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Posts posted by roundabout

  1. wow nice buzzwords. i like your little disclaimer at the end there in attempt to prove any arguments against you as being at fault because you're so damn right. what an idiot

  2. Definitely. I honestly try to avoid creating conflict, even where I know I want to. We're all here and we've got to make the most of it, otherwise we'll only be remembered as the worst kind of folk. Elitism and echo chambers of anger only create a divide.

  3. 4 hours ago, Montague said:

    The characters that bear the brunt of criticism are targeted for a reason. Poorly written characters that try so hard to be unique that they end up just blending in with the rest of the snowflakes. It's ironic really. Especially seeing that regular characters holding regular faction ties is the uncommon thing nowadays.


    Funnily enough despite you guys patting each other on your backs and talking about "imagination" the cringe characters of this server were created due the player's lack of it.

    i would rather have a hundred snowflakes than characters like cailan tbqh family. the opposite end of the spectrum is just as bad. not that there's anything wrong with him, he's just, well, too generic.

    I think you might have missed the point of the thread, in that, there's not really a reason to be vitriolic towards other players. "patting someone on the back" is miles different than telling them they're a fucking retard. It's harder to educate than it is to just call someone dumb and have a laugh with their friends, and the only way a community stays nice is if the former happens more than the latter. I don't really understand the obsession with belittling other players for their conduct. It's fairly unhealthy.

  4. I'm just going to have to disagree with you completely on that one, Fraenir. I'm online quite a bit, and the only thing I notice is the "obnoxious" spell spam, which is quite useful for me, since then I can steal those spells for later use. Never look at anything like it's a bad thing, try to treat it as an opportunity.

    Not to mention it's simply easy to sit there and wait for something to come along. It's an overall good thing. Try to look at it from a different perspective and both appreciate the good already there, and try to force some positivism into others, rather than wish for its removal entirety. Sure, some usual suspects are sure never to change, but short of bullying Mith, which seems to be a server pass-time, I've never seen anyone outwardly decrying profiles.

  5. I personally feel that the OoC area needs to be diminished; it should serve as the starting point where all new characters begin, but it shouldn't be a hangout spot for players. 

    I don't really know why this train of thought ever catches on. People will simply go elsewhere to discuss things in an OOC fashion. It builds a sense of community, and so far, Epsilon's starting area has proved to be a place that is mostly non-toxic and promotes healthy discussion. At least, when I'm online. Any time any server has instituted a "mall mute" or has gotten rid of their OOC area entirely, people simply went OOC in phases or other areas, creating a significantly worse "problem" in the form of echo chamber cliques.
