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Posts posted by SalineSeas

  1. i think the last point you make there is something moreso to do with roleplay itself rather than specifically niches: its hard to just walk up to two people in the midst of roleplay already, attempting to join them unless you already know them. quite the parallel with irl, no?

    icebreaking is quite important when entering a phase, i'll agree, but generally you need (imo) to designate someone to help newcomers 'settle in'. by doing so you help them engage with the phase, while simultaneously connecting them into the current group and establish a more open environment for players where they can now feel comfortable entering and engaging in rp on their own.

    that, in my mind at least, may be a good way to get new blood in? transforms niches into groups, allows for actual event planning with large rosters, etc etc. finding someone willing to be that icebreaker will be the challenge, imo

  2. oh boy you just made me revive my inactive forum account for this (full disclosure: valo'sen, wanted epsilon criminal and mastermind hamster enthusiast here)

    lemme hit you with a hot fact: phases are never public friendly, for a few reasons.

    firstly, people who make the phase are of course going to make it cater to their needs first and foremost. public roleplay is no exception. you don't just make a phase only to realize "oh man, i get nothing out of this for myself or my friends". it's not a crime or a sin to be self-interested when making something, which even if others outside your social bubble join, is for you

    secondly, public phases have a bell curve, with an acute correlation between amount of people / quality of rp. no people = no rp, handful of people = good rp, lots of people = clusterfuck. its alright managing half a dozen people at once (6 for those of you who aren't bakers), but the more people you add in a singular area, the more likely chaos will erupt as people clash individually with each other over misunderstandings or outright belligerence to one-another. of course you can get some friends to help dm, but of course they want to rp too, as do you. so lo and behold, generally there's nobody managing anyone, and if you've got a linear-ish story in mind to tell then have fun with that flying out the window when X, Y or Z walk into your phase and for whatever reason things go sideways.

    third: yeah public phases always have that clique. hell, it might not even be the people running the phase, but yes more likely than not a general atmosphere of "us vs them" manifests between those who are in and those who are out. so you're not wrong on that front.


    not gonna lie, we've had this talk before, to a certain extent. no specific details, but i'm sure you've been very much aware that this exclusivity thing isn't new and has been happening for a while. although i will say, you're not the only one guilty of it. hell, point at any public phase ever, see there's a guild for it, understand that there's a clique, know for a fact that it's a system where you're either a part of the clique and benefit from it, or aren't and are simply a "guest in someone elses house", so to speak.

    i could go on and on, going from point to point, but seeing as im just typing this up real quick i'll just finish by saying: it's not a crime to just have a phase to have fun with friends in, slowly trickling in new members through acquaintance, instead of opening a phase to the public and praying you get some good 'catches' that stay.


    i'll add more if you're interested in asking questions / continuing the discussion, but please remember i am special and am not necessarily intelligent nor sentient enough to give truly knowledgeable advice.


    also i'm not roleplaying so i refuse to use proper grammar

  3. Another super easy way to replicate the bug is to rotate an object either 90 0 303.75 or 0 90 303.75. When you do this, you can .gob go to the object and see it's clearly facing 21.8 instead of the intended rotation of 303.75, and moving the object resets the rotation to the lower number. Interestingly enough, this only happens when you've input a certain degree of pitch or roll. So there's most likely some sort of problem with complex rotation angles being paired with pitch and roll angles, or at least that's what I can deduce.

  4. Current small issue with .cheat fly regarding the ability to disable it for other players. Easy enough to reproduce; just invite someone to your party, be in different phases, have them selected while activating the command and it'll turn their flight on or off.


    Not really a big bug or even capable of abuse because of the party / phase difference requirement, but definitely something that the command shouldn't be able to do.

  5. There are two primary concerns that I'll put in this bug report, one being known already by a fair few folk.


    The first more well known issue is the GOBject scale reset bug, where if a GOBject is spawned and scaled instantly, the GOBject will rescale to 1 after a server crash. My best guess is because when the server crashes, it resets various things back to it's default value, with GOBjects getting set back to the default scale.


    The second issue is the .phase tele issue, which is fairly problematic. If you create a tele anywhere, and the server crashes, that tele will instead send you to the same coordinates of the old tele, but to the Eastern Kingdoms. Again, this is an issue where the server resets certain values back to their default upon crashing. With .phase tele, it sets the MapID value back to 0, which just so happens to be the value of the Eastern Kingdoms. This combined with the fact that .cheat fly disables upon entering a new map through commands results in several messy situations of falling into the void.

  6. @Dove Let's go through this piece by piece again, shall we?

    "That's the point. This is a topic encouraging opinions and other views."

    You're making it sound like topics and discussions are meant to be otherwise. I stated that I believed that her point was heavily influenced by her own opinion, which isn't exactly the greatest thing when you're trying to make a factious point, which this topic was indeed attempting to do (the point being that 'bullying people isn't OK'). I can understand why someone would use themselves as an example, or suggest to their own past strife, but it makes the discussion awfully specific, rather than addressing the actual problem which is the fact that this issue is so wide-spread. If she wanted to make it specific, then leaving mentions of herself, or her opinion, out of the original post would've helped. Again, I'm not faulting her for it, I'm simply saying it doesn't help.


    "Why? And furthermore, says who? Creating topics like these is the point of these personal thoughts and one's own words."

    Katie wanted to present an idea. Presenting ideas is fine, and doing so in one's own words is expected. But again, jamming yourself into something isn't the way to do that.


    "I think you are looking into this waaay too deeply. We're on a forums board of a private WoW server where players create their own characters. As far as I recall, whenever I was given assignments and asked to write an essay at Uni, I was allowed to speak my 'opinion' ONLY if it was backed up by authoritative sources, while leaving my own thoughts out of it. We're not at Uni here. We don't need any solid "evidence" or "authoritative sources" in order to express our beliefs, because, after all, we are part of the roleplay itself and the roleplayers are the community, while the characters are the players' own creation."

    I'm not expecting Katie to bring a thesis to the table. I'm expecting a certain amount of impartial writing when she's attempting to make a point, something I would expect from anyone. Understand that I agree with her point, and that my main gripe is that her topic focuses more-so on mentions of herself and community, rather than presenting unbiased examples, or at least some attempt at a solution other than 'ignore them'.


    "You don't need a 'critical piece of evidence' to argue how this random interaction is a good thing. You simply need to argue WHY you would -think- that way, because you are part of this community."

    So, being critical is irrelevant, then? I just need to throw my opinion out there, and then wait for the fish to bite? No. Personally, I don't expect that level of laziness from myself, and while I personally couldn't care less about about how others present themselves, I try to make sure that I'm concise and clear about my points, whether they be facts or simple opinions. Additionally, if I'm arguing about something, I'm definitely going to bring some solid evidence to the table, otherwise I'd risk making myself look like an absolute plonker. In short, I want to be able to provide reason behind my thought, for the betterment of the community I partake in. And again, I do not expect the same level of thought from others for various reasons I won't go in-depth about here.


    "Also, how was the "I believe it's a strong connection" the dead giveaway to that paragraph (and the rest) being her opinion? For me, the dead giveaway would've been in the very first words at the very beginning of the topic, which clearly states, "I don't believe this will be a very popular opinion"."

    And yes, you're correct. The post does indeed start off with her stating quite clearly that she doesn't believe her post will be very popular. However, that is an actual opinion rather than attempting to describe her logical thought as an opinion itself. To discuss this would be extremely pedantic, so I'll move on.


    @Katiecakes Now to address your points, split into three parts.

    "I said that because Azarchius and many of the admins have said it too. It's nothing about ego, or being a victim. I think you are sadly misinformed and the entire point of this post was to bring others view into it. A healthy discussion."

    If you say that you're doing this out of genuine goodwill, then I'll accept that, and yes, the point of this post is to bring others views into this debate, as is such for any debate in the world. However, I'm afraid I can't accept your statement of me being 'misinformed', as I'm fairly sure I understand this topic fairly well, and that I am correct in stating that you have used examples of yourself, and have inserted your own opinions throughout your original post. Is that a crime? No. Is it a bad way to write an impartial piece about the issues that occur within the roleplaying community? Yes.


    "If you'd look back at the other comments they have all been thoughtful and respectful, yours is the only one not being so. I respect your thoughts as I do to anyone."

    Yet here you are, attempting to point a finger at me as if I'm a witch who's poisoned the water well. I understand what I've said may seem harsh, but please understand that I mean no harm nor disrespect. I only ask that you too treat me with the same level of respect, so that this discussion can remain as friendly as possible.


    "I will mention myself, in anyway I like, my own experiences effect my views I was simply explaining them and if people 'jab' at me for doing that, then so be it. Lord knows it won't be the first time it's happened."

    What I've said to you isn't a command, nor an imperative. If you choose to disregard it, then more power to you, as it's completely within your right to do so. However, my point stands: impartiality is critical when attempting to critique a community, otherwise you run the risk of seeming as if you're simply stating your own personal gripes in an attempt to lash out at others who have treated you poorly. Repeating a cycle, regardless of individual(s) or situation, is unhealthy for everyone involved, and please understand that I am quite sincere when I say that I believe that everyone deserves a certain level of respect, happiness and safety, no matter where they are. However, if one is to simply repeat the same actions over and over, history is doomed to repeat itself.


    If either of you wish to respond, feel free to do so, though I am sure that you do not wish for anymore of the critique I have given. If that is the case, I'll bow out, and let others speak their own mind.


  7. @Katiecakes I'll try keep this as civil as possible, but to clarify now, I disagree with your point in several regards. This post will go point by point, contrasting your original statements with my own views.


    "We have all, at some point or another been laughed at for role playing, the first thing that comes into most peoples minds when you say the word role playing is a latex nurse costume. What they don't understand that this community, at it's core is about imagination, and the collaboration of unplanned interactions between characters we have created in our own minds. I believe it's a strong connection, to create a story with another person, that might be on the other side of the world, and I think it's a wonderful and even a unique thing. You could feel a thousand books of all the story's we've partaken in."

    If I can be honest, I fail to understand the point of this paragraph. To me, you seem to simply be stating the obvious: that interactions between others is a special, and that each interaction is a story in itself. That's great and all, but this is entirely your opinion, if I may be honest. How do I know this? "I believe it's a strong connection" is the dead giveaway. This isn't some sort of critical piece of evidence that would point towards random interaction, regardless of characters, being a good thing, this is just an opinion piece and brings nothing but your own words to the discussion. Now, that'd usually be fine, but you're trying to argue that all RP is good RP, and that people shouldn't be judged so harshly for their choice of RP. In short, personal thoughts don't cut it in this argument, as flowery and positive as they may be, so your opening statement here simply seems unreasonable through a critical lens.


    "But knowing this, why do you attack people OOC for their character, why do we suppress their creativity just because it's not in line with our own."

    I've several points to state here. Firstly, the first part of this segment states "why do you attack people OOC for their character", essentially pointing the blame of all the negativity in RP at other people. Now, this might seem inappropriate of me to point out, but blaming other people for a community-wide issue isn't exactly solving anything. You're just blaming other people for their supposed 'negativity', when what you should be doing is pointing out where they have been toxic, and how they can avoid being toxic in such situations in the future.

    Secondly, "why do we suppress their creativity just because it's not in line with our own". Let me state this now: creativity is the essence of roleplaying, and should always be accepted to greater extent. Most characters can't exist without some sort of leniency in regards to lore, as well as certain locations. However, certain players (and their characters) take this beyond reason, creating characters that simply go against the very founding rules of both lore and roleplaying. I won't give specifics here, but I'm fairly sure everyone can remember a character that simply had no solid reason or right to exist within the canon lore of Warcraft. Now, if this is within a phase, it is the responsibility of the phase owner to deal with such characters appropriately. If the character is simply for a custom lore phase, then there's not much you can really complain about since you're highly unlikely to actually come across the character during your own time roleplaying. Of course, if such a character decides to step into a canon-lore phase, and wave themselves around and pretend that people should take them seriously and accept who they are, despite them not belonging, then there would be no surprise if they received heavy flak. But again, phase staff make their rules, and if they fail to act in regards to such characters, then the blame is really on their shoulders.


    "I believe, as we've all been given the gift of a fresh start on this server, we should keep that in mind. There is a person behind the computer, and any kind of imagination should never be put down."

    I know I shouldn't say this, but this really seems like self-projection. I won't go into details, again, but if you're going to write a post about a topic, please, remain objective and attempt to keep your own views out of it. Topics, debates, arguments, as soon as someone brings themselves into it, it devolves into a terrible competition of ego-measurement and victim complexes. If you want topics to remain on-track in the future, keep in mind that whenever you mention yourself  you put yourself at risk of people jabbing you for doing so.


    "If you think it's a case of going against cannon lore, then simple don't role play with that person, or ask that person questions in a kind way to see what it is about that character that has drawn them into it so much. Don't instantly put someone down because they are not role playing your exact interpretation of blizzards cannon lore."

    I can agree with this statement, to a certain extent. It's the duty of others to assist and guide their fellow roleplayers if they make mistakes, rather than smacking them over the head and calling them names. Of course, there are exceptions, and unfortunately they are quite numerous. These are people who simply do not care about whatever you have to say, whether it be positive or negative. They block out hatred, as well as actual constructive feedback, and devolve into a static piece of sludge that can barely be called a 'character', simply turning into a tool of self-gratification and power-play. These people are the reason why people are so damn bitter in regards to giving advice, why they lash out, why they seem to want to beat you into place. It's not because they're inherently nasty people (sometimes they are, to be fair), but rather because they've simply tried so many times to be nice about it, and have subsequently been either ignored or bashed for simply trying to help, that they themselves have turned to using more confrontational means when approaching a character they seem as unreasonable. In short; guidance is great, critique even more, rough handling is meh, and yelling's a no.


    Overall, I can't help but feel that this topic approached the issue from a completely wrong angle. I can understand you had good intentions, but all you've done is hit a hornets nest and expected the hornets to calm down. In future, please, approach from an objective angle, and refrain from pointing fingers (even in a general sense).

  8. Essentially, items such as robes have their lower halves ignored by the equip command, only displaying the top half of any given item. That's all to it, really.

    Added an image displaying the issue. Item ID 87027 was used here, if you want to replicate the issue, but pretty much every robe has the same result regardless.


  9. It'd seem that .gobject near has a hard time sometimes, especially in cities. Essentially, objects such as guild vaults, event objects, and a few other things, are all technically still within the world, and are masked by some sort of setting. So, when you use .gobject near, even within your own phase, it comes up with all those hidden objects.


    This post will include an image of said bug, as I stand in the Silvermoon bank. Unsure if this is something that can actually be fixed, to be honest, but perhaps making it so .gobject near is restricted to targeting objects within your own phase would solve the problem?

