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Posts posted by Nere

  1. • Race: Human
    • Sex (Male/Female?): Female
    • Type (Animation/Mesh/Texture/Interface?): Texture
    • Description: Makeups on Female Humans don't correspond with the actual retail version. As a sidenote, probably there is a filter or something missing 
    (since i, when i tried to adapt it to models for uses in Blender i needed to filter it.) 
    • Evidence (Screenshot):

    How it looks in retail: https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/who-made-the-makeup-on-human-females-shadowlands/179997/23


  2. • Race: Night Elf
    • Sex (Male/Female?):Female
    • Type (Animation/Mesh/Texture/Interface?): Mesh/Interface
    • Description: There is a pre-existing Hairstyle missing in the interface of the Night Elf creation interface. The "Pixie" Hairstyle do exist at BfA times, but it was unlocked on SL.
    It would be great to have it unlocked.
     As a side note, if you do .ph forge npc outfit hair 14 it result as if "it doesn't exit", but 15 onwoards do work.
    • Evidence (Screenshot):

    Captura de pantalla (700).png

  3. • Type of Bug: Data Reset

    • Description: Everytime Server disconnects, the range of gameobject teleporters resets to 1.

    • Evidence (Chat message/Screenshot):


    • Steps to reproduce:

    - Set a different value of range

    - Wait for the server to crash or Reset.

    • Expected result: Teleporter range should save itself at change.

    • Observed result: Teleporter range resets at server disconnection.

    • Reproduction rate: 100% (if server crashes)

    • Additional information:

  4. • Type of Bug: In-game Bug.

    • Description:

    Restored Characters has two problems:

    - They can't be re-deleted, since the "deleting characters..." loop indefinitely.

    - At the moment of restoration, they don't have any permission in none of the phases where one is owner. They can't even enter your own private phases until server restarts/crashes.

    • Evidence (Chat message/Screenshot):

    • Steps to reproduce:

    1. Restore a deleted character.

    2. try to use a command or enter a phase private you own

    • Expected result: Restored character should be able to be re-deleted and use commands in your phases

    • Observed result: Restored characters can't do anything (nor even re-added as member/officers, since command takes you as an already member) in your own phases, nor be re-deleted.

    • Reproduction rate: 100% (Until crash/restart)

    • Additional information:





  5. • Type of Bug: In-game Bug

    • Description: Everytime you enter Sentinel Hill area in Westfall an areatrigger seems to put you "Sentinel Hill Skybox" aura everytime, which tends to be... 

    • Evidence (Chat message/Screenshot):

    • Steps to reproduce:

    - teleport yourself to Westfall

    - Go in and go out the zone

    • Expected result: Sentinel Hill should be areatrigger free

    • Observed result: Sentinel Hill Skybox gets aura everytime.

    • Reproduction rate: 100%

    • Additional information:

     If i recall correctly, this happens because of an areatrigger which is part from "Rise of the Brotherhood quest"

    Skybox SpellID is: 80005



  6. • Type of Bug: Phasing bug.

    • Description: Everytime you spawn a forged creature (which displayid is a blizzlike one, no matter if it's a model from creature/ or character/) inside a doodad/wmo object, it dissappears in certain (most) angles.

    • Evidence (Chat message/Screenshot):

    • Steps to reproduce:

    1. Create a forged creature and add a displayid

    2. Respawn it (since model disappears everytime you remove index 1, but that's another bug.)

    • Expected result: NPC staying idle at every angle.

    • Observed result: NPC dissappearing at certain angles.

    • Reproduction rate: 100%

    • Additional information:

    If you're looking the NPC from outside, you can see it no matter what.

    Also, a workaround founded for this was re-scaling it to 1.

    Forged creatures created using "outfit" subcommand seems to lack of this issue.



  7. Fixed FrozenThrone83 and Arathi Warfront (Outdoor Vers) Z position, didn't notice it spawned beneath before. Also, here are some new Great Sea, BG and Arena (HD versions from Legion and BFA) and other scenario worldports from 825/830!

    -- Misc Teles --
    - HeartsChamberRepaired: .worldport -8266 1754 311.962006 2215
    - GreatSeaAlliance: .worldport 908 888 -1.701752 1954
    - GreatSeaHorde: .worldport 264 734 8.725739 2066
    - ThePrisonOfInk: .worldport 801 -276 6.770490 2178
    - Crapopolis: .worldport 628 -3641 1.908634 2263
    - ScarletHallsDarkRanger: .worldport 837 608 12.815178 2174
    - Orgrimmar825: .worldport 1183 -4435 24.867130 2237
    - HallsOfOrigination83: .worldport -508 -327 161.934875 2187
    - MoguShan83: .worldport 4023 1855 358.787048 2247

    - AssaultOnStormwind: .worldport -8300 1378 5.231548 1904

    -- Battleground Teles --
    - DeepwindGorgeHD: .worldport -152 502 109.187675 2245
    - ArathiBasinHD: .worldport 977 1018 -44.414169 2107
    - WarsongGulchHD: .worldport 1235 1427 310.238861 2106


    -- Arena Teles --
    - RingOfTrialsHD: .worldport -2061 6688 12.143362 1505
    - BladesEdgeArenaHD: .worldport 2787 6005 4.621279 1672
    - MugambalaArena: .worldport -1980 1300 34.579411 1911
    - HookPointArena: .worldport 1010 -334 -0.116224 1825
    - RobodomeArena: .worldport -281 -263 76.628983 2167

  8.  As Gardener did long time ago, when legion launched. Now i've collected some good teleports not yet in .lookup tele command to help the community reach the vastness of Azeroth world and beyond!


    Ordered by list and by (x, y, z, map):

    -- Outworld Teles --

    - MechagonIsland: .worldport 3072 4807 2.931802 1643

    - Nazjatar: .worldport 652 -21 -171.005768 1718

    -- Terrain Swap Teles --

    - ArathiWarfrontOutdoor: .worldport -1508 -2732 41.563274 1945
    - DarkshoreWarfrontOutdoor: .worldport 5756 298 20.6049 2131
    - TirisfalGladesPostBattle: .worldport 2036 161 33.8674 1931

    -- Expedition Islands --

    - WhisperingReef: .worldport -1016 2225 45.455837 1883
    - RottingMire: .worldport 9200 9919 12.909697 1892
    - SkitteringHollow: .worldport 8740 -5212 1.180465 1898
    - MoltenCay: .worldport 1093 1176 29.421236 1897
    - VerdantWilds: .worldport 14922 15180 11.125207 1882
    - UnGolRuins: .worldport -135 -803 27.593420 1813
    - DreadChain: .worldport 1351 368 12.567903 1893
    - Heavenswood: .worldport -519 -801 3.447706 1814
    - Crestfall: .worldport 1313 -551 0.609137 2124
    - Jorundall: .worldport 14145 11587 9.142142 1879
    - SnowblososmVillage: .worldport 2277 361 18.567638 1907
    - UnchartedIsland: .worldport -2116 2478 2.051512 1955

    -- Horrific Visions Teles --

    - VisionOfTheTwistingSands: .worldport -9442 -966 111.012276 2274
    - ValeOfEternalTwilight: .worldport 934 333 456.47952 2275
    - VisionOfOrgrimmar: .worldport 1571 -4399 15.991375 2212
    - VisionOfStormwind: .worldport -8621 776 96.758125 2213

    -- Warfront Teles --

    - ArathiWarfrontAlliance: .worldport -1785 -1847 191.4263 1943
    - ArathiWarfrontHorde: .worldport -726 -2079 66.03762 1876
    - DarkshoreWarfrontAlliance: .worldport 5756 298 20.6049 2105
    - DarkshoreWarfrontHorde: .worldport 5756 298 20.6049 2111

    -- Dungeon Teles --

    - TheMotherlordeDungeon: .worldport 628 -3641 2 1594
    - KingsRestDungeon: .worldport -945 2548 833.0521 1762
    - SiegeOfBoralusDungeon: .worldport 1099 -607 21.17607 1822
    - TheUnderrotDungeon: .worldport  625 1253 99.8346 1841
    - AtaldazarDungeon: .worldport -848 2073 725.145 1763
    - FreeHoldDungeon: .worldport -1583 -1005 73.8218 1754
    - ShrineOfTheStormDungeon: .worldport  4167 -1238 186.894 1864
    - TempleOfSethralissDungeon: .worldport  3192  3150 121.327 1877
    - TolDagorDungeon: .worldport  86 -2928 1.71303 1771
    - WaycrestManorDungeon: .worldport -624 -259 236.030 1862

    - OperationMechagon: .worldport 560 68 99.382690 2097

    -- Raid Teles --

    - UldirRaid: .worldport -340 -256 1120.764 1861
    - CrucibleOfStormsRaid: .worldport 3652 -1644 -347.465607 2096
    - BattleOfDazarAlorRaid: .worldport -2274 802 5.931881 2070
    - TheEternalPalaceRaid: .worldport 297 -118 1470.105347 2164
    - TheEternalPalaceRaidQueensCourt: .worldport 194 1199 879.249146 2164
    - NyAlothaRaid: .worldport -63 -48 -271 2217
    - NyAlothaRaidNzothCaparace: .worldport -11594 9313 124.771034 2217


    -- Battleground Teles --
    - DeepwindGorgeHD: .worldport -152 502 109.187675 2245
    - ArathiBasinHD: .worldport 977 1018 -44.414169 2107
    - WarsongGulchHD: .worldport 1235 1427 310.238861 2106


    -- Arena Teles --
    - RingOfTrialsHD: .worldport -2061 6688 12.143362 1505
    - BladesEdgeArenaHD: .worldport 2787 6005 4.621279 1672
    - MugambalaArena: .worldport -1980 1300 34.579411 1911
    - HookPointArena: .worldport 1010 -334 -0.116224 1825
    - RobodomeArena: .worldport -281 -263 76.628983 2167


    -- Misc Teles --

    - HeartsChamber: .worldport -8266 1754 311.9617 1929
    - HearthstoneTavern: .worldport 15 53 -0.010006 2195
    - ThrosTheBlightedLands: .worldport -965 3756 43.68758 1944
    - BattleForLordaeron: .worldport 1866 237 104.7547 1760
    - SiegeOfOrgrimmarMagHar: .worldport 1232 -4409 57.9789 1884
    - GorgrondMagHar: .worldport 8340 -58 80.31302,1.202447,1917
    - BlackRockDepthsScenario: .worldport 1598 542 223.3099 1932
    - ShadowforgeCityHub: .worldport 1613 496 223.3615 2081

    - MechagonCityHub: .worldport 716 600 238.585327 2268
    - FrozenThrone83: .worldport 529 -2124 840.856995 2297

    - HeartsChamberRepaired: .worldport -8266 1754 311.962006 2215
    - ThePrisonOfInk: .worldport 801 -276 6.770490 2178
    - Crapopolis: .worldport 628 -3641 1.908634 2263

    - HeartsChamberRepaired: .worldport -8266 1754 311.962006 2215
    - GreatSeaAlliance: .worldport 908 888 -1.701752 1954
    - GreatSeaHorde: .worldport 264 734 8.725739 2066
    - ThePrisonOfInk: .worldport 801 -276 6.770490 2178
    - Crapopolis: .worldport 628 -3641 1.908634 2263
    - ScarletHallsDarkRanger: .worldport 837 608 12.815178 2174
    - Orgrimmar825: .worldport 1183 -4435 24.867130 2237
    - HallsOfOrigination83: .worldport -508 -327 161.934875 2187
    - MoguShan83: .worldport 4023 1855 358.787048 2247

    - AssaultOnStormwind: .worldport -8300 1378 5.231548 1904


    let me now if you encounter new ones!

    Thanks to DavidTwo for helping me identify some mistakes!

  9. • Type of Bug: In-game Bug; Client Crash.

    • Description: The Mechagnome races has some animations who brokes apart the model.

    • Evidence (Chat message/Screenshot):

    Female - EmoteTalkExclamationFemale - SitGroundMale - Emote SitChairMedMale - ExcalamationMale Eyetraking

    • Steps to reproduce:

    1. Create a forged NPC or morph yourself into a Mechagnome.

    2a. (Male) use .npc emote or .npc say anything with a ! (which make the model do EmoteTalkExclamation emote)

    2b. (Both) use .npc emote or sit yourself (sitting in the ground or using a chair has the same result)

    3. (Female) Finally, do the same as point 2a, which will give you the wow error.

    • Expected result: Both models shouldn't broke itself nor the client when executing those specific animations.

    • Observed result: In both genders, all the Sit Animations (SitGround, SitChairMed, SitChairLow, SitChairHigh) entirely brokes the model (With the female broken entirely and the male one having his legs and arms broken.)

     Then, in cases like the Female one, EmoteTalkExclamation causes a WoW Error to the client. The Male, in this case, only has his legs and arms broken as with the sit anim case.

     Finally, male model has a weird bug regarding his right eye, which make it follow your camera.

    • Reproduction rate: 100%

    • Additional information: At first, i though it could be specific of the Spanish Client (which i use) but, according to one of my partners (who uses the English one), same thing happens.

  10. • Type of Bug: LUA Error

    • Description:

    When you try to restore a deleted caracter in a Spanish Client only a LUA Errors appears, without any chance or question mark to confirm the restoration of the character.

    • Evidence (Chat message/Screenshot):


    • Steps to reproduce:

     1. Install Spanish Client

     2. (Optional) Create a Character

     3. Select one and click restore deleted character.

    • Expected result:

     A confirmation panel should appear, prompting to select yes to restore or no to abort restoration.

    • Observed result:

     LUA Error appears everytime you try to restore the character, without any confirmation panel.

    • Reproduction rate:


    • Additional information:

     The only workaround is to change the language of the client to English and replace the DBCFilesClient to the ones from the English Starter Pack.

  11. I noticed this before, it's seems the command takes the last displayid everytime you use it (even if you put none, which is why you recieve the box one)

     I put four displayid to show what i'm saying: Notice how the forged npc takes the 88534 even when you spawn new ones.

     To point out: this seems to "fix" itself when server restarts (like the names/subnames too)


  12. • Type of Bug: In-game bug

    • Description: New created characters are unable to equip Daggers or Fist Weapons.

    • Evidence (Chat message/Screenshot):


    • Steps to reproduce:

    1. Create a character

    2. Try to equip daggers

    3. Try to equip Fist Weapons

    • Expected result: Players should be able to equip daggers or fist weapons without problem.

    • Observed result: Player can't use those weapons.

    • Reproduction rate: Always (100%)

    • Additional information:

    The cause seems to be that the skills for that weapon types (along with their racials, and the ability to change/select talents or change specialization) are not learned on creation. Not even the Rogues recieve it on creation.

    For now, the only workaround is:

    Change Specs: .cast 218386

    Daggers: .setskill 173 450 450

    Fist Weapons: .setskill 473 450 450


  13. • Type of Bug: in-game bug

    • Description: Void Elf Warlock class/race combination keeps geeting "error creating character" when trying to create them.

    • Evidence (Chat message/Screenshot):

    Void Elf Warlock.png

    • Steps to reproduce:

    1. Go to Character Creation Panel

    2. Choose Void Elf race

    3. Choose Warlock class

    4. Try to create one

    • Expected result: Character created successfully

    • Observed result: "Error creating character" message appear when clicking on finish

    • Reproduction rate: Always (100%)

    • Additional information:

    Seems to be the only combination who gives this same error



    I decided to create another bug report since the other got marked as solved (https://forums.epsilonwow.net/topic/1329-error-creating-character/)

  14. Just wanted to add that this problem also happens with the models of

    - Ko'ragh (54825)

    - Shadow-lord Iskar (61932)

    - Supreme Lord Kazzak (64119)

    - Ragewing the Untamed (53315)

    - Dreadfang (56363)

    - Blazing Trickster (53112)

    - Wise Mari (41125)

    - Azure Serpant (39492)

    - Sha of Violence (43283)

    - Almost all the Paragons of the Klaxxi [except for Skeer the Bloodseeker] (48675,48676,48677,48678,48679,48680,48681,48682)

    - Amber-Shaper Un'sok (43126)

    - Garalon (42368)

    - The Stone Guard [From Mogu'shan Chambers] (42644,41894,41893,41892)

    also, i think it would be good to add the model's id of the others already reported, maybe that would help

    - Garrosh Hellscream (49585)

    - Champion's Dreadblade (60207) [this model belongs to his NPC version, i don't know if it's the same]

    Also, i think that the majority of the missing models are from the Mist of Pandaria and Warlords of Draenor expansions, and there are some from Legion (like midnight in his mount version, Hyrja (65076), Cortilax (65791), Serpentrix (65110), or Cenarius (70947), Ursoc (66676), Elerethe Renferal (69474) or the Nightmare Tentacle (72236) from the Emerald Nightmare Raid)


  15. 1 hour ago, Romeo said:

    seems like ur exactly like me, was raised religiously to love lord of the rings and i mean, the nazguls are awesome. that movie made me love dark stuff quite honestly. we're gonna have a lot of fun you and me!!

    it's glad to see that i'm not the only one who thinks that, indeed Nazgûls are awesome! And seeing them in the Shadow of Mordor Sequel was like "Oh god, yes!"

  16. 4 hours ago, Norshar said:

    welcome bro

    Thanks, Norshar!


    1 hour ago, Romeo said:

    welcome man. you got cool names and seem to have an interest for tolkien or at least shadow of mordor? respect bruh

    Thanks! and yes, i have an interest for The Lord of The Rings since i was a kid (and i always liked the Witch King of Angmar), and personally i like the Shadow of Mordor game too! (pretty obvious since my profile is Talion xD)

  17. Hi, Epsilon!

    I'm Erandur though before that i had the nickname of Neredun, there isn't much to tell about me, just that i'm most an invisible person who have spanish (i'm Argentinian)  as native language but understands English (though i write it not very well, so now you know why)

    without much more to say i hope to have a nice stay

    Best regards.


  18. i would like to share some of my teleports (for Raids and Dungeon i share more than one because it's not connected with the entrace zone):

    -- Class Halls --

    Shaman Class Hall: .world 960.76 1086.7 17.1 1469 4.8

    Warlock Class Hall: .world 3096 983 257.38 1107 0

    Paladin Class Hall: .world 2369 -5353.18 52.58 0 5.51

    Death Knight Class Hall: .world -1504.5 1056.3 260.39 1220 4.13

    Demon Hunter (i'm pretty sure that map 1481 is from Pre-Dh Quests, there are like 2 or 3 maps about this but the loading screen should be different): .world 1569.29 1405.62 237.10 1519 2.69

    -- Pandaria Raids --

    Siege of Orgrimmar (Pandaria Zone): .world 1441.2 340 289.1 1136 1.58

    Siege of Orgrimmar (Orgrimmar): .world 1363.8 -4372.9 26 1136 0.11

    Throne of Thunder: .world 5891.86 6603.20 105.91 1098 4.67

    -- Warlords of Draenor Raids --

    Hellfire Citadel: .world 3970.02 -735.247 33.65 1448 1.72

    Hellfire Citadel (Grommash's Torment) .world 4041.7 2544.78 210.80 1448 4.73

    Hellfire Citadel (Mannoroth Zone): .world -2999.83 -291.82 606.23 1448 0.01

    Hellfire Citadel (Black Gate): .world 4052.05 -2134.82 51.14 1448 4.78

    Hellfire Citadel (Killrogg's Death Vision Zones):

    - Stormwind: .world 3766.33 -220.90 -3.23 1448 1.59
    - Undercity: .world 3765.18 -136.67 1.804 1448 1.499

    -- Legion Dungeons --

    Maw of Souls: .world 7186.82 7319.46 23.50 1492 6.18

    Return to Karazhan (The Entrace): .world -11090.8 -1987.5 49.75 1651 0.68

    Return to Karazhan (Guardian's Library, the "normalized" scale version, who leads to the chess and Nether zone): .world 4144.82 -2059.10 727.17 1651 4.68

    -- Legion Raids --

    Trial of Valor (Odyn Zone): .world 2488.63 538.11 749 1648 3.26

    Trial of Valor (Helya Zone): .world 467.24 705.10 17.96 1648 4.66

    Tomb of Sargeras: .world 5859 -795.8 2953 1676 0.05

    Tomb of Sargeras (Kil'jaeden's Ship):

    .world 4500.12 -1509.83 385.64 1676 4.67

    .world 4500.12 -1509.83 5385.6 1676 4.67

    Note: There are Two Kil'jaeden Ships one above the other the only difference is the Map (only one show the correct map)
