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  4. Salut, Voilà un addon vous permettant enfin d'avoir toutes les emotes standard en français, ainsi que leurs animations. (/danser, /rire et autres) Elle est munie d'une interface, pas forcément jolie, mais, qui vous permettra de modifier celle déjà existante, mais aussi, d'en rajouter des nouvelles. Les animations sont reliés à des simples commandes d'Epsilon, que vous pouvez vous même écrire, rien ne vous empêche d'y associé alors des aura, ou autre truc. Il y a seulement quelques règles à savoir lorsque vous écrivez des emotes, des correspondances afin de rendre les emotes fonctionnelles en fonction du genre de votre personnage, ou de sa cible.: Gestion des noms [player] -> Se transformera en votre nom %t -> Natif à wow. Se transforme dans le nom de votre cible. Gestion des pronoms [Tpronoun] -> Se transforme dans le pronom de votre cible, avec une majuscule au début. [tpronoun] -> Se transforme dans le pronom de votre cible, sans la majuscule. [Ppronoun] -> Se transforme dans le pronom de votre personnage, avec une majuscule au début. [ppronoun] -> Se transforme dans le pronom de votre personnage, sans la majuscule. Gestion du participe passé [paccord] -> Permet d'accorder les verbes qui se terminent en "é" selon le genre de votre personnage. [taccord] -> Permet d'accorder les verbes qui se terminent en "é" selon le genre de votre cible. Quelques exemples en pagaille : "frappe %t en l'éviscérant, [tprounoun] se videra alors de son sang" Se transforme en "frappe Sandrine en l'éviscérant, elle se videra alors de son sang" "En colère, [player] est bafou[paccord] par ses propos." Se transforme en "En colère, Phillipe est bafoué par ses propos." FrenchEmote.zip
  5. Tourjen

    NPC Combat

    Hi, this is an old thread but Azarchius said to put it in the bug reports for possible consideration in the future. My friend and I used to play on RP Heaven (RPH) back before it shut down, and while Epsilon has more features than RPH, one feature that RPH had exclusively was NPC combat. In short this is how it was done: Create an NPC Set the faction to something non-neutral Assign a spell ID to be cast by the NPC. There were a lot of options with how this can be done, such as only casting the spell upon aggroing, or periodically casting it like every 3 seconds, or randomly every 1-100 seconds. You can also mess with the targeting, such as having it be targeted on self, an ally, or a nearby enemy. Create another NPC with an opposing faction, give them their own unique kit, and watch them fight! It is worth noting that RPHeaven didn't have this system perfectly down. Most of the spells that you'd assign didn't do any damage, and they'd only be "visual spells." So to remedy this, you'd have to layer on additional "non-visual" damage spells to be cast after the visual spell in order to implement damage, often layering several times until you got the preferred amount of damage for that spell—and this really only worked for single target spells. (e.g, if the damage spell does 500 and you want 1,500, you'd have to layer it 3 times.) That said, if this were to ever be implemented on Epsilon, from my perspective the best way to do it would be: Implement a command to make NPCs hostile, and aggro against another hostile faction. Add the feature to create spells for NPCs to cast by using a spell ID as a visual Having a targeting system such as if the spell is cast on 1 nearby enemy or all enemies within a 20 yard radius for AoE spells Have a damage/healing modifier for that spell. There's also of course debuffs like Stun, Sleep, Bleed, Slow, etc. however these should all work (except for damage debuffs like bleeds and burns) just by applying a certain spell ID debuff to the enemy. Bleeds and Burns can also just be applied with the option to deal tick damage over a certain period of time + a visual spell to represent the debuff. Allow for various modifers on when the spell is cast, such as every 1-20 seconds, upon aggro, upon death, etc. I can see all this best being added in the Arcanum Spell Forge or NPC Forge addon so it's easy to use without having to type a lot of commands. I know it's a really niche thing that might only be appreciated by a small percent of the community, and that it'd probably be too much of a pain to add, but I do hope it receives some consideration! I think it can lead to some really cool RP events like sending a formation of ghouls at a group of NPCs that need to defend a fortress with their own specialized kits. Also, I left some shitty photoshop of how I figured it might be visualized in game, just to give a better idea on what I'm talking about.
  6. While I don't intend to sound ungrateful and this is by no means meant to sound like malice or negativity aimed at development I find it utterly baffling and very frustrating that pandaren have received literally nothing save for the unique eye-colours that all races have received. Even female dwarves, which are arguably one of the LEAST role played option, have been given something. Retail is already a disappointment in its neglect, but if there was one thing to look forward to with Epsi SL it was at least this and it's honestly a sore let down to see the same neglect. I'd literally pay money just to see them get SOMETHING, ANYTHING, even a single new hairstyle or whatever. I doubt this will change, and I'm not expecting anything - but at the very least, I wanted to express my disappointment.
  7. Big Update! Thanks to the new 9.2.7 update on Epsilon. You can now send a message all at once without the 256 char limit. So that saves from doing a loop for each block and we can just do it all at once. So the addon has been improved as a result, no more text suddenly disappearing after saving! Also, still impossible to know what page you're on, so can't really put the page number that each option goes to, and I can't even show what page you're currently on, but other than that everything else works! Edit: To use the addon, just type the command "/gtable" and the window will popup on your screen. GossipTable.zip
  8. CatBurstingInThroughADoorCoveredWithSnow.gif Shadowlands Updates without pics because forums: The .patch format is now the way to add stuff via the launcher. Therefore all patches in the patch folder on Google Drive have been updated to this format. These may be buggy, my apologies. WinRAR can open .patch files if you have trouble. Just drag and drop the expanded files into your patch folder. All mash patches and dragons are working except for one single netherwhelp displayid, but hopefully this is not permanent. (its noise-on-click variant works fine though) The mall is now 82098. NetherStray NPCs can teleport you to the proper areas. Turn off EpsilonAddonTray addon if these teleports do not work for you. This should be fixed but it may break. As always the discord is the best place to get info and help with stuff, join here: https://discord.gg/zWHBcc4ptK
  9. Haven't downloaded the Shadowlands patch yet myself but my friends tell me this is how you make my macros functional again: Hope this helps!
  10. Working version of GossipTable after the newest 9.2.7 update! edit: made it up to date with toc format edit 2: gossip table wasn't working with new inputs, now it should be fine edit 3: it wasn't fine. Now it's more finer than ever... maybe. edit 4: read the next post for the major fix
  11. Earlier
  12. h ell o rvyeryone my nmie is winston iand i ra llly lvoe the lore wttoh shdwowlands and i hope to rp wi ht all of you with an icnreible birlliant lexicon and hpefully build some cohoo choo triains on this epic serfver. i tried out the other server Maternity and i t jsut idintrt feel good ! i hep to see qoy ua lll sooon!
  13. EpsiFR - Communaute Francophone Depuis le début d'année, EpsiFR accueille les joueurs francophones afin de leur offrir un environnement sain où partager leurs phases, leurs astuces et conseils, échanger entre eux et afin de promouvoir les diverses rencontres et conversations dédiées au RP français sur le serveur. Pour se faire, nous mettons à disposition un discord où l'entraide, le partage et le respect sont nos piliers fondamentaux. Notre staff, composé d'une multitude de profils, est heureux de vous accueillir sur EpsiFR ! - Nohor, Kalwyn, Sueezen, Antigonus, Liem, Arangol, Maer, Ulfhe - Ce que nous offrons Une communauté Francophone où chacun et chacune sont les bienvenues. Un discord dédié à la rencontre, au partage et à l'entraide entre les joueurs d'Epsilon ; partage de projets, de conseils, discussion sur le serveur et sur d'autres sujets, annonces d'Epsilon traduites en temps réel, aide technique pour les nouveaux et anciens joueurs. Notre équipe, soudée et unie, est présente à tout instant pour répondre à vos questions et vous aider à prendre en main le serveur, ainsi que les différents aspects de ce dernier. Sur notre discord, chacun peut y partager librement ses créations : projets, phases, builds, arts, macros, etc... Vous êtes tous libre de partager votre contenu à votre aise, et de le promouvoir auprès de toute la communauté. Un lieu où la bonne ambiance et le respect sont les maîtres mots. Une encyclopédie et des guides contenant toutes les commandes d'Epsilon, la traduction FR de leurs explications ainsi que de nombreuses aides et autres vous permettant de comprendre comment fonctionne le serveur, et comment prendre en main ce dernier. Notre Discord Si vous désirez nous rejoindre, suivez le lien ci-dessous. https://discord.gg/fkEWqyFDTg - A bientôt -
  14. Greetings! I am looking for builders to help me turn the fabled capital of the Kaldorei empire into a fully fledged place to RP in. Building locale: All of Zandalar.
  15. Here's a patch that replaces voidwalker2.m2 with a new shadow elemental model, recolored to match the colors of the original voidwalker. Enjoy! Install with the launcher. No folder shenanigans. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JchBqNlr4xAbnX4ljOZ8ORCkDpFs3lW5/view?usp=drive_link
  16. ❗WARNING ❗ 1. This object is not at all polished. I never wrote lua addons before and hacked this together. The code is held together with prayers and hope. I plan on improving this, but this will take time. There will probably be some bugs you encounter. The dropdown menu doesn't work correctly, the minimap button does not behave correctly and has no icon and more. Just be warned 2. This addon IS NOT INTENDED TO BE USED AS A PERMANENT OBJECT STORAGE. I can't stress this enough. This is intended to be used for collecting objects in malls or phases to be able to spawn them easily back where you intend to build. Use the copy function to save the list elsewhere, safer. I can't promise the data won't disappear. 3. I intend to rewrite huge portions of this addon with AceDB and other proper tools and best practices - but this will take time. Please be patient ( Also I fucked something up in this post, I just wanted vertical dividers ;-; ObjectManager Intro ObjectManager is an addon that allows you to easily note down object you want to remember to spawn them later instead of having to write them down on an external notedap Features Quickly add object to the list by clicking "Add" in the chat or typing /omgr add Spawn object by left clicking the line in the window Delete Object from your list by right clicking the line Different profiles for sorting your object A window to copy your objects into the clipboard for external notes Download Click the link below, the zip file is attached to this post Installation Extract to your epsilon addon folder ObjectManager.zip
  17. mod reputation does not save upon relogging, not exactly it appears the reputation value is saved, but the actual standing resets to neutral whenever you relog. this apparently seems to affect cross faction-reputation in some obscure way, as negative reputation (unfriendly/hostile/hated) appears to be saved as an alliance player; changing your own factions' reputations updates it in the window, but the NPCs are tagged as "unfriendly" in spite of that: to test (x-fac): be alliance make forged npc give forged npc faction 29 (Orgrimmar) .mod rep 76 friendly/exalted/honored/ relog behold, you are neutral to test (same fac) be alliance make forged npc give forged npc faction 11 (Stormwind) .mod rep 72 friendly/exalted/honored/ relog behold, you are neutral
  18. Babywolf

    Dream Panda

    ❤️ much appreciated discord hates everything so does the fourms.
  19. Kawafwen

    Dream Panda

    Hey y'all, I've rehosted this in my drive (with permission) for now while Babywolf gets the link situation sorted out. Here's the link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MYgYj2AIOMF0dqJvB4I98hlrC63XPAi6/view?usp=drive_link
  20. Attempting to use the commands .phase forge set sheath or .npc set sheath produces inconsistent results upon server restart. Have tried using forged vs non-forged items, and the Always Unsheathe unauras to no avail. Upon investigation, using either commands again to "reset" the sheath state seems to fix it temporarily, i.e. using .npc set sheath 0 and then .npc set sheath 1 immediately after. But a server restart will mess it up again.
  21. Main problem with a Kyrian spirit healer would be that Kyrians have uh... issues with using their hover animation. It's unreliable for basically anything but an NPC that doesn't move. They can only seem to do it while standing on the ground. So if you're alright with a spirit healer replacement that doesn't hover, that could work, sure.
  22. N A Z A - B U L - Q A L I C - U L -SINOPSIS: Adéntrate en los oscuros y sombríos misterios que envuelven a la antigua Orden "Naza Bul Qalic Ul". Forjada en la juventud de Azeroth por unos seres apodados como "Los Primeros", adoradores de un Dios Antiguo. Orden legada tras generaciones por éstos, a las primeras Tribus Humanas hasta terminar en la futura, civilizada y Noble Familia Doyle. Forma parte de la Orden que resurge de nuevo tras su oscuro legado. Lord Jonatan Doyle, un Noble Gilneano y actual líder de la Orden, busca nuevos Miembros para recuperar el antaño legado y poder de la antigua Orden y dar así, un nuevo comienzo para Azeroth bajo el sombrío manto de la Oscuridad. TEMÁTICA: Vacío/Dioses Antiguos. FACCIÓN: Alianza. ALINEACIÓN: Neutral/Malvada. TIME-LINE: WOTLK > Año 27. HORARIOS: Estamos Roleando entre Semana/Fines de Semana. Hora Española, de 21:00 o 22:00. -REQUISITOS- 1º: Gente adulta y seria que sepa diferenciar entre el On-Rol y sus emociones Personales. 2º: NO admito Jugadores: Casuales/Randoms ni Morbosos. SOLO gente comprometida. 3º: Si eres un Jugador Random/Morboso, ni te molestes en enviarme Mensaje Privado. 4º: OBLIGATORIO tener pequeño Trasfondo de Personaje para formar parte de DC y de la Orden On-Rol. -INFORMACIÓN DEL ROL- 1º: Es un Sistema de Rol profundizado y que requiere un mínimo de: Experiencia, Seriedad y Compromiso, donde será necesario dedicarle tiempo a la lectura, tanto de la Información de la Orden, Trasfondo y Requisitos como del Sistema de Rol. 2º: Necesario leer el pequeño Lore y Trasfondo de la Orden y sus Requisitos para rolear adecuadamente y formar parte On-Rol de ésta. Necesario leer el "Códice de Rol" donde se explica todo lo básico/necesario para comenzar a Rolear. Si lo que buscas es: Rol de Emote, Rol Morboso, Rol Protagonista, Random y Casual, NO ES TU HERMANDAD. Es un Rol serio y adulto. CONTENIDO CUSTOM "CALL OF THE VOID" "Call of The Void" es el contenido Custom relacionado a sucesos del Vacío/Dioses Antiguos que se añadirá y roleará, y que respeta/respetará el Lore de las Expansiones siguientes a WotlK. SISTEMA DE ROL El Sistema de Rol bebe del Sistema de D&D, simplificado, intuitivo y fácil de usar, contiene: Ficha Básica, Dados Enfrentados, Dados Oportunidad, Raciales/Pasivas, Sistema de Armas, Sistema de Armaduras, Progreso de Niveles de Personaje, 7 Clases jugables de la expansión Wotlk con sus respectivas Especializaciones. RAZAS PERMITIDAS: Humano, Kultirano, Gilneano (Sin Maldición), Enano, Gnomo, Elfo de la Noche, Elfo Noble, Semi-Elfo. CLASES PERMITIDAS: Guerrero, Chamán, Cazador, Pícaro, Brujo, Mago, Sacerdote Sombras. PÁGINA WEB: Página Web sencilla e intuitiva. En DC. CONTACTO DC: persefone97
  23. List gets pretty full at times. Would make it more accessible for players that are looking for RP.
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