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Taregraz the Ruinous

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It all began long time ago, when Sargers shattered Mardum and ignited the Burning crusade.

Taregraz was just a mere foot soldier, nothing more than meatbag meant to be slaughtered again and again in an endless cycle.

After he died and was reborn for like the hundredth time, life lost any meaning for him. His needs and wishes have been limited to very small circle of things. It was enough for him to eat once a day and have a place to rest. Everything else was just a sweet bonus for him. But one desire remained. He wanted to stand out, to be the best.

It didn’t take long and Taregraz started to acquire renown. He fervently filled the orders of his commanders, he trained more than anyone else. In battles he was unstoppable, cleaving his way through any enemy he faced. His commander, Lord Zanterug, didn’t care why is Taregraz winning, he was more focused on the results. Soon he named him a small division commander, later even centurion.

Taregraz wasn’t like these Eredar or Nathrezim commanders. He didn’t have any brilliant plans, he practically used only one command - "Charge!". Training of his soldiers was handled personally by him and he was very strict. During his training more soldiers died than in some battles. His men feared him, they knew that he is a bit unhinged. But when it came to battle they thanked Sargeras for the hard training they have been through and stood behind Taregraz as one demon.

His fame grew every century, countless world fallen by his help.

Now Lieutenant Taregraz the Ruinous is send to Azeroth to deal a decisive blow against persistent mortal defenders.

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Legion is the perfect expansion for these types of characters. Well done, zalmiel! I'm looking forward to seeing Targraz the Ruinous on the battlefield. (:


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