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Posts posted by Viper

  1. • Race: Night Elf
    • Sex (Male/Female?): Female
    • Type (Animation/Mesh/Texture/Interface?): Mesh
    • Description: Face 10 is the exact same as face 1 with skin colour 22. Is normally supposed to have the dark blue eyes from the Night Warrior questline.
    • Evidence (Screenshot):


  2. Actually, let me change my suggestion, because I just noticed you - can - have the Night Warrior eyes without the blue skin tone attached to it. What would be nice would be to maybe be possible to keep the Night Warrior eyes from BfA (which are really dark blue eyes) instead of the Shadowlands ones (simple black).

    Tyrande has dark blue eyes so why not the players? 56-562614_laughing-emoji-free-transparent-png-png-images-open-eye-crying-laughing-emoji.png.8211596a861df43c3c846cbe9f36cde8.png

  3. As in adding an option to only have the Night Warrior eyes, without the blue skin tone. Tyrande's skin tone didn't change through the Night Warrior ritual, so why did the players' skin tone change?

    I guess it will probably be easier to add it when Shadowlands comes out since there will be an actual eye customisation option.

  4. Hello,

    There is a missing color for the crane markings on female kaldorei, this one below is the last color available, normally the last color of all markings colors is some sort of very light/bland pink that DKs have.


  5. Good evening everyone!

    I'm a french roleplayer, been roleplaying since 8 years now, and also a former WoW player (been playing for around 12 years). My guildmates and I started to lose interest for retail WoW since BfA so I haven't actively roleplayed for about 2 to 3 years now. Since then I couldn't find anything really interesting in my server despite the big community, roleplays are rather flat and all very similar to each other, and everyone is formed into extremely exclusive groups, so it didn't make things any easier.

    So now I'm trying to get back to roleplaying by hopping on this private server with a lil bit of a challenge, which is to roleplay in another language. I speak english fluently so I won't have too much trouble, it's just that roleplaying in a language that isn't my maternal one could feel a bit strange? I don't know, I think it's more about taking the habitude more than anything. The more challenging part for me though is all of these commands and such that are all so confusing because of how many there are in there, but it is also kind of exciting to see this freedom for character customization and the building of maps!

    I honestly don't know where to begin first. I'm thinking of maybe creating 3 characters, one for Alliance, one for Horde, and one for more 'neutral stuff' or just another faction. I'm thinking of maybe playing a Nightborne for the Horde one and a Naga for the 'other faction' type of character. Alliance character is still blurry, I've made so many already in the past.

    I think that is all. If anyone wants to invite me to roleplay, I'll gladly join if I'm available! My discord is Viper#6284, I'm already on the Epsilon server so feel free to contact me (also all creations I've seen so far in the building channel are legit awesome!)

    Cu all ?
