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Posts posted by Norshar

  1. Management, all I have to say. People who slacked were allowed to stay in positions of power when other people could of taken them, therefore halting the assembly. I'd say more but many people have tackled the points I would of brought up, +1 to some of you.

  2. 13 hours ago, Romeo said:

    All-gamemaster server 'roleplayers' (laughtrack) aren't used to roleplay or lore in itself so of course they want to embed game mechanic talentpoints into their characters. There's no such thing as a combat rogue, destruction warlock, or frost mage. A mage is a mage, a warlock is a warlock, and a rogue is a rogue. There's variations, like in any other universe, but there's no mystical diverse path that states destruction warlocks are only destructive. These are in-game, mechanical things for game mechanics, it should not be confused for something taken in character, because it doesn't exist. People who put "combat rogue" and "destruction warlock" in their TRP as if it somehow adds any value makes no sense to me. There's far better ways to deepen your character than lazily slap on an in-game talentpoint tree.

    But it's actual lore though, another good example is Death Knights. They have three Instructors of whom teach Blood, Unholy, and Frost. It can be bland in some areas, but labeling yourself as a 'Frozen Knight' vs 'Frost Death Knight' has one difference and one title is just snowflakey. A Fire Mage vs Pyromancer. 


    Labeling yourself as a Havoc Demon Hunter in your TRP lets me know how your Demon Hunter fights and utilizes their abilities, though I do think using it as an IC term is a bit wonky but at the same time I don't think it's really important to worry over. It's just being direct rather than using some outlandish title. There's nothing wrong with being a Druid but calling yourself a 'Guardian of Nature' or being a Death Knight and calling yourself ' The Blood Reaper'. By all means, use exotic things such as that because calling yourself a baseline label can be bland as aforementioned but I don't think it's worth much of a debate over and I said what I said earlier to pick on him about it but in no means was it aimed to be malicious as you can see how we handled it. Also, some classes as said use those schools to differentiate even canonically.






  3. 9 hours ago, DerpyDoo said:

    Waaaait, dont YOU play a lot of Demon Hunters? I hadn't even realized!

    Also playful sass aside, at this present moment all moderation is done with the fact in mind that I am presently hosting it on Epsilon, with the limitations and understand of what that can do to my attempts at moderation. All situations that might have resulted in moderative action are also weighed carefully with the Epsilon situation as a definitive factor in mind.

    ye we talked it's fine, i play one demon hunter though. the chad hunter


    it's easy to be a chad hunter when you're the only hunter around....

  4. 4 minutes ago, Rosebane said:

    Welcome to Epsilon.


    @Insomnia is pre gey and not as fabulous as I am so... I'd be better help ;) (JK I'm shit at helping but if you wanna talk to someone My discord is OMFGJelly)

    you forgot the hashtag u reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  5. 20 hours ago, Rosebane said:

    The slots that were available to RP a High Elf / Blood Elf are full as you can see a little bit further into the post! So it would have to be a human unless @Rappa or someone else says other wise


    P.S. @Norshar. @Graxton I’m going to slap you both with a frying pan on Rosella when I see you guys

