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Posts posted by Void

  1. It's a long overdue addition that the server really needs. It would save a lot of time for those looking for public RP hubs where they will actually be able to find others to interact with. It was less of an issue when you might see 5 or so phases actively listed; but the numbers are much higher on average now, there are 10-15+ phases on average to visit.

    I know the Epsilon Staff have stated in the past (on a few occasions) that they think this devalues low population phases; it is an understandable point of view but the end result is the same.

    "Having .ph pop be useable for all players in a phase devalues low population phases."

    This has its truth to it, many players are less drawn to phases with less people in it. The problem is we have other tools to determine the populations in phases; using /who in the zone, using the TRP map scan tool, or simply flying around OOC. This leads to the same end result but is often inaccurate and/or misleading because of phases in overlapping zones, phases built in Infinite Flatlands, or phases built in 'Unknown' locations.


    Overall, players searching for active RP hubs will find them; preventing them from knowing the quantity of players in any given phase is merely an inconvenience (that can take a pretty significant amount of their time between loading screens, mind you). Players *will* discover that a phase, is in fact, devoid of RP possibilities for them.

    I don't believe in the idea that this feature should be kept from the hands of phase guests on this principle alone; given the other tools available it doesn't have much merit. But I would like to hear any other thoughts on the matter from players/staff members.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Gork W. Bush said:

    There are phases that are brand new that get absolutely no attention because people want to sit in start and continue to COMPLAIN, it wouldn't be a probably if people just sat in start and didn't complain

    This isn't the fault of the server having a startzone. It's the fault of individual players not having the initiative or desire to actually get involved in RP.

    1 minute ago, Gork W. Bush said:

    Yeah, deal with it..Do you not have friends?


    Nice argument.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Mithaniel said:

    Your argument is invalid when people are just going to congegrate to a start zone and -not- go to a phase hosting, just like tonight. There's at least one phase thats open 24/7 - DMing not always there, but you don't always need a DM.

    So if I want to play on Epsilon, I have to sit alone in my own phase or join another one I don't like?

  4. I don't think that having a start zone prevents people from RPing. If people want to RP then they will go to a phase that is hosting. 


    The purpose of start, is first of all, for new characters to sit and gear up/set up their TRP. It also offers a place for people to sit around and do nothing. Yeah, that sounds useless. But what's the harm? If we get rid of start zone (which doesn't make sense to begin with, unless each race just spawns in their respective faction capital) there won't be more RP, there will just be less people online. Because there's no collective OOC area to gather when either there isn't RP available, or they don't want to RP.

  5. I can't disagree with anything posted in this thread, truthfully. I spent well over a year waiting on the day Epsilon finally launched its legion server - the day it did felt like a dream. Even after the launch the community managed to pull in new people, but that ended near the very end of 2017. Dozens upon dozens quit RPing altogether or returned to their roots of RPH/Paragon, and now like you said, only a few remain for what the server still has to offer.

    I don't think the community is beyond ever recovering but if it continues in this state? It's almost guaranteed to be in an eternal slump. I like that you touched up on that the community does not engage in anything together anymore; I remember the running of the gnomes as a fun night where community members worked together to achieve something positive.

    Despite not being too much of an active face myself anymore in the past few Spring months, if more efforts to fix what is left of Epsilon were made, I would happily take part.


  6. 54 minutes ago, Blacksprut said:

    I just installed and never even created a character yet, nice to know how this server works for a new player

    If that's the case then you wouldn't have been banned by Warden, though I'm not familiar enough with these issues to know what else could cause the "connecting" loop.

  7. 5 hours ago, The Pawn said:

    Not much to say that isn't self explanatory, but having recolors of the HD stormwind set would be rather nice, changing up the blue trim on the armor set to... well... pretty much any color in the rainbow and then some. You could change the blue to a more dulled blue for Gilneas. Red for any scarlet RPers, orange/yellow for those who want to say they are from alterac, green for kul tiras, purple for dalaran, gold/silver for the silver hand (to match the weapons they have), Black for the edgey folk, and so on and so on.

    In addition, it might also be nice for recolors of the orgrimmar set for other orc clans.



    Hi. I will add this to my list of things I'm recolouring for the server patch. Stormwind for certain, we'll see about Orgrimmar.

  8. 50 minutes ago, Fraenir said:

    So I've heard tell that 7.3 will "break" custom body mods, like the cloak one here. Will that influence this server? I'd assume so, and I'd hate to lose these cloaks so soon.

    He will update it then, or at least he has said.
