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Posts posted by Ethereal

  1. 59 minutes ago, artemorgana said:

    As many have said, people have a right to app to people in their phase because it's their phase-- you are a guest and they have every right to have the tools they need to in order to moderate such. If you don't like it? Well, then I recommend just staying clear of public phases. Probably better that way.

    Either way, all of these additions are looking really solid and exciting-- especially the inclusion of a HUGE new wave of GObjects and the new overlay function. It's definitely got me excited for what's to come.

    Have to say I don't appreciate the passive-aggressive remarks I am getting for stating what I have made clearly to be my opinion. Just isn't the place for that.


    Regardless I said before I understand the intended purpose of it. It's the potential misuse I am worried about, and how there are no ways to prevent it.

  2. 9 hours ago, everygalaxies said:

    What "Possible Use" do you think they are going to us it for? And what part of that is "Creepy"?
    Are you ERPing in someone elses phase and worried they will see it? When someones character walks past you on the road is that creepy? What are we working with here?

    I don't like anyone .apping to me for any reason whatsoever unless I give them permission to do so. I'm not there to break their rules and if they need to app to me they can /ask/. It's really not a hard concept and should be enforced as a common courtesy.


    I see it as being overly nosy and highly creepy to just .app to someone without asking. It's already unnerving enough that I sometimes forget to turn it off and a friend decides to .app without asking, let alone a complete stranger. Being a phase moderator doesn't mean you should be trusted with that permission. That's a permission I'd want only Epsi's actual administration to have, not random phase officers and owners who have no form or need of verification that they're not going to just be creeps with it.


    It's a change I highly oppose personally, and one that's enough to keep me away from public phases unless I know the mods/owner.


    No, it is not because of ERP, to answer your question more clearly for you.

  3. 9 hours ago, MindScape said:

    I think you’re seeing it wrong- only officers+ of a phase get this, and it’s for moderation. Someone causing trouble but their app is off so you can’t get there to see? Not a problem any more. Alternate view: imagine a phase is someone’s house & you’re visiting, now they can find you in their house.

    I recognize that it's officers+, but just makes me uncomfortable knowing that there's a feature that can be abused and phase administration can't be held accountable for abusing it. A phase owner can just let it slide. Unless Epsi puts out a new rule that this can't just be used willynilly, it makes me uncomfortable.


    I recognize the intended point of it. And the intended use of it is /good/. I don't deny that.

    But the possible use of it is just creepy and makes the feature less worth it, imo.

  4. not exactly excited for the .app change


    anyone that hasn't been given the permission by epsilon administration having the ability to just app to me without asking me for permission to do so just creeps me out, that is kinda a put-off from public phases for me

  5. I got bored, and made a felblood elf patch. This is for the female skin only. I'm too lazy to do males when I don't ever personally play them.

    It's a basic tinted red skin to match the felblood skins in TBC, replacing skin #22 and with 6 altering face textures for various markings/no markings. As well as the Shadowlands black haircolor, added in with the Kul Tiran jewelry that Kori put into the texture.

    this wasnt really meant to be a public release so forgive any flaws, I edit skins as a personal passion project, not much for public use


    Imgur preview album; https://imgur.com/a/w90UkPp

    Download; https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JRk4hV7O1Dw2CjZB9QPqWE_cWkR6uvCS/view?usp=sharing

    Extract to your Epsilon/Retail/Patches folder, then in the Epsilon launcher go to Patches and check the tickbox next to "FelbloodPatch"



    Note: The UV mapping on the kul tiran jewelry is ever-so-slightly off. I had to play guesswork around where Kori stuffed the textures and how, so it's like a pixel difference. I got really close. There are no visual issues when in-game, but if you alter between haircolors while staring at the jewelry you will notice the single pixel difference. I'll fix this if Kori ever lets me have the actual texture itself.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Nilith said:

    YES. Once you are in a phase you submit to the fact that an Officer might feel the need to check on you for a reason or another, even if you do -NOT- request their presence at their own discretion.  

    Yeah no this is just incredibly invasive. If this is added then we just need yet another .toggle for phase appear. I really do not wanting -ANYONE- I don't know appearing to me if I don't want them to. This is the kind of addition that would get me to avoid public phases completely. 


    Just ask the person to turn it off so you can appear to them. It's that simple.

  7. Just -- ask them to turn it off. Giving officers the ability to go to whoever they want, whenever, can also be as invasive as it is helpful. I really don't want officers having the ability to appear to me unless I want them to.

  8. I have, n o idea, how possible this would be -- but to the point.


    Every weapon or shield or shoulderpiece or whatever, in WoW, has an object to go with it - same with creature models and all that.  I believe these were recently removed from .lo obj due to the fact they're just untextured blobs when spawned in.


    But what if there was a way to spawn them in, and select what texture they use? 

    On WoW.tools each of these objects can be previewed and in the bottom right you can pick what texture to preview them with, if that feature was somehow implemented into commands it would open up the entire WoW item database to be used as objects, which would be pretty cool for decorating I'd say.


  9. Thought I'd revitalize this old patch.


    This patch aims to bring a large portion of the old Stormwind/Human textures to their HD versions from WoD -- including textures that are handmade to make up for the ones that did not have HD replacements. Handmade textures are edited from existing textures, but serve well enough.


    Preview - Trade District; https://prnt.sc/156l0iv


    Download link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16uj_RUY68WWYV8Yf6qLdoXCIaiJWf4gD/view?usp=sharing


    Extract HD_Human_Buildings to its own folder, and move that new folder to Epsilon > _retail_ > Patches -- https://prnt.sc/156kkg4

    If you did this correctly, HD_Human_Buildings should show up in the PATCHES menu on the launcher. Click the tickbox next to it to activate the patch, and now you're done. https://prnt.sc/156krn8


    If you have issues installing, make a pose here or contact me on Discord - Ethereal#8328


    LOD textures are not included, I do not know how to fix these nor do I think I even could. From a distance, you will notice shifts in textures.

  10. When blueprinting a massive build (might happen on smaller builds, I haven't tried to reproduce the bug) it seems that any object that was spawned, and then rotated using .gob turn, will spawn with its original orientation when spawned.


    I discovered this when I tried to copy Easthold over from 792 into 251 -- just about anything you'd expect to be turned with a command was spawned in the wrong orientation. 

    This also happened with a house build that I made back in 2018, that I copied to a different phase -- anything turned with .gob turn reset to its original spawn position.

  11. Hey everyone! So just under a year ago I wrote a guide on the RPH forums where I created a server template for phase owners to create their own Discord server with relative ease.

    Discord created the ability for users to have a Discord server that would act as a 'template'. When you use the link, this template copies all channels/roles/permissions and makes them into your own server. Below, I'll write a guide for how you can get this functioning for you.


    It’s fairly easy to set up. All you’ll need is to copy the link below, and then add a bot to your server.
    Clicking this link should tell you what channels are added, as well as the roles - obviously, once the server is made, you’re free to make changes as you see fit. A template is just a template!
    Once you visit that link you’ll be presented with the basic details as such: this
    You can change the name and icon before making the server.
    Now, the bot: You’ll want to add Dyno to your server; Here is a link to Dyno's webpage
    Once he’s in, you’ll be presented with a dash that looks a bit like this. At the lefthand side, go to Modules.

    NOTE: Please be sure once you’ve added Dyno to your server that his role is ABOVE at LEAST the Guest rank. Otherwise, the feature below will not work!



    Once there, look for a panel labeled as “Autoroles” and click on “Settings”



    Almost done - now on this page you’ll want to go and select the role “Guest” under “Select Role”, and then set the delay timer to 0 - now press ‘Add’.


    And you’re done! You now have a fully operational server with private entry. New users will be given the Guest role automatically, in which the only channel they can view is the “welcome-channel”. They can request a role there. This is to prevent trolls/evaders/whatever from just entering your server and mucking around.


    Both the NSFW and 'nsfw access' roles can be deleted if you don't care for those. This will not cause problems for the rest of the server. However the nsfw channel cannot be seen by users without the nsfw access role -- unless they have admin privileges.
    OPTIONAL STEPS - This is for users that want a bit more of an advanced system in place for their server-logs channel.


    On the left-hand side of the dashboard under Modules, click on “Action Log”.

    You’ll be presented with a new page where you can toggle various actions to be logged automatically by the bot. Under the category “Log Channel” click the dropdown, and set the channel to server-logs.


    If you set it up properly, you can also have an account’s age listed on the user’s join message when they enter the server. To change this, just modify the value under “New Account Age” at the top right. Also - make sure the module is enabled, at the top right. It should be GREEN.


    If there turn out to be any problems with the template, let me know here or on Discord. Adjustments are not hard to make and I can update the template link any time.



    (also if anyone knows how I can better format this thread let me know, I don't do forum posts frequently)

  12. The recent update for Epsilon is by all accounts, phenomenal. Be it customizations or features - and while I am hesitant to write this because I don't want to ask the developers to overwork themselves, there are some ideas that maybe would be cool to be placed on the board for the future?


    - Anyway, firstly is the idea of Phase Ranks;

    As it stands now, Epsilon has a total of three phase ranks. Guest, Member, and Officer - of course, excluding Owner.

    It doesn't add a lot of variety. When you're handling a phase, those aren't the only few ranks you would have available - typically for moderation purposes you would want your higher-up administration to have their own rank, moderators their own, DMs, builders, etc. That's how I and a few other phase handlers from RPH typically like to have ranks set up. So a phase rank forge where you could customize various permissions would be nice to have for those moving over. This is obviously a lot of work, and I understand that, and I imagine it takes a lot just because you'd have to rewrite the current permissions system - but I feel it'd be worth it in the end.

    Edit; command examples


    - .ph rank
    - .ph rank add -- Will generate a new rank with an ID counting up from 1 -- rank 0 being Owner, 1 being the first rank added, so on and so forth.

    - .ph rank remove <rankID> -- removes target rank ID, frees up the ID to be reused

    - .ph rank modify <ID>

    - .ph rank modify <ID> move up/down -- would be used simply to move the rankID up or down in a 'rank structure' -- not used to change the rankID, but to define if it would hold power over other ranks -- for example, moving rankID 1 up would mean it can use .ph ban, .ph kick, etc on rankID 2 if rankID 2 is below 1.

    The rest of the permissions settings would be a finicky road of complicated commands that are too much for me to list here, in my ideal world it'd be under .ph rank modify but frankly, a "rank forge" would be infinitely easier to modify with an addon. 


    - Next, is an idea for customization which I am sure has been thought about before but I feel I should state it anyway - Eye Colors;

    With this update we've seen the addition of several new categories in character customization that come with plenty of downported and completely new features from the dev team - I'm no DBC editor, I tried it, confused the hell out of me, so I can't begin to imagine how complicated it might be to add in another new category for select races, but it would add in plenty of new customizability both downported and new. This, also, obviously implies model editing which I'm not even sure if it's possible to have multiple different glowing eyecolors outside of what Blizzard has specified. But if it all is possible, that'd be neat.


    - The addition of Item Forge and Phase Texture shifting/general shifting to the Epsilon Forge addon;

    This is one I thought of randomly. Shifting textures (and phase shifting in general) can be a bit jarring to anyone who doesn't understand Epsilon's typical command structure (the same would be said about NPC forge and we got that added into the addon) - and as well, the item forge. An ability to see like, a 'preview' tooltip and whatnot for your item while you're making it. It's a completely fake tooltip for obvious reasons but it could be neat.


    Anyway, that's all I really have. I'll probably end up thinking of more things down the road.


    In any case, developers, you're beautiful, and everything looks amazing and I am frankly happy to be back on the server. ?


    Edited Suggestions:


    Change both .app and .summon to have a form of verification;

    For .app - If the player is in another phase, bring up that phase ID first (unless their .app is disabled) or allow the player to have a toggle switch of whether or not they want to accept the .app. It can be really awkward when someone just wordlessly .apps you, but you don't want to constantly disable/enable the feature.

    For .summon, a simple check with a "click me to accept" in the chat would be nice.

