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Posts posted by Neckbone

  1. As you can probably surmise, I am new here!  I go by Neckbone, and I am very pleased to have discovered this community.  I started playing WoW when I was 11 a few months after the initial release.  However, most of my time was spent in SWG and later I returned to play in TBC.  I spent a LOT of time in TBC and I remember it as one of the best RP experiences of my life!  Today, WoW is completely unrecognizable. I can't even play retail without feeling damn near sick to my stomach at the state of the game.  RP seems all but dead, replaced by casual 'hook up' style RP.  Guild ad's that look promising are shells of themselves, and lack any activity or depth.

    WoW RP is something that I have always cherished and loved, and the state of it in the game today has been really disappointing.  When I found out about this community, I was ecstatic! I think that it's an incredible initiative and I am very excited to start delving into all that you have to offer. I really like the idea of building new stories with you all, and I hope you'll accept me.

    So, just a little about Neckbone...
    I am an aging twenty something with a passion for RP and writing.  I have been RPing since I was about 9 or 10 and have been obsessed since.  I started with DND, then moved to AOL chat rooms and forums, then MMO's, and these days I am actually getting back to my roots with DND.  I participate in a couple DND streams currently, and you can watch me at the links below.  This as reinvigorated my desire for RP, and I am here to start focusing my creativity into WoW.  Other than RP, I enjoy playing video games, hiking, biking, and kayaking in the warmer months. I am also a huge Star Wars nerd, and obsessed with the GoT books and expanded universe.

    I like to think I am a pretty laid back person with a passion for many things.  I hope to get to know you all and revel in the stories we will weave together.

    Find me on Twitch
    My Channel - Occasionally I play games and chat. Not often though!

    Gambets Channel - Find me every other Monday at 7PM EST as Garruk
    A stone age homebrew with multiple groups unraveling the mysteries of the world!

    isFriday's Channel - Find me every Sunday at 11AM EST as Toki!
    A DND stream featuring a new homebrew module based on the Thrones and Bones series by writer Lou Anders. Lou built this module with a Kickstarter campaign and has given it to a handful of groups for play testing, I play in one of those groups!

