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Posts posted by Deramyr

  1. Back in the old days, we could .gps 5 5 0 (set the character's move +5 on X, +5 on Y, +0 on Z), which was really useful because we could effectively combine directions to move in (especially with a bit of addon magic driving it).

    These days, we can only .gps forward 5, which limits our options (requires we move twice to reach any particular point on the grid).

    I'd like to have the "classic" style available for not only .gps but also for .gobject move, which would let us avoid having to chain together multiple commands.

    As the current commands take numeric arguments which mean vastly different things, I would suggest the new commands:
    .gps xyz {x} {y} {z}
    .gobject move xyz {x} {y} {z}

    ... I might actually do it myself, just figured I should post it here.

  2. Yeah, you heard that right! We're looking for talented individuals to fill a bunch of spots on our development team in all manner of positions.

    The first group is looking for technically minded individuals. These positions are either code or data driven.

    1) Client Developers

    We're looking for developers who either know Lua or would like to learn, who can help us through the full development lifecycle of creating new and exciting addons (as well as general maintenance and bug fixes). Novices are most welcome.

    2) Tool Developers

    We want programmers who can write small tools to automate our development workflow, specifically tasks that are either a chore, or feasibly impossible, to do by hand.

    3) Data Developers

    We are looking for just a few individuals with a working knowledge of WoW's crazy database format (we can teach you most of it) and SQL to centralise the management and maintenance of our DB2 files so that our other developers can push their content reliably on time, every time.

    We also have positions for those artistic folk! These positions are about content creation and editing.

    1) Model Developers

    We're looking for people who can edit character models, reskin objects and items and import them from other sources. For those with the skills, there is even scope to make your own content!

    Last but certainly not least (drum roll my dudes)
    2) World Developers.

    That's right, map makers. Cartomancers. Gods in their own right. We're looking for people to edit ADT files to support an upcoming system which will blow your minds! There is also a call for people who can create entirely new maps using NoggIt, which we can upconvert to Legion.

    Applications go into our fancy new Applications forum (makes sense, I guess). There is no structure we need you to follow, so present however you like. The only requirement is that you include your Discord tag - like @timgblack#3463 or @Azarchius#4464.

    If you have any questions about the application process, you may ask on the Applications forum with a [Q] immediately before your subject line. If it's something that everybody should know, we'll put it up here too.

    Thanks for all of your support over the last few years, everybody, and here's to many more!

  3. 36 minutes ago, ScharlakenRose said:

    Oh hey I didn't expect you to be a fan ;)
    I'll be making discussion threads for each episode. Hope to see you around with them ^^

    Back before it was out, somebody I was studying with showed me one of the trailers. The show isn't quite as funny now as what got me hooked, but I enjoy it for everything else now too so.

  4. The server definitely pings. Can you post the full output of the ping as well as a tracert?

    If you can PM me your IP address (Google "what is my IP") and ISP, I'll see if there's any weird routing going on there.

    This goes for anybody suffering the same issues.

  5. I'm always happy to respond to questions anytime (especially if you just ask the question and don't go "can I ask you a question?"). I guess that doesn't quite tell everybody, but if you have any questions then please; just ask.

    On the front of giving updates, I do agree with you. The tricky part for us is figuring out what's worth sharing - we have a lot of things going on, but what of it is actually interesting? I'll see what I can do about increasing the frequency of our #announcements to keep everybody in the loop.

    I want to say we're off to a start (good or otherwise):


  6. When creating ranks, some rank is duplicated (not necessarily the new one)

    It only seems to happen when there are more than some number of ranks exist (likely more than 4)

    Not noticed that it happens to the officer rank, and making everybody officer and recreating the other ranks seems to get around the issue (painfully)

    When promoting/demoting somebody into the duplicated rank, they disappear from the guild roster (but can still speak in guild chat and have the guild name beneath their name)

    This has reportedly also happened once after a server restart

    Thanks to ζ͜͡ƒιяєѕтσям (@Firestorm#7092) for the report

  7. On 26/07/2017 at 3:52 AM, MindScape said:

    If anything, I can support switching it from ".gps f 1" to ".gps 1 f", (as that's how it was on Divinity with EC also), but it's really just a small thing.

    Best done through an addon - I'll see if I can dredge up the addon I wrote which did just this.

  8. .modify standstate will do what you're thinking of with .play(emote?)/.standstate.

    The idea behind having command groups is to make the .commands list a little less daunting. I personally think we should move .morph to .modify morph, too.
