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Everything posted by Firestorm

  1. any idea what the .m2 is? and it -all- goes under objectcomponents -> shield right? new to file editing - you might need to send me the .m2 because idk where or how else to get it.............
  2. Can I rename it to anything? Or is this going to replace the current one? Also - I have -no idea- where to place / what to rename it. Also - you're beautiful for this. edit: I just realized that there are actually two shields with the same model/texture in the custom mogit. Still no idea what to do though edit 2: nevermind, somehow I was smart enough to figure out where to put it by creating a new folder and slapping the file in there. edit THREE: okay, I really appreciate this, but how do I get it to replace a different shield that isn't commonly used? I can apply it as a patch myself (with your permission of course) but yeah
  3. Shield Name: SHIELD_COTSTRAT_D_02STRATHOLME_2b screenie: http://prntscr.com/gaoa71 basically, looking to get this to replace some other shield, and recolored to look like a Scarlet one. Feeling like this shield would look absolutely -badass- as a scarlet crusade shield thanks in advance
  4. My thoughts exactly But who's going to go through the time to make such an addon? As useful as it'd be, dunno.
  5. Earlier, I was chatting about custom items and why they would be a great addition. Since such items aren't visible when equipped, it's easy to add a spell to them for the item to cast when equipped, and uncast when removed. Spells such as visuals and other sorts so you don't have to memorize spell IDs - just equip the trinket.