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Posts posted by Ezcu

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dssNa11htIM



    What is the Redlander Watch?

    The Redlanders are a brotherhood of fortune seekers, sellswords, and renegades looking to survive in a world of overzealous heroes and world-ending villains. The Watch is not for the faint of heart, nor the chivalrous.
    Everyone pulls their weight in the Watch. Getting the job done is top priority.

    How does one join the Redlander Watch?

    The current method of enlisting in the Watch is to speak to a recruiting agent in the Free Town of Elisram.
    After having done the recruiting process, the interested party will be allowed access to Blackport, where they will be able to meet their comrades and settle down in the island.

    Who leads the Redlander Watch?

    Ignatious Lazarus: The current Major. Proprietor of Blackport and Director of the Redlanders. Born in Redridge, grew up in Hillsbrad as a refugee after the fall of Stormwind in the first War. Notable features: Blond hair, dark apparel, and thin body type.

    Bubba Honeysett: Twin Director to the Major. A Kul Tiras native who specializes in brew & cookery. Responsible for much of the crew's naval transportation, among other things. No weapons on record. Notable features: Large bloke.



    Director: The leaders of the company. Directors have the last word in any dispute or crisis. Primarily specialize in logistics, administration, etc.

    Captain: Captains are to represent the Watch, both in social affairs or the heat of battle. They assist the Directors as the leading core, especially in executing missions.

    Member: Mercenaries are the most common in the Watch. They are respected above the initiate, but they still obey the Captains and Directors. They are the workforce of the company and are expected to leave a good impression on initiates.

    Initiate: The Greenhorns are to obey the higher-ups. Eventually proving themselves to the Watch, and consequently to rise up in ranks. They do not obey Members, but are expected to listen to their advice.


    - OOC -

    This guild is part of the Elisram Phase Community.

    If the Redlander Watch doesn't appeal to you, we highly encourage you to look into Elisram for more options or hosting your own guild/faction.

    Down to earth characters. No flashy armor.
    Adding to the story or the general roleplay is ESSENTIAL. Intentional writing to conflict with the general mood will get you nowhere.
    Don’t make people beg you for RP. No “Pick-me” roleplay basically.
    No alts!

    Personal Discord: Ezcu#7559


  2. telabimtitle2.thumb.png.6544419de35ffef9378a4597bbca067c.png


    Discovered shortly after the Third War, the tropical island of Tel'Abim became a fully-fledged nation. Now, with the war on Azeroth, the rich island stands at the brink of doom, or a rise in prosperity, as different factions stare at it with greedy eyes.
    Rising from the South Seas, and inhabited by Goblin, Pandaren, and Hozen natives, it sports a multi-cultural and multi-racial community where all kinds of lifestyles are accepted. That does not mean these species got along at first. That changed until the bright mind of a Goblin wizard known as Abim changed the course of fate and rallied the island into a proper nation.


    It now opens its doors to the public with their fancy new zeppelin and boat rides.

    Current Factions:

    •  Nationalists: Spanning from Abim's own dynasty rises The Don. The most supreme figure in the island. He is known for his unparalleled greed and good taste. His followers are blind zealots that will do anything he says. Jumping off a canyon sounds like an acceptable idea if The Don suggests it.
    •  Frantixx Antixx: The enterprise owned by the Trade Prince of Tel'Abim, Frantixx, specializes in trading assets from all over Azeroth in exchange for tropical goods and crafts. However no one understands why his mansion sits in the Pandaren slums, let alone guarded by so many bruisers and strict security protocols. It's easy to believe it's because he is The Don's son, but the elite know very well The Don cares very little about Frantixx.
    • Steamwheedle Cartel: Having found the island of Tel'Abim almost twenty years ago, the largest and fully neutral cartel in Azeroth struck a deal with the island. Its independence, guaranteed, for a new dock and a steady flow of trade in lumber and food.
    • Bilgewater Cartel: Although considered of poor judgement by its current leadership's decision to assimilate with the Horde, this Cartel has sunk their claws into the island of Tel'Abim, in hopes of forming a new confederation with the island.
    • SI:7: Not present yet.



    Players that are NOT native to the island can either arrive by boat from Booty Bay or from a zeppelin ride from Ratchet. Either an adventurer, or a tourist, what brings you to this island is your own reason.

    All manner of role play is welcome in the island. From religious types on a pilgrimage,  ne'er-do-wells that seek thrill, adventurers looking to make a name, someone trying to escape their old lives. There are no limits! Businesses and factions can be made or joined! From an unlawful organization to a mere establishments.

    We have very little tolerance of highly powerful characters whose only fixation is to either ruin other players' fun or destroy the island. No DK's or DH's. 


    Discord Link:

    Phase ID:     25331







  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dH_lwQrlyk8



    "He who fights monsters would do well to take care, lest he become a monster himself, and if you gaze into the abyss for too long, the abyss gazes back."


    Life and Death have existed in parallel ever since mortal life first arose in our physical universe. The origins of the realm of the dead, the Shadowlands, remain uncertain. Be it by sea or air, there is no escaping time. And so do we reach our ends. But those that have played with it, or played by fate itself, end up in this grim dimension. Forever bound to roam aimlessly.


    The premise

    The Garden of Demise opens up as a phase for those interested in searching the occult, the nuances of life and death, time. Those that seek an escapade from the mortal realm. From wars and chaos. A place to stop existing.

    This pocket plane is owned by a specter known as the Hornfather. A greedy spirit that has possessed this corner of the Shadowlands for himself and as such welcomes any entertainment in his home. It is said he expects his guests to fight for his entertainment occasionally and rewards the victors on certain occasions.


    Entering the Gardens

    To access this realm one must fit in with one or more of the following criteria:

    • Be able to talk to the spirits or phase into the Shadowlands. (Shamans, Spirit Walkers, Death Knights, Necromancers, etc.)
    • Be casted into it, be it by person or a cursed trinket.
    • Be dead

    (  For those that choose the third option, do .aura 123708  AND  .aura 44823  to show yourself as a ghost  )


    Death in this plane means ceasing to exist. Be it in life or death. And we expect players to respect other character's stances whether they accept death or not.

    Usual rules apply. No godmodding / metagaming / etc. 

    This is a role play phase, not start. Save OOC banter for /instance chat. (Which you'll get invited to when you join the phase)


    My Discord:   Ezcu#7559 

    Phase ID:   20737


  4. uXOZ8Va.png

    "Ratchet, on Kalimdor’s central east coast, is run by goblins and shows it. Its streets sprawl in every direction, and the architecture shows no consistency or common vision. It is a city of entertainment and trade, where anything that anyone would ever want to buy, and plenty of things that no one ever wants to buy, is on sale."

    What was once a humble savanna shanty town, is now a proper, technologically advanced town. Although messy in nature, it runs smoothly and generates coin for the Steamwheedle Cartel efficiently. For starters, more options as to where to travel have been built, such as zeppelins to Everlook. With a common foe vanquished, the fragile ties that held both factions together have finally been stretched to their limit. Only time will tell when this loose alliance will collapse and, when it does, war is sure to be on the horizon. Attention is coming back to the old Barrens port as different factions are surging forwards to claim their place in the region.


    The Ratchet Watch - One of the most relentless, and most brutal law enforcement agencies in Azeroth. The Watch holds no mercy for those that break the law. 
    (Position open) -
    (Position open) -
    (Position open) -

    Unclaimed spots: Throught Ratchet there are several unclaimed areas such as houses or stores.


    Standard rules apply.

    1 - This phase is for casual RP, meet-ups, and guild/clan/business recruitment. Do NOT expect DMing. This is NOT a dungeon. Moderation will still take place for people that don't follow the rules.
    2 - Similar to Rule 1. Hostile attempts against the town without officer's consent will be instantly kicked. Pranks are allowed to an extent, they cannot harm general populace. Arguing is also allowed, lay a hand on someone and you'll be removed from the premises. Feel free to declare duels as long as they take place OUTSIDE of the town.
    3 - Do not use OOC chat in /say or /emote more than once. Use /whispers, /guild, /party, or .phase announce. Using /say or /emote for ooc toxicity will get you kicked.
    4 - Ridiculous speeds or flying without a previous emote guarantees a kick on sight.


    If needing to contact me hit me up via Discord:    Ezcu#7559

  5. This is something that comes up too often in roleplay servers. And I never seen it get far. People usually get bored of typing long descriptive parragraphs (cause lets be honest, you have unlimited time and writing, why write 4 words?). I might try it if it goes well though.

    I'd make a Discord group for it over forums. To see who is typing and whatnot so theres no stepping on other's toes.

    I don't think its a bad idea. I've been mildly interested in it, but I find in-game roleplay more fun than in text. 


  6. What's the active playerbase?

    The active playerbase is not massive I'll say that. However, people tend to be more dedicated and/or enjoy roleplaying more.

    What expansion/patch is the server on?


    What are the most active guilds?

    there are a few guilds that come to my mind right now. I am not sure how active they are for I am not in them:

    Elisram - Assembly of the Eclipse - Brightflame Union - Heartwing -

    What are the most active phases?

    Theres not much in the way of active phases in Epsilon due to our low numbers. Most people do private roleplay, or arrange a day for a particular public phase.
    There's no "24/7 open tavern" phases.

    What is your character?

    I'm Worzrac in game.  I have others, but they aren't relevant at the moment.

    I hope this helps. If you need anything hit me up in Ezcu#7559 (Discord)

  7. Spoiler




    Capital of the Steamwheedle Cartel and home to goblinhood's finest engineers, alchemists, and merchants.

    “All roads lead to Gadgetzan.”

    Much has changed in Gadgetzan throughout the wars that happened in Azeroth and beyond. What was once a dusty old desert refuge is now a labyrinthine metropolis, filled with every known race to Goblins. This is due to the labor of the Baron Noggenfogger, the big boss who pumped gold into his beloved city ever since he got into office. During the vast time that the Legion invaded, every capable soul was forced to fight for Gadgetzan. Once that was over, the vast expanded military disbanded and only the military police remained.
    With a common foe vanquished, the fragile ties that held both the Horde and Alliance together have finally been stretched to their limit. Only time will tell when this loose alliance will collapse and, when it does, war is sure to be on the horizon.
    Attention is slowly coming back to the old Tanaris city as different factions are surging forwards to claim their place in the world.



    The Iron Dukes - After various accusations of crimes, these Dwarves were forced to leave the town. They are now settled by the slums, lording over them in their tower.
    The Military Police - The MP was built during the Legion invasions, drafting civilians to help in the defense of the town. What used to be bruisers, are now called snipers for their ability to hunt down troublemakers in town.
    Slums - Filled with refugees who want to be allowed access into the city. They vary from previous Steamwheedle citizens, Wastewanders, Trolls, AWOL soldiers of the Alliance and Horde, etc.
    Gadgetzan Water Company - (or Gadgetzan Water Co.) are a subgroup of the Gadgetzan goblins and responsible for building wells across the desert to farm fresh water.
    The Alliance and Horde - These two are finally mustering the courage to try and convince the Steamwheedle Cartel to join their ranks for the coming war. Although its highly unlikely that the Baron will yield his precious neutrality.


    OOC Rules

    1 - Hostile attempts against the town without officer's consent will be instantly kicked. Pranks are allowed freely but to an extent, they cannot harm general populace. Arguing is also allowed, lay a hand on someone and you'll be removed from the premises. Feel free to declare duels as long as they take place outside or at the Thunderdome arena.
    2 - Do not use OOC chat in /say or /emote more than once. Use /whispers, /guild, /party, or .phase announce. Using /say or /emote for ooc toxicity will get you kicked.
    3 - Ridiculous speeds or flying without invis morph are kick on sight. Do not complain if you are caught.


    IC Rules (Subject to change)

    1 - Shady people are allowed to roam and the privilege of keeping their business to themselves. 
    2 - Fighting is only allowed in the Thunderdome arena or outside.


    PHASE 4996








    Hello Epsilon. I'm new here. I've been wanting to host Horde Role play for some time now and decide to make The Bloody Grin Camp. Basically its a boot camp located in an uncharted region of Stonetalon where the new blood and new recruits of the Horde go to get acquainted with military training in the Horde. Thats all I have so far. I intend to expand on this post as time goes on and more ideas, suggestions, concerns arise.




    -What is required to join the guild?

    -Basic role play abilities and knowledge. A discord account to keep in touch. And be interviewed OOCly before joining. That's all.



    -What does the guild/phase need?

    -We need rookies, new blood, young'uns, etc. People that aren't familiar with combat or soldier routines. We also need mentors and officers, to guide and teach the novices. (Being a mentor doesn't make you an officer of the guild by the way, but that shouldn't discourage you from offering yourself as one.). The idea is for a place where people can store old Horde characters or start a new young one and have some progression to their stories.

    Any race (of the Horde) is allowed to join if they are young and wish to prove themselves to the Horde.


