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Posts posted by Crowe

  1. Hi! I'm newer to the server, and have been around a week or so, but one thing that has been an occurrence since my joining of the server is constant issues regarding the addon mogit, which no longer works because of... What people are saying the overcoats caused. 

    This is a suggestion not to get rid of overcoats, but to add them as a standalone patch downloadable here, much like RPH's cloak patch worked. I use that as a reference because it is simple to install, easy to find, and it doesn't cause instability. This way, until mogit is fixed, players could use it of their own discretion, so that if they wanted mogit over the overcoats, they could use it, and if they wanted overcoats over mogit; They could as well.

    Simply a temporary solution that would be far easier than keeping the cloaks in while fixing everything. Although this is merely a suggestion, and I've no knowledge of how it might actually work mechanically.
