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a selection of suggestions

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The recent update for Epsilon is by all accounts, phenomenal. Be it customizations or features - and while I am hesitant to write this because I don't want to ask the developers to overwork themselves, there are some ideas that maybe would be cool to be placed on the board for the future?


- Anyway, firstly is the idea of Phase Ranks;

As it stands now, Epsilon has a total of three phase ranks. Guest, Member, and Officer - of course, excluding Owner.

It doesn't add a lot of variety. When you're handling a phase, those aren't the only few ranks you would have available - typically for moderation purposes you would want your higher-up administration to have their own rank, moderators their own, DMs, builders, etc. That's how I and a few other phase handlers from RPH typically like to have ranks set up. So a phase rank forge where you could customize various permissions would be nice to have for those moving over. This is obviously a lot of work, and I understand that, and I imagine it takes a lot just because you'd have to rewrite the current permissions system - but I feel it'd be worth it in the end.

Edit; command examples


- .ph rank
- .ph rank add -- Will generate a new rank with an ID counting up from 1 -- rank 0 being Owner, 1 being the first rank added, so on and so forth.

- .ph rank remove <rankID> -- removes target rank ID, frees up the ID to be reused

- .ph rank modify <ID>

- .ph rank modify <ID> move up/down -- would be used simply to move the rankID up or down in a 'rank structure' -- not used to change the rankID, but to define if it would hold power over other ranks -- for example, moving rankID 1 up would mean it can use .ph ban, .ph kick, etc on rankID 2 if rankID 2 is below 1.

The rest of the permissions settings would be a finicky road of complicated commands that are too much for me to list here, in my ideal world it'd be under .ph rank modify but frankly, a "rank forge" would be infinitely easier to modify with an addon. 


- Next, is an idea for customization which I am sure has been thought about before but I feel I should state it anyway - Eye Colors;

With this update we've seen the addition of several new categories in character customization that come with plenty of downported and completely new features from the dev team - I'm no DBC editor, I tried it, confused the hell out of me, so I can't begin to imagine how complicated it might be to add in another new category for select races, but it would add in plenty of new customizability both downported and new. This, also, obviously implies model editing which I'm not even sure if it's possible to have multiple different glowing eyecolors outside of what Blizzard has specified. But if it all is possible, that'd be neat.


- The addition of Item Forge and Phase Texture shifting/general shifting to the Epsilon Forge addon;

This is one I thought of randomly. Shifting textures (and phase shifting in general) can be a bit jarring to anyone who doesn't understand Epsilon's typical command structure (the same would be said about NPC forge and we got that added into the addon) - and as well, the item forge. An ability to see like, a 'preview' tooltip and whatnot for your item while you're making it. It's a completely fake tooltip for obvious reasons but it could be neat.


Anyway, that's all I really have. I'll probably end up thinking of more things down the road.


In any case, developers, you're beautiful, and everything looks amazing and I am frankly happy to be back on the server. ?


Edited Suggestions:


Change both .app and .summon to have a form of verification;

For .app - If the player is in another phase, bring up that phase ID first (unless their .app is disabled) or allow the player to have a toggle switch of whether or not they want to accept the .app. It can be really awkward when someone just wordlessly .apps you, but you don't want to constantly disable/enable the feature.

For .summon, a simple check with a "click me to accept" in the chat would be nice.


Edited by Ethereal

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Def not mind some of these 







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