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Posts posted by kagatsuo

  1. 7 hours ago, Zagros98 said:

    great patch. is it possible to make for the new faces too? the ones with black pupil

    it would require be to replace one of the existing faces, which isnt something i want to do, since we cant just add faces. so, unfortunately, i cant add these faces for now.

  2. 6 hours ago, mavvo said:

    people worried about the coat patch but nothing happened. if staff asks you to take it down, then obviously take it down. otherwise its fine. 

    that's probably what i'm gonna do, since nothing happened with coat patch.

  3. 57 minutes ago, Terramane said:



    EDIT IMPORTANT: You might want to take this patch down actually until shadowlands is released, Blizzard had already gotten DivX shut down because they got content from a patch too early, they can do the same with this server if this patch gains any popularity.

    i want to know what other people think on this claim first, but thankyou for the heads up. I've seen people claim this before on another patch (I cant quite remember which one, but i believe it was one of the older coat patch posts) where this was both said and denied by some users in the comments.

  4. Howdy, Epsilon. I made a patch.
    All it does is replace the fourth skin on male worgen with the full white skin found in Shadowlands datamining, since the current "white" skin isn't great.

    Here's the download.

    Hope you enjoy this patch.


    Here's a single screenshot I got of the patch in action.



    To anyone who's unsure on how to download, extract the files with something such as winrar and put the 'character' folder into your Epsi directory.
    If you have any questions or problems, feel free to tell me.
