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Everything posted by mamozen

  1. Sorry to hear. I hope you pull through what you're going through, and I too hope that someone else can help with this. I'll be updating the first post with what I have proposed earlier.
  2. Thank you, Rose and Witch. The purpose of my request was to open up just one possible way to further customize the Warcraft roleplaying experience. Canon or custom, so long as it doesn't take a hammer to any hard stances of common sense, then a lot of things should remain possible. A warlock with an incubus minion would not and should not, as far as I know, provide a detriment to the lore, or to any hard mechanics for that matter.
  3. Rose, I think you're on to something. Modelers can just take the satyr model, remove a grand majority of body hair, and pretty up the textures. :3
  4. Even though earlier on Blizz said that they were working on adding the incubus. Pretty sure that text above is that they forgot and are now lazy.
  5. Any possibility you guys could make a clone of the Succubus Warlock minion using a custom incubus model? ETA: Yes, I was talking about changing the succubus' morph to create a variant spell, much like the different Polymorphs official WoW now has. I am hopeful it can be done. UPDATE: SchlarkenRose had previously offered to help make a model for the incubus, but due to personal circumstances was unable to proceed. So I am leaving a proposal here for those in the know of modeling to see if anyone would take up the task. Modeler/s would need to take the high-def satyr model, remove much of the body hair other features (beard, arm and shoulder hair, upper thigh fur, spikes), tweak the remaining polygons, and paint more handsome/visually appealing textures. As discussed, creating the model appears to be the first major step between concept and product. Anyone who takes up this request and works out creating the incubus model will have will be greatly thanked. :3