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[Guide] Mac Client "Broken" Error Circumvention (Mac OS X Sierra)

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Mac OS X Sierra has an ongoing problem, resulting directly from Apple locking down the applications allowed to run even further. Due to the edits on the Mac client, OSX mistakes it as a virus. There's a fairly easy way to fix the error, which involves reinstating the ability to run Unknown apps from "Anywhere" in OSX's Gatekeeper.

Follow these easy instructions.

  1. Open your Terminal
  2. Enter this command: sudo spctl --master-disable
  3. Enter your Administrator password when prompted and press enter on your keyboard.
  4. Assuming you did that correctly, Open System Preferences and then open "Security and Privacy Settings"
  5. You should now have an option to allow apps downloaded from "Anywhere". Enable this and run the client from your Applications folder, or any subfolder within that directory.

    With this: The error should stop showing and the client should launch. Note this only seems to be needed for Mac OS X Sierra.

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