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Posts posted by Nightrowan

  1. • Type of Bug: NPC 'Lieutenant Sanders' spawning
    • Description: Every time the server crashes or restarts, Lieutenant Sanders falls out of the sky near our phase starting area.
    • Evidence (Chat message/Screenshot): Screenshot attached.
    • Steps to reproduce: Server restart/crash.
    • Expected result: No Lieutenant Sanders.
    • Observed result: Lieutenant Sanders.
    • Reproduction rate: 100%.
    • Additional information: He disappears when the command .ph cleartemp is performed. I cannot locate a teleporter that is active in the phase that is summoning the NPC in its proximity. This has been consistent for almost a month. I would love for it to be something as simple as a prank, but I cannot find any gob nearby that would be conjuring him. I'm not going to delete him now for the sake of investigation. Please feel free to contact me in Discord or enter my phase to view him and his chicken-reeking splendor.

    Lieutenant Sanders.png
