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Showing most liked content on 03/20/20 in Posts

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    Hey guys, I found a group of untextured m2 objects. There used to be five unique groups of this object, but as of current only one remains. I retextured them and played around with them a bit, and I see the potential that can be had. All of the shapes and texture paths will be listed below. 996265 - world/expansion05/doodads/color_07.blp 130061 - dungeons/textures/walls/mm_strmwnd_mwall_05.blp 1787864 - tileset/expansion07/general/8war_tile02_512.blp 1787861 - tileset/expansion07/general/8war_tile01_512.blp Thank you for reading! (EDIT): I should probably of added a couple screenshots here, let me actually do that now.