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[ADDON] Announce Ignore - Ignored players don't show in announce

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Announce Ignore - A QoL Feature Addon

The 'Problem': WoW does not check & block ignored players in System Messages, because the messages technically don't come from the player, they come from the server. Not an issue in retail, but can be annoying with .ann & .phase announce. This adds a simple filter to check the sending player of the message, and hides it if they're on your ignore list. 


Options: By default, the addon's filter only checks "Announce" and "Phase Announce" messages. This means things like ".app" and such still come through. If you want to block those also, you can do "/annignore" to switch the filter's scope to block ALL System Messages 'from' that player. I only recommend this change if they are spamming you with commands that send a message, as you might want some of those messages so you can properly handle the situation (i.e., if you have this switched to ALL, and your .app is turned ON, they may Appear you and you would not get the message they appeared you..).


Download: https://github.com/MindScape00/Announce_Ignore/releases/download/v1.0.0/Announce_Ignore-v100.zip

Install: Simply extract the Announce_Ignore folder from the ZIP file into your \Epsilon\_retail_\Interface\AddOns\ folder.

Edited by MindScape



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