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Fixes for the Common Errors for the Recent Patch

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So, I've been helping a number of people on Epsilon recover from the recent patches errors and issues.  So whilst they are not always fixes, here are some work arounds for until the staff fixes them.  Which I can assure you, will be soon!


First, try deleting your new, updated, custom mogit for the time being.  This has been recorded to cause some issues, and should only be a temporary error.


Second, if that didn't work then try clearing your cache.  This has been the most successful method of fixing the issues for logging in, etc.  For me, at any rate.


Third, if you have any TRPs you don't want to lose, backup your WTF file and delete it.  This doesn't always work, but does sometimes.


Fourth, if you are ingame and cannot move regardless of being able to login --try to teleport to another zone, then back.  Or perhaps join a phase and leave it.


These are they ways I personally have helped people fix their games with, if none of the above work I recommend you contact a GM, or a System Admin.


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Hey there, and thank you for the bug report! :)
Apologies for the slow response but it has now been added to the list of bugs that we'll be working through in the near future!


#Soon™ - // Xeslite

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