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Everything posted by Adarsha

  1. Hey there, it's everyone's least favourite Naga Rper, cloaca joke! I mean Adarsha! Back in the olden days of 2020 I wrote a kind of summary on Naga things, compiling all that mess in one place, and I thought I'd maybe share it with y'all, since Naga RP is kind of popular these days! I would not exactly call this a guide and no one should feel compelled to follow a word I say, but maybe it could be useful if you don't want to scour a thousand wikis for obscure dumb sources. With this, I want to make a disclaimers right here: - Naga have VERY LITTLE OFFICIAL LORE. Most substance comes from the old RPG stuff, but other than that it's usually very barebones and changes from expansion to expansion to suit the narrative. While I will avoid highly personal headcanons and custom lore, I will be using both RPG lore and Speculation to fill the gaps, which will be marked as such. With that in mind, let's gooooooo! ??? ? BASIC INFORMATION ? The Naga are a race of amphibious snake people who live in the depths of the ocean and along its shores. Originally, they were known as the Highborne: the elves that ruled over the Kaldorei Empire under Queen Azshara. Following the War of the Ancients and the implosion of the Well of Eternity, the elven capital (Zin-Azshari) and its inhabitants (and like a whole big fucking chunk of the world) were sent to the bottom of the Ocean, where Queen Azshara bargained with the Old Gods (specifically N'zoth) and secured their survival through their transformation from Elf to Naga. Since then, they have become a race of their own (meaning that not every Naga "used to be a Night Elf, you know") with their own culture and society. ? CULTURE ? ? BIOLOGY ? ? NAGA RELATIONS ? ? NAGA MAGIC ? ? NAGA FORCES ? Now for the messy bits! ??? ? ILLIDARI NAGA ? ? NAGA AND N'ZOTH ? ? NEUTRAL NAGA ? ? MORPHS AND NATIVES ? That about covers it! Please remember that some of these sources are obscure, gathered from the flavour text of dropped items (naga molting), mounts (that bloatray airsacs are used to ease breathing on the surface) etc. I intend to source everything that isn't speculative here, but I am only human and it will take a hot minute before I get all the links! Until then, take my word for it! Or don't! The beauty of having such little lore and so much wiggle room with retcons over loyalties, faith, biology, etc. is that disagreements can be easily handwaved! Oh, this Illidari Naga doesn't like Azshara anymore, and this one does! Oh, this one heard whispers from N'zoth and this one didn't! Oh, this one can shoot venom from their spikes and this one can't! You don't have to align with a singular canon. There's ways these concepts can coexist IC without conflict. And with that in mind, I once again reiterate that this is not a guide! If you want a super anti-Azshara Illidari Naga, or a super mind controlled N'zoth Naga, or a man who doesn't like serving women, that's all fine! This is just a bit of help to those that are interested!