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[AddOn] AutoCommand

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Automatically Executes Commands

Updated: 05/04/2020

Bug Fixes

  • Removed time and state from /ac help command listing
  • Load addon variables when the player_entering_world event is handled
  • Renamed commands array to something else, was conflicting with newer iterations of glink.


• Settings Timer - Have commands executed at a specified interval. Syntax is /ac settings timer #interval #commandID

•Settings State - Turn AutoCommand off, preventing it from executing commands until it is next turned on. Also pauses any running timers. /ac toggle does the same thing.

• List timers - lists actively running timers.

• Hyperlinks to list and list timers to easily stop or remove commands.


AutoCommand was originally an AddOn designed to execute 1 command on character log-in, but had the potential to be a little better. I guess it's useful if you wanna morph into a specific morph on a character every time you log in, or if you want to send a phase announcement at regular intervals - the possibilities are limited. Commands are saved across client sessions and are character specific, so each character can have their own set of commands applicable only to them.

Here it is in action:



Add a command to the list: Syntax: /ac add $command

Remove a command from the command list. Syntax: /ac remove $commandID

List currently saved commands. Syntax: /ac list

List active timers. Syntax: /ac list timers

Get a list of available commands. Syntax: /ac help

Get help for a specific command: /ac help $command




will pretty up the post later

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