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Everything posted by magnapopus

  1. Same. I can't open the videos. This guide is almost useless without the videos, sadly. Is there any other guide similar to this around for model editing?
  2. I'll consider! Thank you for the warm welcome, my dude! Godspeed.
  3. Greetings! As usual, I'm another RPH refugee after just trying it for less then a month and developing trust issues in the first week. My problem really is that I come from retail, a land where fun is at the forefront of the community, where it didn't mattered what you rped, it just mattered that you were not an asshole to people. I realized way too harshly that this may not be the case for phase-based private servers, but after refusing to conform to the grayness of the previous private server, I still hold hope. Now, I know I may sound like an obnoxious snowflake, and that I want people to approve my outlandish ideas to fulfill some deep insecurities within my soul... But what's so wrong in wanting to rp a hozen serving banana cocktails?!