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Posts posted by Codename

  1. This is a good summery of the issues plaguing most people at the moment.


    Though I have to voice the concern of having "player count" in phases as such a thing would just make bigger phases bigger and kill smaller niche phases.

    For example, if Stormwind has 30+ people and some adventure phase people would normally look at only shows 5 people, people will flock to the bigger ones. So if it is going to be a thing, there need to be some way to either filter out phases with "overpopulation" or somehow promote the smaller ones more. Or just dont have player count in the hands of the average person like it is now. At least then they are at least exploring and seeing if they might return later on an interesting build where if there was a player count, they might just even try to explore it at all ever and just go to where others are and leave it at that.


    One thing I pushed like a year ago to a few people was the possibility of a "current phases" zone where people can go from start to find phases. A sort of builder haven style phase but for RP and active phases with an LFRP tone to it. I been trying to push this idea a few times through the dev and mod team but with little to no success beyond "we had plans on making that but the one handling it is gone" and that was all there was to it. The idea could greatly fix a lot of the current issues if a portal to said LFRP phase finder phase was in start much like builder haven is. 

  2. • Type of Bug: Gossip option from Arcanum gossip npcs applies to all npcs in phase.
    • Description: Once having a gossip option with arcanum on an npc, it "sticks" to all npcs and on first click, ANY npcs or teleporter that has a gossip display the same gossip and the same options as the arcanum option applied npc. Unclicking and reclicking the npc removed this bug temporarily until zoned again.
    • Evidence (Chat message/Screenshot): 
    • Steps to reproduce: Make an arcanum teleport spell, apply it to a gossip option on a forged npc, then make another forged npc with random gossip and the first forged npcs arcanum options will turn up on the other gossip npcs without fail on first click.
    • Expected result: That you have gossip "overwriten" temporarily by arcanum option npcs.
    • Observed result: As above, the other npcs not having arcanum options are given arcanum options randomly on first click.
    • Reproduction rate: 100%
    • Additional information: Extremely distruptive, so much so that the bug someones makes it impossible to aquire information from certain npcs as their dialogue is replaced with the arcanum npc which is in another zone entirely. Disatance or map doesnt matter whatsoever and this even applies to regular gob teleporters. FIX ASAP.

  3. • Type of Bug: Gossip Option, Forged Npc
    • Description: Once killed, the npc lost its gossip options and could not be restored once it respawned after 5 minutes, nor did new spanwned npcs of the same type have the gossip options.
    • Evidence (Chat message/Screenshot): 
    • Steps to reproduce: Create any npc with a gossip option, .kill it or just set its health to very low and kill it by hitting it and then either wait til it respawns or .revive it and the option is gone. I did this to rest various ideas regarding the Arcanum spellforge to create "lootable" npcs and merchants as "questgivers" wanting the looted item to trade for a reward.
    • Expected result: The npc when respawned will be named unknown and not have its gossip options avaliable even if using .phase forge npc gossip enable on it again.
    • Observed result: As described, the respawned or revived npc cannot be restored to its previous function in any way.
    • Reproduction rate: So far i have tried this on merchants, regular gossips and arcanum casting npcs and none of them had gossip avaliable when they respawned or got revived.
    • Additional information: This was discovered when myself and Kraulspine discussed in the discord about ways to make an npc lootable only once to prevent "spam loot". The looting itself worked flawlessly til we tried killing it. 
    Server restart did eventually restore his function, but same thing happen if I kill him again.