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Posts posted by alural

  1. I really think that the administration or at least the ones who matter should come toguether and make decisions because at this point all i see is azarchius making general updates and everyone else working on patches, what is the end goal here? The sandbox?

  2. Communication with administration has always been good, you guys just gotta have real ideas for the server other than fixing already existing issues, make server events, instead of promoting more game masters to moderate a sandbox get more people with actual roleplaying ideas to create and manage those events, there is a million things you can do to spice things up.

  3. 12 minutes ago, Witch said:


    You're both right! I know most of us share the same sentiment and I'll be pushing for more active phase role-play and quality of life improvements as much as I can. I hope everyone else will do the same; Azarchius hears all of our feedback, and as we suggest more additions he'll continue to do what he does best.

    As for phases this is where the community comes together best. Host some and then some more! I can't wait to pop in on my characters and see what we all create. (:

    It's about actually existing some initiative from the server to create role playing opportunities instead of just giving out the commands and expect everyone to make something out of it. There's very little activity on the server lately, people ask for RP in announce and no one answers, definitely an RP list or phase list should be implemented and it hasn't (among a million other things). I've been really doubting the purpose of the server, it's pretty much people idling and spamming spells at starting zone. I know it's beta but most of the commands are badly documented (some of them aren't even documented) confusing and badly organized. Even thought i see a lot of effort and success on the technical side i don't see anyone making any effort in actually creating the role playing environment, the server is pretty much becoming a sandbox, a good one but that's about it.

  4. 21 minutes ago, cinos said:

    Congratulations! If those are really even in order, as if to imply this was some sort of great race. From what I have seen you are all extremely qualified and dedicated to the server, a more than excellent addition. 

    Just don't forget to keep in mind. Working and developing the server takes time! Don't try to overburden yourselves and wear yourselves out! Remember that this can't function as a full time job, so make sure to not to overwork yourself like its a full time job! Stand up and stretch! 

    Now back to work, you lot, breaks over. We don't pay you to stand around.

    Ikr? An ideal server wouldn't even need GMs, they exist almost only to moderate infractions of rules.
