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Posts posted by FluffyFlood

  1. Some sort of gm command would be nice to bypass the race and class restriction for armor. I want my warrior to be decked out in the floppy dead demon wing armor with some hunter item skulls, no other way a demon slaying orc warrior should be. There's also just a lot of cool 7.2 items that would be neat to mix and match together. Not sure if this is already being worked on.

  2. Thurj, the ultimate movie Durotan rip-off. Upright smooth-faced Mag'har with blue eyes and dreadlocks trying to lead a group of orcs through Outland to live on Azeroth and combat the Legion for what they've done to the orcish homeworld and what they're doing to the new world in hopes that the orcs can finally settle without having to worry about weird floating dudes and evil green space farts trying to telepathically demand them to drink Mountain Dew.

    Also, Jakili. Purple-skinned Draenei paladin that's also super duper handsome, because I have no originality and don't like playing ugly characters, garners the help of Alliance and Horde heroes and misfits to go all Guardians of The Galaxy against demons, N'raqi, trash mob bandits, and people who RP their elves as Lannisters or anime heroes instead of just LoTR elves and D&D adventurers.

    Maybe my construct too. Little engineer dude contemplating morals and philosophy and looking for the help of an unknown master so that he can have himself figured out over what he believes is logical.

    My main will probably just be Thurj. I really like orcs.

  3. So I'm coming from RPH and I'm kind of tired of their elitist community of far left wing and far right wing people with random rape threats and death threats and bullying you, crashing your phases, generally being a kind of prick and then just saying, "Oh, it's a joke, not a dick, don't take it so hard." Real original. I'm trying to avoid all the alt-right Game of Thrones humans that want the game to be as realistic as possible and the weird people that RP fourteen year old dragon archmages with Fel and Shadow magic schools that don't affect them whatsoever.

    I just wanna RP an orc with some other orcs and have some Outland campaigns.

    I also wanna RP Draenei. They're neat, have spaceships made of crystals and magic, pimp space knight armor that could truly retake a holy land, such as Argus, and Klingon forehead crowns with horns.
