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Posts posted by cemagaga

  1. Wellp, just to keep this updated. Will be holding off the actual quest hosting untill I have a viable way to control the npc's. Untill then, I might just host a little camp and exploration of some sorts.

  2. Trully enjoying the npc editor implemented on this server, being able to quickly edit an npc and see what is equipped and such was hoping to see if someone with more ability than me could make something to make the npc editor a bit quicker instead of having to write the whole thing. Something like the object mover in concept.

  3. For now, we'll be trying to accommodate having some detail to make the forest areas look a bit more natural while also balancing people not dying from framerate. Not all of us have nice shinny computers.

  4. 12 hours ago, Insomnia said:

    If you can actually deliver what you say you can here, then you will find nothing but success in the coming future.

    Well hopefully I can. For now, I'll likely not host 24/7 since I still have a lot to build for that. If everything goes as planned, I'll likely host the first small quest sometime this weekend. 

  5. Well hello server, kind of new around here and excited to see what this comes to be. I've taken up an old project with a friend to build a phase we have wanted to make for a while, and thought I would post it up here to see if anyone is free giving with ideas. A little background to why we started working on this is well, a complicated relationship with tavern rp. Been around a couple of servers like this (I really need to find something to do with my life), and seen the rise and death of college, animal, family, and all of those rps, I'm a little disappointing to see that the more prominent  rps of late are towns or taverns with nothing more to it than socializing or the way too common flirting. Now then, I haven't been around this particular server for long, to be honest haven't seen much going on but well it's new, so I'm hoping things'll be different here. Moving on, I've always loved stories, and building so I'm hoping to bring both together in this phase. Being a crappy, tired,and a "in need of a cigarette" writer the link I usually work off is this. 



    Bellow, is the explanation my colleague did way back. 



    The Mission

    To promote what we all came to this server for. RP! To live adventures and to create stories. I've been in this kind of server dating back to Echeloned, and joined Divinity when it was Project Defiance, to finally come here and settle down. I've loved to do this kind of thing because I really like stories and find it exciting to be able to create one in a game whose stories I have fallen in love with. Yes a little dramatic but hey, I'm honest. It makes me a little sad to come around here to find little adventure, to mostly only see people caught up in conversation and that the main aim of most RP I've seen is to flirt. I'm tired of the sitting in a bar waiting for someone to talk to kind of RP, as well as the all too usual Kingdom that has their guards only wandering around. So the Mission in this phase is to create adventure for all to enjoy. I aim for characters to be able to develope a background in this place. For that dwarven veteran that has been in every battle and strangled an orc with his beard to actually live it out.




    My concept is to make this phase to offer every kind of RP. You would come to the main city, aproach the taskboard to find reports and bounties to take up. The guards along this city are going to be scripted and would make random remarks, and who knows? Say a rumor that'll end up being a quest! To find that a random dead draenei body fallen out of a window, was a planned murder of a xenophobe. A group of travellers, walking down the road could end up being mugged and raided by one of several bandit bands.


    What this project entails, in short, is to promote constant RP for the playerbase in RPH. You come into the phase, which consists of an island, that has been settled. Troughout the island there will be constant events and quests that can be done by players. If anyone has heard of Kingdom of Aldemar, I did a little trial run there a few months back.


    People would come to the Town Rp that was hosted and they would find a little board on the side(Player Character Morphed) and the glances on this character would be quests that could be picked up by players. Some of these were repeatable but there were also some that were once in a time and did an actual change in the phase and its inhabitants.

    What this phase will Offer

    -An open world

    - An interactive world

    - A phase full of life

    - Always something to do!

    - Random Events

    - To be part and leave your mark in a world all too real

    - Stories

    - RP!


    An example of the quests that we'll be trying to implement on the safe. Another spoiler: "Missing Light" will likely be the first one so might not want to read that part if you want to keep the mystery.



    Following two paragraphs are descriptions of two quests, and can be skipped. :)

    One of them was a haunted Church, a particular group of players came by to pick up this quest and wandered through the forest to find said church. By the completion, guided through by a DM, they cleansed the church returning it to it's uncorrupted state. By doing this, they made a permanent change to the region as it was before which wouldn't have happened if they hadn't come by to help the locals.


    The second quest that I offered to these travellers was "A missing Light". A fallen paladin that while returning from a supply run to town, had come home to find that his wife was missing and his house a mess. So he called to the help of travellers, and took them home to search for clues. This was one of my favorite systems since I enjoyed leaving up players to see what they would do, they could be joined by other adventurers or loose partymates due to wandering or loosing interest and they had every option available. During the quest I had planted several clues along through which path would lead the adventurers to their target, in which they way was a small party of 5 bandits setting camp and a pack of wolves. They could aproach each as they wished, passively and talk it out with the bandits or straightout kill them. The optimal way was to bribe them or to question them, but I wasn't just about to hint that. The quest would eventually lead to a large camp in which a town guard was captive and he would give the adventurers the direction to where they would find the paladin's wife. Sadly he usually died in the attack to the camp so that left the adventurers to find their own way to find the paladin's wife. What I liked was that based on the encounters, the outcome would change. In some cases they would find the dead woman, lying by a tree and the man would stop and mourn. Some cases she would be alive and happy to return home, only being bound and with several traumatic experiences. Finally, and my favorite, the adventurers would return to the paladin's house, and if they had left a survivor to their attacks, the paladin would lay dead. Never to find his lost love.






    Now back to the topic at hand.

    These two quests were offered to anyone that came by at random, no closed guild rp as they usually are. My aim is to kick up a little of rp in rph as all I've seen lately is sitting in a bar and making conversation.


    My objective is to be able to make a character's background in this phase, an environment of constant adventure, solving mysteries and discovering different stories.

    Most npc's would be particularly named and contain their own little personality. This with recurring characters in the events had, with corporals in the army or town guards rising to sargeants and captains.



    Now a little, and shorter explanation of the guild. I mostly plan this for all of the community so I didn't quite plan it as a guild. But the guild would be the members of the government, resident professionalists, soldiers, guards. As such most of what consists in yes, a kingdom. I don't really want it to be taken as another kingdom guild, but it is necesary for roles as this to be filled to give more life to the phase.


    This is a little summary of what I want to build. Let me know what you think, ask questions, givefeedback and if you'll like to help.

    And if someone could improve this, well go right ahead. Would like to see some action on this server.

    And apologies for my lousy and abstract explanation of this project, would love to clear up some questions.


    I think that concludes me being lazy and leeching on my colleague's work. To summarize it all, we've always liked rp and have never quite liked the typical just sitting down on a bar, finding a random elf to hit on and what not. On the phase, I plan to dm a couple of stories I've thought off or other people have suggested to us. Feel free to read the link posted above, we've written a lot of them on there. To end this, not sure if this is the right area of the forum to post it on but oh well. Just wanted to let you guys know what we are working on, and open for help even if its just ideas for stories. Due credit always given, and on that note I would enjoy other people to take up similar endeavors and in that case good luck!
