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Posts posted by Yoenus

  1. For RP purposes, it would be great if we could have like designated areas within a phase where someone is allowed to build/spawn.
    For example, being able to designate an house and/or around an house by example a plot designated to a 'limited builder' number.
    At the same time it would be great if those designated plots could as well be handed out by a npc, from which a player needs to talk to, to specify which from available plots they want to build.

    This would be great to expand 24/7 and/or active RP's/guild RP's.
    Couple of examples:

    • Town/kingdom RP
      • Design the inside of your home.
      • Design garden/porch etc.
      • Shop keepers designing and updating visual inventory during calm moments
      • Governors (appointees) having bigger build ratio plot or access to all plots in set area
      • ...
    • Guild RP phases
      • Design the inside of your home.
      • Build up defences if getting stationed somewhere
      • Assigning officers to build up outposts with a platoon (as well builders)
      • Inviting other guild to partake in guild wars, build up defences prior to battle
      • Spawning enemy/friendly npc's prior to battle
      • ...
    • Adventure/GM RP
      • Set designated rest locations, upon arrival make rest location more comfy
      • Upon clearing a location/level of enemies, being able to build/spawn
    • Builders RP/Contest
      • Assign plot to builders to either build their location or show off their skills

    Potential features:

    • Objects whitelist/blacklist
    • NPC's whitelist/blacklist
    • Object/npc build limit
    • Plot License timer option
    • NPC giving out build licence to plots
      • With taken plots being removed or greyed/red out of list
    • Phase officers giving out build/spawn licence to plots
    • Combined plot area section license

    I'm sure some of you can think as well of even more features and use case for this.
