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Posts posted by TheBlueWyrd

  1. I'm sure this has been already suggested (I've been searching, actually), but those are old topics from about 2-3 years ago and I'd like to just check on this, if it's a to-do thing yet, if it's an abandoned task, or whatever:

    The possibility of giving ??different permissions to each member/officer/anyone in a phase??.

    Extra: specifically, the possibility of giving ??different permissions to different gobs/grobs for a rank of mem/off in the phase, or a specific character??, etc.

    And even more, but I think this could be even easier than the above: ??separated permisssions from my other characters in the same account??. If I'm an officer with Blue Wyrd in a ph, I really don't like being automatically officer in the same ph with any other characters of mine (I use to separate my mod characters from my RP characters).
