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Posts posted by Nilith

  1. I've put in a very awkward situation in which I was cranky over believing that .gob mov's only functionality to be restricted to simply moving the object to the player's current facing and position, not being aware of the .mod <direction> <value> version of the command, as the next displayed when doing .gob mov without something selected doesn't display anything in that way. 

    It might be a good thing to ensure that new players are aware of all the possibilities being made available through certain commands, especially since .gob mov is at -least- to say useful. 

  2. There's been a rather strange phenomenon that I've encountered yesterday, and today whilst doing completely unrelated activities as I was online. The way the aforementioned event manifests is fairly simple: I got disconnected out of the blue, only to be stuck at connecting (not sure for how long, though what's obvious is that I'm not getting a Timeout from the logon server) and thus preventing me from logging back on. 

    Things I've tried so far as a temp fix: 
    Restarting Client.

    Clearing Cache

    Browsing Youtube and writing this post  while waiting.

  3. Alright so, I've figured I'd use another post just to increase my post count at first in order to introduce, or reintroduce myself properly to you guys if you know me or not. There isn't much to say as a whole, sadly, but I'll however split this into two sections: me and Nilly, so from an OOC to IC perspective. 


    Nilith is my second ever character which I'm very attached too. I've made her with the intention to keep a relatively dull exterior, her true persona and dynamism to become visible only as one managed to befriend her or understand her way of being. She's Gilnean, afflicted, who got into the path of the Light formerly as time passed whilst on her conquest to find her missing mother. As time kept passing by, she ended up in Coldwater where she didn't have time to attune properly with the new environment she's got into, eventually moving on with the other too Laketown, when some of you might have meet me, and so on. I'd rather leave the details and the rest a mistery, there's a lot of gaps in between these few lines that have stories in, and I'd rather not share them all, though.

    Me on the other side, I don't do anything dramatic or overly special. I'm quite an ordinary person in fact. I don't consider myself an excellent or even good RPer, as I'll always be open to pertinent and well worded advice and criticism, being always on the strive to improve myself, but sorry to disappoint from the start as I"m one of those persons who is most likely not going to accept death on their main character (idk about others, most likely yes as long it'd make sense). Irl I work as a developer, I'm fascinated by anything that can provide me a challenge to test my technical skills let it be code writing, reviewing or bug-fixing. I try to remain a friendly and chill person most of the time, but I'm sorry in advance if I won't always manage to keep this standard that I impose to myself.

    Anyway, enough about me, hopefully I'll get to know more of you, or know those that I already am familiar with even better. 


  4. Greetings.

    Files needed for the workaround, copy paste them from your WoW folder....or just keep on reading and follow the instructions.



    Asome of you might be playing retail, whilst some might not, we've managed to figure out a way to trick the battle.net client into changing the installation / update folder to something else without copying large ammounts of data. This is obviously a main interest for those of you who don't need to keep a client for retail, however if you consider remaking the client the battle.net client will automatically start downloading the missing files / patches automatically (it can be stopped by tweaking around the preferences or simply stopping the update once you login the first time) S

    teps: 1) Copy all the files from your WoW client (except the Data folder which is created automatically once you add the path)
    2) In your Battle.net client navigate to Option > Game Settings > Gme install/Updates.
    3) Hit the browse button next to your World of Warcraft installation directory and change it to the new folder in which you've moved the previously mentioned files.
    4) Follow the steps from the original connection guide, skipping the copy-pasting part.
    5) Don't forget to rename your previous Battle.net WoW to Epsilon as mentioned in the connection guide!!!!!!!!!!
    Your friendly nerd in the neighborhood. 

    EDIT: Idk if I should have posted this here, or if Aza / Toothless posted it already, since I'm not familiar to the forum sections and such. If it's duplicated pls remove. ty.