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  3. mod reputation does not save upon relogging, not exactly it appears the reputation value is saved, but the actual standing resets to neutral whenever you relog. this apparently seems to affect cross faction-reputation in some obscure way, as negative reputation (unfriendly/hostile/hated) appears to be saved as an alliance player; changing your own factions' reputations updates it in the window, but the NPCs are tagged as "unfriendly" in spite of that: to test (x-fac): be alliance make forged npc give forged npc faction 29 (Orgrimmar) .mod rep 76 friendly/exalted/honored/ relog behold, you are neutral to test (same fac) be alliance make forged npc give forged npc faction 11 (Stormwind) .mod rep 72 friendly/exalted/honored/ relog behold, you are neutral
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  6. Babywolf

    Dream Panda

    ❤️ much appreciated discord hates everything so does the fourms.
  7. Kawafwen

    Dream Panda

    Hey y'all, I've rehosted this in my drive (with permission) for now while Babywolf gets the link situation sorted out. Here's the link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MYgYj2AIOMF0dqJvB4I98hlrC63XPAi6/view?usp=drive_link
  8. Attempting to use the commands .phase forge set sheath or .npc set sheath produces inconsistent results upon server restart. Have tried using forged vs non-forged items, and the Always Unsheathe unauras to no avail. Upon investigation, using either commands again to "reset" the sheath state seems to fix it temporarily, i.e. using .npc set sheath 0 and then .npc set sheath 1 immediately after. But a server restart will mess it up again.
  9. Main problem with a Kyrian spirit healer would be that Kyrians have uh... issues with using their hover animation. It's unreliable for basically anything but an NPC that doesn't move. They can only seem to do it while standing on the ground. So if you're alright with a spirit healer replacement that doesn't hover, that could work, sure.
  10. N A Z A - B U L - Q A L I C - U L -SINOPSIS: Adéntrate en los oscuros y sombríos misterios que envuelven a la antigua Orden "Naza Bul Qalic Ul". Forjada en la juventud de Azeroth por unos seres apodados como "Los Primeros", adoradores de un Dios Antiguo. Orden legada tras generaciones por éstos, a las primeras Tribus Humanas hasta terminar en la futura, civilizada y Noble Familia Doyle. Forma parte de la Orden que resurge de nuevo tras su oscuro legado. Lord Jonatan Doyle, un Noble Gilneano y actual líder de la Orden, busca nuevos Miembros para recuperar el antaño legado y poder de la antigua Orden y dar así, un nuevo comienzo para Azeroth bajo el sombrío manto de la Oscuridad. TEMÁTICA: Vacío/Dioses Antiguos. FACCIÓN: Alianza. ALINEACIÓN: Neutral/Malvada. TIME-LINE: WOTLK > Año 27. HORARIOS: Estamos Roleando entre Semana/Fines de Semana. Hora Española, de 21:00 o 22:00. -REQUISITOS- 1º: Gente adulta y seria que sepa diferenciar entre el On-Rol y sus emociones Personales. 2º: NO admito Jugadores: Casuales/Randoms ni Morbosos. SOLO gente comprometida. 3º: Si eres un Jugador Random/Morboso, ni te molestes en enviarme Mensaje Privado. 4º: OBLIGATORIO tener pequeño Trasfondo de Personaje para formar parte de DC y de la Orden On-Rol. -INFORMACIÓN DEL ROL- 1º: Es un Sistema de Rol profundizado y que requiere un mínimo de: Experiencia, Seriedad y Compromiso, donde será necesario dedicarle tiempo a la lectura, tanto de la Información de la Orden, Trasfondo y Requisitos como del Sistema de Rol. 2º: Necesario leer el pequeño Lore y Trasfondo de la Orden y sus Requisitos para rolear adecuadamente y formar parte On-Rol de ésta. Necesario leer el "Códice de Rol" donde se explica todo lo básico/necesario para comenzar a Rolear. Si lo que buscas es: Rol de Emote, Rol Morboso, Rol Protagonista, Random y Casual, NO ES TU HERMANDAD. Es un Rol serio y adulto. CONTENIDO CUSTOM "CALL OF THE VOID" "Call of The Void" es el contenido Custom relacionado a sucesos del Vacío/Dioses Antiguos que se añadirá y roleará, y que respeta/respetará el Lore de las Expansiones siguientes a WotlK. SISTEMA DE ROL El Sistema de Rol bebe del Sistema de D&D, simplificado, intuitivo y fácil de usar, contiene: Ficha Básica, Dados Enfrentados, Dados Oportunidad, Raciales/Pasivas, Sistema de Armas, Sistema de Armaduras, Progreso de Niveles de Personaje, 7 Clases jugables de la expansión Wotlk con sus respectivas Especializaciones. RAZAS PERMITIDAS: Humano, Kultirano, Gilneano (Sin Maldición), Enano, Gnomo, Elfo de la Noche, Elfo Noble, Semi-Elfo. CLASES PERMITIDAS: Guerrero, Chamán, Cazador, Pícaro, Brujo, Mago, Sacerdote Sombras. PÁGINA WEB: Página Web sencilla e intuitiva. En DC. CONTACTO DC: persefone97
  11. List gets pretty full at times. Would make it more accessible for players that are looking for RP.
  12. That's amazing! Sounds good to me then 🙂
  13. In Shadowlands update, there will be a new 'command alias' system that lets you create aliases - or shortcuts - for commands yourself, which will allow you to do just this on your own.
  14. .lo blueprintp = .lo bpp not asking for .lo public or .lo pub as 'public' is a vague word to use for blueprints (that are public)
  15. The gloves do not attach to the bicep when moving, but otherwise stellar job!
  16. etcroot

    Dream Panda

    Still not working
  17. hola, buenas; hay alguien vivo aca?
  18. Oh wot, it wasn't working three days in a row?? Okay, whatever it works \o/
  19. It appears we have not officially posted the updated command guide to the forums. Linked here is the latest command guide for 2024, encompassing all commands up to 8.3. This guide will continue to be revised as we progress into SL/9.2.7 and beyond as well. Command Guide: Epsilon Command Guide 2.0 - Google Docs Thank you and credits to Swift for putting this extensive guide together! Make sure to also visit the bottom of the guide for more links to additional guides in the series.
  20. Newer command guide moved to a google doc for easier editing & viewing. See Swift's comment above (and quoted below) for link
  21. Link still works in the original post?
  22. So does anybody still have this full patch or is it just forever lost because the author removed the link?
  23. this is currently not possible. light sources are not shiftable at this moment
  24. I've got the same question. Bump
  25. .phase forge npc gossip debug - just leaving this code here for copy-pasting purposes. Looks like the default is that it is off on spawned NPCs. Entering this while targeting an NPC in your own phase will turn debug mode "on". Confirmation message appears when entered.
  26. I post this patch on behalf of X'un! Full credits go to him! The set replaces the Legion Plate set of the Chosen Dead! Simply .additem 143518 this gives the Ensemble: Funerary Plate of the Chosen Dead The skirt/legs item is the legion shaman set: .additem 8153849 THIS IS AN EPSI ITEM! IMPORTANT NOTE: THE ARMOR SET IS NOT SUPPORTED BY THE EPSI ITEMS! YOU HAVE TO ADD THE BLIZZARD ITEMS TO USE IT! Note 2: After you added the ensemble. Make sure to use the EPIC items of the set so you got the correct 2D textures of the Judgement Set aswell! Simply add all items: [EXAMPLE] .add Waistplate of the Chosen Dead 1 567 That way, you will get the correct items along the 2D textures. Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15JSbGIauJPS8ejpOp2RXPvYzm5fNmVzO/view Credits go also to: TOMKEK who allows to make use of his 3D art from patreon. (The forums wont allow me to upload the zip so download it from this drive.) Enjoy!
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