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Posts posted by Durffus

  1. Name:                 - Jebeddo "Scumbleduck" Ningcl
    Race:                   - Gnome
    Profession:          - Scholar
    Desired Class:     - Occultist
    Brief Character Backstory (this will affect the prologue event of your character if accepted):
    - Born in the trade port town of Menethil Harbor to a couple of quiet-living anglers. There he grew up learning the fishing trade of his mother and father who had moved away from Gnomeregan not long before his birth. Mr. & Mrs. Ningcl were oddly content, for a pair of gnome, to be spending their days in humble trade and fishing by net and rod. Jebeddo was never satisfied with the monotony of it as discovery and ingenuity was in his blood. After saving up enough money dozen years after he had come of age, he left his life there behind to venture to Stormwind where he would learn all he could about the world, its history, and the wonderful complexity of magic.

    It was within the city of diversity he began a career as a scribe under the tutelage of a wizard within the Mage order, Ramshar Widalin, a fellow Gnome at that. There he spent his days joyously creating copies of history books, learning the lore as he went, as well as translating foreign languages and archaic dialects, which he acquired through the mentorship. The tomes that interested him the most to work on, however, were that of magic, arcane or otherwise. The less practiced and secretive the art, the more he desired to learn of it. This is what lead to his unfortunate descent down the rabbit hole of the occult.

    Ramshar was always quick to dismiss Jebeddo's questions into the occult, calling the arts a lesser form of magic where risk outweighs reward. While, yes, all knowledge is good knowledge, the wise know what not to dabble in. Jebeddo, as intelligent as he was, still lacked the wisdom needed for such choices. His pursuit of the forbidden arts lead him to find like minds within the lower circles of the order. He did not make it far in his haphazard practices before him and his peers were discovered. Mere expulsion from the order was admittedly a lenient punishment given the damage such practices have dealt in the past.

    Though being removed from methods of formal practice, Jebeddo still seeks to further himself in his practices as well as learn additional schools when possible. It will be a hard road ahead outside of a library, but there will be plenty to discover out in the unknown world.
    Brief Character Personality Synopsis:
    - Truly a knowledge seeker. He takes joy in reading about events of history and learning about how magics, deities, and otherworldly beings work. While occult may be his practiced school of magic, he doesn’t have a specific set focus on any particular subject. He just likes learning about all of it. He'll often be seen writing notes when coming across new locations or even recording conversations with strangers. As for how he is emotionally, generally good-natured. He is one who would help other people out with menial tasks should he see them struggling. Being a part of a settled community was once important to him, but now he considers his momentary company his community. Often becomes frustrated with disorder and likes things to be labelled and organized.
    How much time can you commit to the campaign?
    - I generally work 40 hour work weeks on shifts that can change week to week. If I'm not working I'll normally be available to play.

    What time zone are you based in?
    - Mountain Standard Time (-7)
    Are you comfortable with character death for this roleplay?
    - Yes I am. The risk of failure and loss makes reward and success all the greater. Having genuine consequence is healthy in RP.

  2. I didn't leave much of a mark when I was here the first time around, but I figured I should say hello again. Been away from WoW RP for about 10 months now and off of WoW in general for about 6 months. I've been putting my RP energy towards D&D and having a lot of fun with that. Got pulled back in here by some friends so I figure I'll be trying out the waters again. I see myself mostly playing Orcs and unusual halfbreed races as I have before. Catch me in the mall on Durff as I load my TinyClient!
