I have been showing the ropes had tried Epsilon before but didn't really figure anything out - and I imagine the same is the case with other new players who don't know people. Just a thought that cropped to mind, figured it might help! Thanks a bunch for all the good work! ?