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Everything posted by RepJunkieJr

  1. Would anybody be up to taking the mantle (no pun intended) and updating this awesome patch?
  2. So, scaling... It's an amazing thing. Now, consider: what if we were able to stretch things? Gobs, players. It would lead to entirely new ways of customization. Thin human with beefy arms. Fat gnome. Elongated wooden platform. I recognize this might pose a few problems such as server size and backup time, and of course not acknowledging the people that would just absolutely abuse this mechanic and make two-dimensional figures, but think of the possibilities. I want to hear what you guys have to say about this. If it's doable, by God let's try to make it so, but if it's more trouble than it's worth, I wanna discuss why, or see if we can find a work-around. Thanks for reading this, y'all!