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.mod anim suggestion

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while the current functionality of .mod anim is really cool in my opinion i think it should be consolidated into .mod stand (or maybe both should be turned into something like .mod emote

my reasoning for this is that i feel .mod anim would be very interesting if it actually let your character perform an animation ID instead of the emote ID from the Emotes list, exactly how .gob anim works but on players, and maybe a variant for NPCs in .npc anim

it's only through that way we can access things like the artifact holding animations (e.g. ArtMainLoop, ArtOffLoop, et cetera) and a lot of the animations for spellcasting that are either only bound to some spells that can't be used without a target, or don't function period


e.g., you could use .mod anim 1330, and subsequently make your character stand like this:



forgive the character model, but it's the only way i can show this off without opening a program like WMV. .gob anim functions the exact way i envision this idea, but the lynchpin there is that it only works on objects


thank you

[Gunmar] says: "I can't believe this 'Arahi' woman went down so fast. Storm my arse."





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Easier way.

We just enable all of the anim ids as 'emotes'. It's something I do on Paragon.

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oh shit if you can do that do it PLEAS PLEAS PLZ PLZLPZZLZZ

[Gunmar] says: "I can't believe this 'Arahi' woman went down so fast. Storm my arse."





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