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Posts posted by Avaruu

  1. Removing options on a gobject teleporter w/ multiple options causes the options and teleport # (found in .gob info) to desync.


    I have a teleporter object that initially began with 6 options. Over time, especially yesterday, I slimmed it down to 3 options. The teleport numbers in .gob info do not automatically update, and so the gossip options become mismatched.

    This is object w/ GUID 11278 in phase 64779. Pictures below are from just now after a server reboot about 9 hours ago (long after I removed some tele options yesterday):




    Due to the teleport numbers being mismatched against the 'gossip' options, for example, the "(Shortcut)" option is going to #3 which is supposed to be the "Fighter Dock" option.

    FYI I don't know if this is a consistent and repeatable issue-- this is my only gob tele w/ multiple options I have needed to edit, and this one has been a long-time victim.


  2. Here I am to gently suggest a command - equipping a piece of armor on ALL outfits of a single NPC.

    Sometimes I have NPCs with upwards of 20 outfits as generic randomized variants of multiple races, but I want each of them to wear the exact same armor. As it stands, I have to painstakingly go down the list of outfits and equip each one. This is fine (especially when it is an NPC with multiple outfits of one race I just want different armors on per outfit) but an added variable to equip all outfits would be swell.

    Something like: .ph forge npc outfit equip $item [#bonus/#slot] all


  3. There was a 2019 topic about this but I didn't want to necro it (and it was a bit overdescriptive).

    It would be nice to be able to set the respawn time on an NPC. Something as simple as ".npc set respawn $time" or ".ph forge npc respawn $time" where $time uses a number like 1000 = 1 second, the standard for other seconds-based commands.

    By default I believe the respawn timer is 5 mins which is pretty rough - I'm trying to have NPCs spawn out of portals, get killed at certain point, then respawn quickly to provide the illusion of them streaming in consistently. The waypoint & aggro aspect of this works great, but the long respawn timer makes it janky.


  4. I agree highly with this though maybe for a slightly different reason.

    "Just use the #roleplay-ads channel" is not a viable or acceptable answer as it is almost exclusively guild/phase advertisements which should also have their own channel or keep using the one they are in. A LFRP channel would generally be smaller scale, more casual and interpersonal, and not immediately drowned out by giant blocks of text, images, and new Discord invites.

  5. Hi ?

    The object 7lg_legion_walllarge01.wmo (ID 834994) is only viewable with a certain camera angle, which obstructs the view of everything else but the object. When the camera is angled outside of it, the object and character model are invisible.

    Both images taken at the same location:


  6. What is the possibility of getting a whitelisting function for toggle and appear?

    I've been running into a situation where I generally want to keep my app toggled off, but my friend apps to me basically whenever and I would like them to be able to do that without the dance that .tog app is.

    It could be a subcommand like .tog app whitelist #Name.

    I put summons in too since they are in the same vein.

  7. This is a long-term texture bug that is present in retail too, so I figure you may be aware but it's worth checking in.

    Is there any intent (if it's even possible) to fix male draenei eyes with eredar skins? The skins should turn the eyes fel green. It works for fem draenei, but not males, who keep the blue draenei eyes.

    This affects skins 18, 19, and 20 in the character creator.


  8. Heyo, Legion enjoyer back to make your life miserable with FEL LAVA.

    It doesn't work right anywhere it can be found in the world. Some areas it moves in that the texture shifts awkwardly, and some areas it doesn't move at all. None of the 'fel' watertile objects have any movement but do work as water. It seems like the warbling water effect is very confusing.

    There are some older zones with older workable fel lava such as Outland Shadowmoon, but those don't seem to exist as watertiles at all.

    Epsi is on the left, retail is on the right.


    Sample 1: Tanaan Jungle (outside HFC)



  9. Sorry for the wack title, it was hard to explain in a title-length sentence.

    What's affected:

    An object teleporter with multiple options (in this case, 8)

    What happens:

    Removing a single teleport location from the teleporter breaks the gossip prompt, which no longer pops up and offers options. The teleporter object immediately casts its setspell aura on you and nothing else.

    The teleport locations are preserved in the DB and gossip options did apparently return after a server reboot and also worked as expected, so this is a minor bug. I found this on object w/ GUID 636 in phase 64779 on Jan 20th, 3am Central USA time.

  10. Hi!

    I've had a thought about waypoints. Would it be possible to add a subcommand under .wayp mod that allows for the waypoint to select a random displayID (from the NPC's forged display list)?

    Case use:

    I have several demon NPCs that use waypoints to give the appearance of coming out of a portal, then going into another portal and disappearing for some time. They return to the original portal while invis and sit there on a delay. After the delay ends, they drop invis and fade in on waypoint 1, giving the sense of consistent portal use.

    With a displayID randomizer (from their existing index), my invis delay waypoint could choose a random displayID, and when the npc restarts its waypoint, it provides the illusion of being a different NPC each time.

    I can try to distill this explanation if needed but hopefully it makes enough sense.

    Thanks ? 

  11. Hey, I think maybe you guys are aware of this, but I just saw there's no bug report for it.

    Copying phase forged NPCs causes the copied NPC to gain a default outfit displayID later on - my guess is after a server restart when the NPCs respawn.

    Personally, most of my NPCs are not even created with an outfit display, and the one they gain (and almost always respawn with) afterward is randomly shoved in the list of indexed displays.

    After removing the anomalous displayID, the issue seems to be resolved permanently on the NPC.

    I don't have any current NPCs with this issue after fixing most of them recently but the last one affected was 701201 which I fixed a couple of days ago.

  12. Hi! I'm making some NPC gossips and had a thought.

    Would it be possible to have different backgrounds to choose from when creating NPC gossip? It's purely aesthetic and I am not sure if it would work with gossip from NPCs as opposed to object gossip like signs.

    I don't know where to find a list of the backgrounds I mean but I believe it's like the list you can see under the 'Backgrounds' dropdown in the TRP3 About section.


  13. • Type of Bug:
    Gameobject - automatic proximity activation
    • Description:
    Object 246296, 7sp_demonspider_eggbunch01.m2, automatically triggers when stepped on, wrapping the player in webs and spawning three Demon Spiderling creatures. This is just upon touching it which is hard to avoid when spawning.
    • Evidence (Chat message/Screenshot):
    Screenshot below.
    • Steps to reproduce:
    Just spawn object 246296 and be near it.
    • Expected result:
    This gob shouldn't trigger at all unless maybe activated, in previous builds it's been a solid object with collision.
    • Observed result:
    see above
    • Reproduction rate:
    • Additional information:
    Not much else to say, really. Thanks.


