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Indication of phase population for phase guests

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It's a long overdue addition that the server really needs. It would save a lot of time for those looking for public RP hubs where they will actually be able to find others to interact with. It was less of an issue when you might see 5 or so phases actively listed; but the numbers are much higher on average now, there are 10-15+ phases on average to visit.

I know the Epsilon Staff have stated in the past (on a few occasions) that they think this devalues low population phases; it is an understandable point of view but the end result is the same.

"Having .ph pop be useable for all players in a phase devalues low population phases."

This has its truth to it, many players are less drawn to phases with less people in it. The problem is we have other tools to determine the populations in phases; using /who in the zone, using the TRP map scan tool, or simply flying around OOC. This leads to the same end result but is often inaccurate and/or misleading because of phases in overlapping zones, phases built in Infinite Flatlands, or phases built in 'Unknown' locations.


Overall, players searching for active RP hubs will find them; preventing them from knowing the quantity of players in any given phase is merely an inconvenience (that can take a pretty significant amount of their time between loading screens, mind you). Players *will* discover that a phase, is in fact, devoid of RP possibilities for them.

I don't believe in the idea that this feature should be kept from the hands of phase guests on this principle alone; given the other tools available it doesn't have much merit. But I would like to hear any other thoughts on the matter from players/staff members.

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this would be a great feature to be added for all. totally agree with all the points made above ^^^^ it should've happened years ago, tbh. 

Edited by Dawnrunner

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