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A Representative of the Dwarven Master Race

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Hello to all. There isn't much to say about myself personally, but I'd still like to utilize this shameless self-promotion regardless.
While my forum username is Fraenir, you may also address me as Einbjorn, my primary character on the server.
The primary phase I operate on this server is Nidafjoll (1093).

The phase's setting will operate under a mostly custom lore basis while still including certain Warcraft-exclusive notions - like Draenei and Pandaren - but will ultimately do away with much of the story and lore to supplant with my own, or more appropriately, mine and whomever else wishes to represent and embellish upon an alternate view of the various races (which of course must be certified by myself); at least partially, as many themes and elements will still carry over, just not all. Needless to say many basic elements will still be different, so please do not take anything for granted. Naturally the geography will be considered different, so despite certain areas being used, the adjacent ones should not necessarily be treated as being literally right next to them, regardless of whether or not they are used themselves; for the purposes of RP, the Howling Fjord may very well be treated as being right next to Dun Morogh. Even Draenor (not Outland mind you) could be treated as being yet another continent of the same world, although likely under a different IC name. My main focus of course will be on dwarves, so if you'd like to jump in and perhaps throw some input as to how you'd want to re-envision one of the other races for a collective RP, I'm more than happy to accept, or perhaps you enjoy some good dwarven RP yet cannot find it and may wish to join (however, there will be some minor alterations to how dwarves are treated in this setting). You may personally contact me via a private message where I can further elaborate upon the areas I have already partially reimagined and we can work on it from there.

Of course, you might wonder, "Why would I want to invest my ideas into your phase rather than just do it myself in my own?" to which the answer is simply that I am looking to cultivate a fun project including others, I merely moderate the inclusions themselves. Also, not everyone on this server is so keen on building their own phases, merely wishing to join in with others.
"Why is it custom lore instead of just Warcraft?" I find Warcraft lore to have too many plotholes, grey areas, inconsistencies, retcons, and most importantly it neglects large areas of the story and content for long spans of time (even sometimes indefinitely), and I lack the capacity to develop my own game to express my own story, so I thought it good fun to use the models, locations, etc. of Warcraft provided by such a private server as this one to play around with some simple ideas.
"Based on the post's title, will dwarves be treated with utmost favoritism and made an OP race?" To an extent, I must admit, yes. Though not so much that they are this unstoppable force and immovable object of a people which all others must bow before or perish. If you wish to know more of my view of dwarves, please ask, preferably in a private message.

I'm always willing to receive constructive criticism; heckling, however, will not be tolerated.

Edited by Fraenir

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