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Showing most liked content on 06/26/21 in Posts

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    Greetings fellow Epsilon's , I have always wanted a phase to where my fellow Nightelf's could hang out and tried to do that last year but the city phase I made was too big and people would get lost easily so it went abandoned like so many other phases. Well, I had another idea come to me which other's have probably had as well but I have always loved Ashenvale Forest and I thought maybe this would be a decent place to have a phase since sooo many are Neutral based because there isn't a big chunk of one specific race and it's a Contested Zone. Anyway, I'm thinking of revamping the whole zone of Ashenvale to reflect how it might look now in the aftermath of Sylvanas's army after they marched on Teldrassil, and that the settlements of Stardust Spire, Astranaar & Maestra's Post all fell to Horde control. And that the only possible places still left under Nightelf control would have been Raynewood Retreat and Forest Song since it was out of the way of the marching army but that they are currently under attack. The phase story would start off that the Nightelfs are building a new outpost along the main road into Darkshore to reinforce the defenses of Ashenvale as well to help prevent another march into Darkshore while the survivors of Teldrassil and other settlements along the battered road try to reestablish themselves. And I have already thought up a couple of events for horde attack's ally or vice verse if anyone wants to join, but the whole zone will be neutral other than the settlements which will be under faction control depending on how it goes with interest in the phase. And if anyone wants to they can also have homes in Ashenvale they just have to think about where they want their home because there is always a risk that they might get attacked. Because the zone will have a PVP element about it but it's not forced on players so if your playing as a Nightelf and see 2-3 orc players and don't want to PVP or want to avoid them then you can just emote that you avoided them or hide or whatever ya know? But before I really get into building and changing out all the trees and what not to make it a HD Ashenvale, I needed to see how many people are interested in this type of phase if any. If your interested in the phase or have questions PM me on Discord Zanne#5704 Thank you!