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Everything posted by namani55

  1. How do I make them? What's the command?
  2. Hello, I was asking about this I think last year or the year before that; also seen some posts from 2016-2017 about this which have been answered with "This will be added... at some point". Has the creation of custom items been implemented yet? If not, is it worked on or something? Any estimates? Personally, I don't even need equippable items, I just want to add currency to my phase. Like... a item that's a coin and gets traded around, with the possibility of me being the only one that can .add it. I can get behind the fact that you guys wouldn't add it now since we might go to a shadowlands client soon, but at least with shadowlands pretty please??? ?
  3. Hello! I am new to Epsilon; I was merely re-creating my character a day or two ago. I was stoked by the cool customizations that you have added, but when it comes to hairstyles, none of them would embody the image I have of my character. It just happens that the hairstyle I was using, which was there by default when it came to the worgen customization - the human form that is, is missing. Below, you can find a picture of the said hairstyle, yet on a human character.