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Posts posted by Dizzy

  1. I think it's a shame that nobody has replied yet but you've approached my guild on it's discord server and talked to me personally and I'm glad to see you try to turn a new leaf and look drama in the eye and say no, yeah, you've done some pretty shitty things that have effected people around the server and I think anyone should be given a second chance after an apology. You can revisit our particular brand of Scarlet RP when you feel up to it.

    Thanks Rogan, it takes some nads to say this in a public medium.

  2. I can help you out if you like, Mange! I run a system light, rp heavy campaign with a focus on guerrilla survival, paladins and the morality of the Light, let me know if you're interested by hitting me up on Discord. #Dizzy1548

    Oh, and I have a discord with a channel with pretty much all the commands, some other stuff and essentially a handy pocket guide for everything with people you can ask more technical questions.

  3. Hey dude! Welcome to the server, lurking is always a good idea before you throw out a greeting. I hope you have an easy time of fitting in and finding a group of people to RP with, if you need any help at all, you should chime into the discord or DM some of the people to get a hang of things. The cliques can be a little difficult to navigate but you will find some people to hunker down with, I'm sure!

  4. Glaeweth is an excellent example of a character that has evolved from the primordial muck of imagination. Beautiful concept from start to finish, while I've seen Romeo play her in public phases, I've also seen her be a stellar example of both an RP character and something to be inspired by, Romeo might have some controversial ideas when it comes to his beloved Kaldorei, but they're well written and well executed, everyone has a magnum opus of a character, and Romeo has found his.

    I hope you keep at it, Romeo! You do great.

  5. As a bonus; the Judgement armour set featured in the T2 redesign and forwards through the purple, teal and red recolors are actually now canonized as the uniform of the Silver Hand elite, the Scarlet Crusade elite and even featured on high-ranking individuals. For all intents and purposes, Judgement is the uniform of the high-ranking paladins that I think you're going for. 

    Let us not forget that the Light is very flexible. The Scarlet Crusade featured Armsmasters and Scourge Hewers, who were warriors who harnessed the Light instead of rage as referenced in their abilities and backstories for Herod and Harlan, speaking to the 'Light Warrior' concept that Insomnia is talking about. The RPG was majority written by Blizzard, and then as it seems to be, too many cooks entered the kitchen and they said it was no longer canon, but a lot of their class ideas and ideals were simply translated from stuff already in the game. Taking and burrowing concepts and reduxing them in your own writing is a beautiful thing.

  6. Well, the first thing that you need to know is that the World of Warcraft RPG and the one that came before it are sadly listed as non-canon, and a majority of the server deem it unfit for most public and private RP as a result, That includes all the lore in the book, now, it was a pretty good splat book and system with some really solid lore but it also came with some bad lore, some really bad lore that was filtered in through the good stuff. It's ultimately a matter of debate.


    This puts most of the cool classes and concepts that Blizzard had a hand in relatively moot, not to say they weren't great ideas to begin with. Many ideas from the RPG have steadily made their way into the game and defied their earlier noncanon status but remain clouded in mystery. Lilian Voss as a Lightslayer, Arator the Redeemer as a templar, and in some way, the troll primals. The likelihood of them being their RPG counterparts is low though, as Scarlet Templars have existed long before the new Silver Hand Templar introduced in Legion.

    To answer your question, though. In the same way that a Scarlet Crusader is a paladin, so are Templars, a paladin is just as respected on the battlefield as a Templar, and twice as glorified. Human paladins are the legends of two score great wars, and infamous for being living legends. Dathrohan, Uther, Arthas, Tirion Fordring and others have a legendary status as examples.

    Templars seem cool, but ultimately an unnecessary extrapolation on the lore. Having a battle-hardened, veteran holy-light using machine of a man already exists as a paladin. Glowing eyes already come in gold and red in the cases of Uther & Scarlet Crusade paladins who retain their faith.

    Creativity is only limited by you as the writer, it is not completely lorebreaking for a player character to throw blades of Light as their judgement, or have a silver hammer, or even red given their existence in the game already but every class, every hero of Azeroth has their abilities and traits change, it's the way of things, a blade always dulls and is sharpened again.

  7. I agree with the first point, the second and the third.

    Pa has also been talking about the need for an RP list for quite some time, we definitely require some sort of addon or system here, this is getting a mite ridiculous in the wait as people gnash their teeth but I see that RP is taking a step for the better as people adapt, and if people are adapting to the lack of a list, it means that the team behind Epsilon might need to step up their game but I think most people aren't leaving.

    There are a lot of things that are being done right and being done right that I haven't seen before on other private servers, but it's time to adapt. Epsilon shot first with the cracking of that one code that adds new items, and it's time to keep firing on all pistons, that might sound rude, but the the Gossip Corner was stellar, perhaps more news should be shared as people feel the need to make these threads on repeat. Perhaps the Gossip Corner should be weekly until the Beta is over? I don't know, if I could put money where my mouth is, I'd do it in a heartbeart but that comes with the legalities and against the code of Epsilon that I've seen.

    Discord is a perfect platform for addon developers to show their stuff, and I think Epsilon staff suffers the same fate that most developers do, they're either too lazy or scared of their content being stolen which is almost unavoidable. Perhaps it's time to take a leaf out of the Nexus modders book and start showing screenshots to people on a public medium stop gnashing at the teeth and crying out that there is no progress.

    I don't want to see Epsilon die, I love you sacks of shit more than I'd care to admit.

  8. rZWP0ge.png
    (This thread will be updated as repairs are done and wings are recovered thanks to the work of the Hand of Venstroyer.)

    The den of the beast. The heart of the crusade.

    The Crusade's most fanatical leaders once directed their followers from the Scarlet Cathedral, at their home inside the monastery grounds. Perched on the bluffs overlooking Venomweb Vale in northeastern Tirisfal Glades is one of the last bastions known to Azeroth. This once heavily guarded location once functioned as the order's headquarters in the years that it took to separate the heads from the hydra and finally bring the Scarlet Crusade into ashes.

    With the fall of High Commander Goodchilde and the rise of both his successor, and the proposed 'successors' of the Hand of Venstroyer. The roaming crusaders have turned to milling refugees and once pristine stonemasonry has been scoured broken and bloody by the siege of the Ebon Blade. While such an assault would have spelt doom for any other stronghold in Azeroth, it is the Monastery that is one of the last truly stubborn bastions of humanity.

    At first glance, the monastery is overgrown and heavily damaged. While it may be what is left of a once great fortress, much work must be done to ensure it will stand the test of time in the years to come.

    The Grand Vestibule
    Once a foyer for welcoming the many eager minds of the clergy into the cathedral. The Grand Vestibule is the entrance tot he rest of the monastery itself. With battle-scarred walls and pitted floors, Grand Vestibule is the outermost chamber of the Scarlet Monastery. The vestibule itself is decorated with pillars and long-forgotten statues of crusade heroes dot either side of the Vestibule. Burning candles atop simple stands cast a yellow light up into the vaulted ceilings of the chamber.

    A simple portcullis and reinforced doors separate the world from the hallowed halls of the Monastery. It is through here that many are able to access the rest of the fortress-monastery.

    Crusader's Chapel
    A stunning behemoth of a church and towering testament of the advocacy of human architecture. An expansive lobby lit by scores of low burning candelabras and flanked by dozens of hand-carved stone pews. Thick stone pillars hold up a vaulted ceiling painted with scenes from the crusade's storied history. These murals are obscured by a thick cloud of smoke and ash from the thousands of candles burning within the Sanctuary.

    In the center of the ceiling, a massive brazier holding an eternal flame contributes to the light and smoke filling the room. Stark red banners of the old faith hang from every wall, flanked by proud statues of the monastery's forerunners that once loomed over the zealous masses of the Scarlet Crusade.

    The atmosphere is oppressive and every footfall is usually accompanied with an echoing click. At the very end, a raised pulpit separates the mass from the altar with a communion rail, a rare use of wood in a monastery almost entirely made from grandiose stone.  A vulnerable lectern just left of the stone altar itself, perhaps it will find use in addressing mass once again.

    From there, the chapel interior splits into two wings while going forward will bring you to a pair of doors leading towards the former High Inquisitor's sanctum. Inside is a circular chamber at least several stories high. The room is cast in a sickly red pallor as light streams in through scarlet coloured stained glass windows covering much of the tall walls. Ringing the room are decorated sarcophagi, containing the bodies of some of the crusade's greatest matyrs.

    A left wing contains two small rooms containing sarcophagi and lit candles but very little else and the right wing leads to a small cramped prayer room.

    The Forlorn Cloister
    This once peaceful resting place of the fallen has suffered much. Once a simple graveyard, then a blighted and scorched battlefield, and now an overgrown mess of vines, hedges and gravestones.

    A paved path leads down the center of the courtyard, to the west, one could access the Chapel Gardens and the Crusader's Chapel if the doors were not dead-bolted from the outside. Even the Hand of Venstroyer dares not risk step foot into the infested Cloister until they feel up to the task. On either side, blackened husks of trees intermix with greenery that has slowly begun to reclaim the Cloister. Two mausoleums also flank this path, their entrances caved in to prevent the rise of more undead within the walls of this cloister. Venstroyer himself is not sure wither to chalk the source of the undead up to the siege by the Ebon Blade or something deeper in the crypts.

    If one could fight their way through the undead, they would find themselves able to access the massive underground catacombs housing thousands if not millions of bodies that men, women and children that died during the Fall of Lordaeron.

    The Athenaeum is the repository of the crusade's knowledgeand teachings. The portraits of the prior chamber have been replaced with densely filled shelves, straining under the weight of countless tomes and scrolls. It was here in a library that could rival even Medievh's personal library at one point in time that students and aspirants of the Crusade were taught the way of their forefathers.

    If there was any knowledge to be found about the crusade or the matter sit taught, one would find it here. Although the years have not been kind, with no monk, cleric or mage to organise the shelves and dust the floor, the Athenaeum has lapsed almost into the history it contains. It was only recently that the Hand of Venstroyer were able to recover this wing of the cathedral, and it will take longer still to set every book back into it's rightful place.

    At the end of the hall is a circular chamber containing the crusade's priceless tomes and an endless font of knowledge. Unfortunately the walls are covered in scorch marks and many records when Flameweaver Koegler burned away the Crusade's shame. The damage has not just burned the shelves black, but the very stone pillars that circle the chamber.

    A grim reminder of the lunacy of their leaders.

    Hall of Champions
    A set of open doors lead into a circular chamber, ringed by eleven massive stone statues depicting the fallen Champions of the Scarlet Crusade. Ornamented candelabras and light streaming through blue glass windows cast light and shadows across the hall. A platform rings around the edge of the room, both directions ramping down towards the ground floor.

    A set of short stairs on the northern end of the platform leads down
    to the center of the room which is flanked by rack upon rack of weapons. This is where the true martial champions of the Crusade were truly tested if the dents in the stone floor and occasional patch of dried blood was to believed; All under the watchful eye of the legendary champions that ring the arena around the,

    The eleven statues that flank the room are as follows:

    • IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Arellas Fireleaf 
      High Wizard of the Scarlet Crusade
      Citizen of Quel'Thalas
      Locked in eternal combat with the Necromancer Diesalven
    • IconSmall Human Male.gif Admiral Barean Westwind 
      Grand Admiral of the Scarlet Fleet
      Citizen of Kul'tiras
      Lost off the Frozen Coast of Northrend
    • IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Dorgar Stoenbrow
      Warrior of the Scarlet Crusade
      Lord of the Red Caverns
      Last seen in the Mountains of Alterac
    • IconSmall HighElf Female.gif Fellari Swiftarrow
      Ranger Captain of the Scarlet Crusade
      Citizen of Quel'Thalas
      Lost in the forests of Silverpine
    • IconSmall Human Male.gif Ferren Marcus
      High Abbot of the Scarlet Monastery
      Citizen of Stratholme
      Killed defending the Scarlet Monastery at the First Summertide Assault
    • IconSmall Human Male.gif Harthal Truesight 
      Lord Paladin of the Scarlet Crusade
      Citizen of Azeroth, Paladin of the Silver Hand
      Last seen entering the cursed city of Stratholme
    • IconSmall Human Female.gif Holia Sunshield
      Defender of the Scarlet Crusade
      Killed while slaying the Dreadlord Beltheris
    • IconSmall Human Male.gif Invar One-Arm
      The first Chief Assassin of the Scarlet Crusade
      Citizen of Dalaran
      Last seen on the shores of Northrend
    • IconSmall Human Male.gif Orman of Stromgarde
      The first Captain General of the Scarlet Crusade
      Citizen of Stromgarde
      Lost at the mouth of Icecrown Glacier
    • IconSmall Human Female.gif Valea Twinblades
      Warrior of the Scarlet Crusade
      Citizen of Alterac
      Last seen deep in the Eastern Plaguelands
    • IconSmall Human Female.gif Yana Bloodspear
      The Second Chief Assassin of the Scarlet Crusade
      Citizen of Dalaran
      Lost in the Tirisfal Glades


  9. 7sCa9mZ.png
    (A list of locations and/or history that is discovered.)

    Tirisfall Glades
    (Under the control of the Forsaken)

    The Farmsteads: Balnir & Solliden

    Venomweb Vale

    The North Coast
    (Under patrol by the Forsaken)

    Garren's Haunt
    (Under control of the Forsaken)

    The Scarlet Pallisade
    (Under control of dissident elements)

    Brightwater Lake

    Agamand Mills

    Coldhearth Manor

    (Under control of the Forsaken)

    (Under control of the Forsaken)

    The Bulwark
    (Under the control of the Forsaken)

    The Undercity
    (Under the control of the Forsaken)

    If you find most of this confusing, you might find that confusion elevated by checking out our guild page:


  10. 0tOBkPb.png
    (The characters of a play, novel, or narrative. In this case: NPC's)

    This thread is mostly used to contain the frequently updated dossiers and descriptions of locations visited by the Hand of Venstroyer during events and passive roleplay. When they learn something about a place of a character they meet in the field, this thread will be updated to reflect their newfound knowledge. I will do my best to keep this organised and well-updated for clarity of reading and ease of use for new members who might be unfamiliar with the narrative woven by the players and their characters.

    If you're looking for player characters, check here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CAeKv6DpDrsxd4T6egxpTkv9wqvPOYL9MNqk1vU8vsw/edit
    If you're looking for the actual guild page itself, refer to bottom of thread.

    High Commander

    Dzhonovan appears is a paladin in his late forties, he acts as the high commander of the Hand of Venstroyer. It is very likely he served amongst the ranks of the Scarlet Crusade before he went dark, only appearing recently to band the remnants of the Scarlet Crusade together under his banner. While little remains of his past thanks to the purification of history by Flameweaver Koegler in his final moments against a party of adventurers, he seems to be a skilled tactician and venerable paladin, although rarely participating in the frequent skirmishes against the Forsaken. 

    He will inform the party about the quests they undertake and comment on events quite frequently. During events he will provide the necessary intelligence and alert the party of any threats they might face.


    Volker was one of the men brought in for conscription. He is a wiry man, barely past his twenties and obviously born from a life of crime as the right hand to the bandit lord they'd slain in the Venomweb Vale. He earned his rank as an archer, serving under Ranger-Captain Everhallow as her adviser on the country of Lordaeron. As the weeks have ticked by, he has proven himself to be a staunch ally and skilled survivalist in the wilds of the Tirisfal Glades.

    Head Bishop

    Father Swaine. The leader of a former travelling clergy of priests. A beard as white as snow and a complexion darker than most of the oaks native to Tirisfal. Never satisfied being apart of a cloister, after his ordination some twenty years ago, he set out into the world and has never stopped travelling. Swaine is arguably one of the more pragmatic priests, having left the Cathedral before Balnazzar could work his twisted magic.

    Now Swaine has sworn loyalty to the Hand and has joined their rebellion against the Forsaken and any other scum that wish to push them from their rightful land.

  11. Spoiler

    Peasants were once the backbone of the rural economy, and the soldiers of last resort when called to battle. This did not just happen once, but three times over the course of the Fall of Lordaeron. While not warlike by nature, they will stubbornly defend their homes. This is overtly evident in those who have refused to leave Lordaeron to the Forsaken, from hiding away in caves and ruined towers, to holding out to the last on their rightful homesteads, they have made it clear they will not leave Lordaeron without the threat of death, even when Calia Menethil let the world know of her decision that she had left the country behind.

    However, if you’re hurling peasants at your foes, you’re clearly out of superior forces. The peasants who find their employ in the ranks of the Scarlet Crusade usually find their work denting out armor and quickly building barricades and defences. They offer a multitude of services outside of combat, thankfully.

    Current Standing: 3 with [Unskilled: -3 to orders that would require some form of higher education.] but [Subtle: +2 to roles and orders that would otherwise require some form of stealth.]

    Versatile foot soldiers. Their reliability and mastery of close combat are their best assets, for which they are well-renowned across Azeroth, it is oft said that a child's dream most often revolves around the trusty sword and board of the standard infantryman.

    Once Lordaeron's first line of defence, many found their way serving the Scarlet Crusade and abandoning the Eagle on their stoic kite shields for the crimson sigil of Lordaeron or the Holy Flame. The armory is filled with such equipment, ready and waiting to be wielded into battle by the survivors and any who seek to join them.

    The footmen of the Scarlet Crusade are tenacious in the face of death. Though these fierce warriors lack the shining plate mail and specialized training of their noble predecessors, they still fight with bravery and honor on the field of battle, and bring into a battle their unnerving ability to [Defend: Upon the order of a nearby player, a footman is able to lift his shield and step into formation which gives the unit the ability to absorb one extra round of damage.] against any attack.

    Current Standing: 12

    The weapons of the Scarlet Crusade are many, and new initiates must be indoctrinated in the use of blade, hammer, arrow, and shield--effective tools against the undead. Armsmaster Harlan has dedicated his life to the art of wielding these indelicate instruments, and the paragons of his training were once coined 'champions' for their intimidating prowess and overwhelming gait.

    Dedication and skill are matched with purity of form, and the result is a warrior to which few can compare. However brute force and unrelenting anger are not enough to create a Champion, a certain mind is required. Tactics and planning are driven into the mind with every passing day to give them an edge over the undead and any who stand in their way.

    Though they fight with unmatched power in melee combat, they have poor mobility and seldom choose to act as anything as heavy artillery. Champions are known for their [Unflinching Resolve: A round of damage that would otherwise kill a Champion is instead negated once per mission and they are immune to Fear, Sap and in-capitation effects.]


    The Scarlet Crusade's namesake, the Crusaders are perhaps the most important part of the standing army. First-class swordsmen and healers by trade. Additionally, their wisdom and piety grants these warrior monks certain curious abilities; a crusader is very powerful in fighting magical or unnatural things, and most have some skill at medicine and healing.

    Unluckily, most of have either perished in the Siege by the Ebon Blade or died by the blade of adventurers. In the years that followed Renault's death, most have faded to the wind or joined the Argent Dawn, which became the Argent Crusade and then finally became the new Silver Hand. There is little hope that the Crusaders of the Hand of Lanstroud will be the same as the men and women that once lined the halls of the Monastery during the Summertide Assaults.

    The secret to training more lies in the ancient books and librams that line the walls of the Athenaeum. Skilled healers and practiced at dispatching even the most stubborn of the undead, every crusader can summon forth a blast of [Holy Light: Summon forth a blast of Holy Light to either heal an ally for a round of damage, or deal damage to any undead foe at a player's choosing.] in desperate times.

    Priests of the Scarlet Crusade are almost always driven by a sense to urgent help to help stem the frothing tide of suffering and squalor known to flank the survivors of the Fall on all sides, be they baring the tabard of the Holy Flame or not. These men and women give up on their initial teachings driven into them by the Brotherhood of Light, and join the Scarlet Crusade, not just dedicating the skills they have been given to the good of all but to the reclamation of Lordaeron.

    After their ordination, they are often assigned to a select few duties that challenge their stomach for doing what is right. The ranks of the Confessors and Inquisitors are formed of priests that are battle-tested and prone to bouts of vicious zealous. Something that Balnazzar once counted on to misdirect their vengeance, now, there is hope that they will be used for good once again, or at least, to purge the Tirisfall Glades from the scum.

    By strict devotion to the path of the light, they can call upon its aid to chase away the shadows of the night, through either a healing hand or the hot brand of the inquisition. Stellar healers but not trained for combat, they are a potent ally against magical or unnatural things that prey upon the good people of Lordaeron. The priests of the Scarlet Crusade are known for their [Divine Hymns: Through whispered word and hushed incantation, a priest is able to heal all units in a small radius for one round of damage every turn, but are prone to being interrupted if not well protected.]

    Current Standing: 3
    They are currently being led by Father Swaine.


    Once used as a silent blade to keep the peace and truth from reaching the ears of the devoted, the shrouded men and women of the Scarlet Crusade have found new purpose. The scouts of the Scarlet Crusade are known to be quick, lethal and subtle in their deadly dance with the undead of the Tirisfall Glades. Masters of knife-fighting and lighter than a feather on their feet, these men and women will employ any means to dispatch their victims, be it poisoned knives thrown from afar, or a dagger planted in the back.

    They carry a versatile set of weaponry to silence even the loudest of voices and their training is extensive enough to make sure that their job is finished before the enemy even knows they are there. The scouts of the Scarlet Crusade happily employ less-than-honourable tactics in combat, seeing little merit in a ‘fair fight’ when absolution is bought for them through the point of a knife and other [Evasive: Once per deployment, a Scout may ignore a failed roll to maintain stealth or ambush an enemy.] tactics.

    Current Standing: 3

    Huntsmen are hunters, trappers and poachers who cut out a living in a land that has almost entirely yielded to the sick experiments of the Forsaken. Wits and woodcraft often support them where weapons will not. They are useful allies to any army, and indispensable for any sizeable group of people living in the hell that is Lordaeron. They can track both the undead and beast, notice things most others would overlook, and are often the only ones who can find food for the barracks, be it animal or vegetable.

    Huntsmen are excellent pathfinders and explorers, and can find food and shelter where other men would find only sticks and stones and ther arrows can stop any flanking charge in an impressive hail of arrows. Huntsmen of the Scarlet Crusade are known for being pulled from the most wild of men and women. They are an element that the most elite of Deathguard and landed armies cannot control and are a welcome gift amongst the soldiers of the Holy Flame, most notably for their [Hunter's Mark: Once during deployment, a Huntsman may mark a target for a player can confirm all hits for a round of combat.]

    Current Standing: 6
    They are currently being led by Captain Volker.

