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Gob Tele Gossip & AddOn Message expansion

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1) Expand Gob Tele's to support full Gossip menus just like NPC Gossip, regardless of Teleport additions. (Doesn't even need to be tele, I guess, but considering tele's use gossip menus for multi-option teleporting, I figured it might be best integrated? idk). This would allow better usage of objects for things like doors that have text (i.e., riddles) or such, if they don't have a creature model to use instead, or you need collision still.

2) Gob Tele AddOn Message option (i.e., .gob tele setenteraddonmessage $prefixNoSpaces $msg text with spaces).

  • When the tele is triggered, it sends the addon message to the player triggering it.

(Reason for AddOn message is we can use it directly without having to use gossip or anything at all, saving on having to handle that, and we can do something like: .gob tele setenteraddonmessage ARC_OPT_CAST myArcSpell, which the addon watches for ARC_OPT_CAST messages and handles them, ie., showing a pop-up button of "Click here to cast this Arcanum Spell!" (Plus it brings more options later for expanding tele's to interact with addons too)) 
I am not sure how the server tracks tele's and if it tracks when you leave a tele's range - It might be neat to also allow it to send an addonmessage when you leave the range too, like:

.gob tele setenteraddonmessage $prefix $msg
.gob tele setleaveaddonmessage $prefix $msg

addon message should also include the object's phase@guid preferably in the reply, probably just appended to the start of the message with a char(31) separator (so we can identify and track the messages with their appropriate object, incase you trigger two together)

Edited by MindScape



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No longer need the 2nd idea for Arc buttons (which became Sparks)- but the idea is still there for being able to make trigger points in phases that can do way more. 



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