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Posts posted by Hiddai

  1. I searched spells that make the animations slower but i couldn't find anything. It will be nice to have this but while the player is moving too.

    For example, the walking gnome animation is way too fast imo. I'd like to have a command or spell to slow it a little bit.

  2. Try to use the same command in the zones around the map. For example, if you do .ph shift doodad zone off on duskwood, it will have some doodads around, and they go puff if you do the command in Deadwing pass.

  3. To be fair, goblins don't have eyebrows neither except for Gallywix for ??? reason too as far i know. And when the eyebrows for goblins came i saw a lot of them enjoying their new feature so... giving orcs the same thing would be cool.


    For trolls... idk, that might be cursed as well. But every addition is welcome!

  4. 4 hours ago, InquisitiveCat said:

    Looks fantastic but unable to load it... States the patch.json file isn't there. Any ideas on how to fix? ?

    Huh, odd. Probably you're downloading only the sound folder? Don't select any folder of the link and click on download (Sorry for the spanish in the pic lmao)


    The patch folder must be like this



    If that doesn't work i uploaded a .zip version. Try with that! If that doesn't work neither, contact me on Discord and i'll give you the .json file

  5. 10 hours ago, Erkor said:

    i like the majority of the sounds but polearms are a bit depressing

    I didn't find the polearm sounds on retail data to change it, sadly. The sounds you hear are from retail wow. I'll try to do a better research thought.


    10 hours ago, Erkor said:

    also, your compressed file is a .rar. i think you should .zip it so that people can download it and directly install it via the launcher

    Will do!


  6. Greetings! My friend and I did a sound mod. It took a while to make but we are really satisfied with it. We aim to make it a low fantasy mod.

    It's very simple to install. Just extract the rar in "Patches" folder of Epsilon and activate the patch in the Epsilon Launcher.

    Beta is over! Now we can call it Fantasy 1.0 version! If you have some suggestions, criticism or even better, sounds to add, you can contact me on Discord by the nickname Hiddai#3584

    Download link:


    I don't like a specific sound:
    You can delete the sound. First you need to find it in the patch folder, delete it, then open the "patch.json" file and search for the sound name and delete that data too. Luckily it's very easy to do it.

    Credits! (I got the sounds from here lmao)
    - Heroes of the Storm 
    - Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord
    - Gecko's Oblivion Sound overhaul (lazygecko)
    - Inmersive Sound Compendium (Bats, Thanvannispen, Aeonemi, Joelaudio, Erdie)
    - Baldur's Gate 3

    General Changes:


    - Armor foley sounds
    - General footsteps
    - Death Impacts

    - All weapons flesh impacts (except daggers and staves)
    - Weapon sheaths
    - Some Hunter, Warrior and Rogue abilities sounds
    - Bows and Rifles

    - Paladin spells: Seraphim, Exorcism, Crusader Strike and Auras
    - Arcane spells: Arcane explosion, Counterspell
    - Misc: Dynamite explotion, Stealth, Flare, Spiritwolf, Scourge Horn,

    - Some doors and chests
    - Realistic campfire and lake sounds
    - Better blacksmith ambience
    - Two ambiance replaced: 1- Moguraid Interior is now a Forest Farm Ambience || 2- Tkr Subterranean is now a Small Village Ambience

    - New Male Tauren and Male Orc roar (More accurate to the cinematics, also the Orc roar is in very low quality. I hope we can fix this soon.)
    - New Male Orc and Male/Female Worgen growl (Type /Threath in the chat)
    - New Minning and Skinning sounds

    - Gryphon sounds

    - We changed the interface sounds for simpler ones (We aware some people may not like this. But you can delete those sounds individually. Meaby i'll upload a "no interface sound change" in the future!)


  7. Welp! As the tittle suggest, we already have the Epsilon terrain cut, which is awesome. But sometimes when you need to do a little custom road on a zone, or you spawn a tent, the grass is traspassing all and making it ugly. So i was thinking, what if the admins make a grass version of the terrain cut? Because i usually need to do some terraforming to put houses and such and it's painful


    For example, something like this. We have this tall grass here and let's imagine i need to put a tent here. But... there's this mess.



    Then i use the Grass cut and...



    Now we have a clean floor to put some tents!

  8. My suggestion is to put a new rank in phases, something better than officer, like "sub-owner".

    I use more than one phase to change the doodads, textures, etc. But i can't be a phase owner of two phases with a one character. So i need to log in with another character to do these changes.

    The problem with this is i use the phases to change the "situation" of some big events in the middle of the roleplay. And waiting for changing character and doing the changes takes a lot of time for my and people waiting for the next part of the event (My pc is very poopoo)

    So... yeah. That's it. Thanks for having it in mind!
