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Posts posted by CJFlipper

  1. Currently .gob spawn requires an object ID in order to spawn something in.

    If .gob spawn could also work with the object Name then it would make spawning in variations of objects for malls incredibly easy.

    For example: I am currently spawning in an Epsilon Custom RockArch WMO's themed after Arathigrass. In order to spawn it in I must type, or have a macro using  .gob spawn 10001353.

    There are 37 other Arathigrass RockArch WMOs with slightly differing names. Then there are about 50+ Variations of those 38 gobs (eg. Stormheimgrass, Wildhammergrass, Suramarredgrass) 

    If I was able to spawn gobs in using " .gob spawn eps_rockarch2_arathigrass_shelf_02l.wmo " then I could write a script to spawn all 38 objects, then use a "find and replace function" to swap out "arathigrass" to "stormheimgrass" and spawn the next 38, and so on. 

    There are many more variations of epsilon objects to spawn (the draconic stuff, plus whatever is added in future), so this functionality would be amazingly useful. 
